On Github omero / ci-from-scratch
Omar Aguirre
My names is ....
I work for FFW (Formely knonw as Blink reaction & Propeople
We live in an environment where every day more products and services are based on software, where we can always find a number of problems, which doing a deep analysis always have a common enemy, the poor quality of the technology.
It is also a reality that every day, the software projects are becoming more and more complex, they interact with a large number of systems at once, and should not be surprising to have some errors.
The developers are living in a dangerous world of chalenges, therefore working with very complex environments and we haven't alternatives except that deal with it.
For that reason coming up, we are going to talk about some practices that can help us to overcome this challenges
Wikipedia says: Is the practice, in software engineering, of merging all developer working copies with a shared mainline several times a day.
Originally is something like integrate code, databases, etc of the development team into the main project at the production environments at the end of the day ...
This tedious task for only one person, in fact for all the team ... at the end of the day can do the project more slower and more expensive, and of course more boring.
When we are making software … one of the most exciting and important things is focus on the new features of our project, and sometimes we forgot and don’t see if our new features or components broke other part of our project.
Now the CI has evolutionate a lot, thanks to the automation and the hard work of the community, this has been passed from a tedious series of task to some kind of awesome magic.