null is India's largest open security community. null is about spreading information security awareness
Registered since 2010 actively present as 11 Chapters
Whats the aim
Awareness.Knowledge Sharing.Networking
Driven by to motive of drilling in the basics of Information Security.
To Developers,Individuals and Corporates
Collaboration with other communities to ensure variety and to furthur the cause
Calling for Proposals from new faces
We are..
Amiya Dutta,InfoSec Researcher|
Suamntro Mukherjee,ReMo and Firefox OS App Rev|
Avik,Revolgen Systems|
Interested in joining us?
Contact us!
visit us at
What happens in null kolkata?
We have some specific set of activities
Lets have a look
n|l Monthly Meets
Much like the one we have having today
a set of super cool people share the knowledge
and some snacks
Almost a whole day,once a month.
Once Every Six Month
n|l Humla and n|l Bachaav
One whole day of LIVE hacking in the biggest way possible