Mobile HTM5 apps that can compete with native

Mobile HTM5 apps that can compete with native

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Presentation for Brooklyn JS about mobile html5 apps

On Github nolanlawson / brooklyn-js-html5-mobile-apps

Mobile HTM5 apps that can compete with native

Nolan Lawson

(Speaker notes are in the console.log)
Hi, I'm Nolan Lawson. I work for Squarespace doing Android and mobile web, and in my spare time I help maintain PouchDB, a JavaScript database.

HTC Magic, 2009

I've been doing Android development for awhile. This was my first smartphone, and also the second-ever Android phone. I thought it was pretty awesome back then.
I've written a lot of Android apps. But the problem with all these apps is that they're written in Java, so they only run on Android. Java used to hold the promise of being the "write once, run everywhere" platform, but nowadays that mantle has mostly passed to JavaScript.
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows Phone
  • Blackberry
  • Firefox OS
  • Web
  • Windows
  • OS X
  • Linux
  • Chrome OS
  • etc.
So nowadays, this dream I've been tinkering with for awhile is that I could write an app once, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and then deploy it to a variety of mobile and even desktop platforms. Today this is 100% possible with tools like Cordova née PhoneGap, Node-Webkit, and Atom Shell.
But the problem has always been performance. The conventional wisdom nowadays is that you just can't get native-level performance from web technologies. Facebook famously migrated their apps from HTML5 to native, Twitter followed suit, and many other apps became thick clients or dropped the web altogether.

Nexus 6, 2014

But you know, it's 2015, and phones have gotten a lot more powerful since my HTC Magic's heydey. So I think we can revise these assumptions, and give HTML5 a second chance. I think that in 2015 you can achieve native-level performance for most apps you want to write, but you have to know the tricks in order to do it.
  • Animations
  • Android
  • Frameworks
  • Offline-first
I'm going to talk about 4 main tricks.

Animations smooth as

So what do we want? Buttery-smooth animations. We want animations like we're used to seeing on our mobile devices, as we swipe left and right on our home screens.
JavaScript animations
Normal CSS animations
Hardware-accelerated CSS animations
On the web, there are actually lots of ways to do animations. But in this handy diagram, I demonstrate which ones I think you should be using. I know this is Brooklyn JS, but I'm here to tell you: please stop using JavaScript animations. No more jQuery animations, no more Y.anim; it's got to stop.
JavaScript animation (left) vs. hardware-accelerated CSS animation (right)
Look at this comparison of JavaScript animations (using Y.Anim) and hardware-accelerated CSS animations, using the same hardware. They're just not in the same league. That's because JavaScript is bound to the event loop - the same event loop that can't guarantee that setTimeout() will actually execute that many milliseconds later. This is not what you want for your complex bezier curves and easing functions. By comparison, hardware-accelerated CSS animations convert the DOM node into an image, then animate it on a separate layer using the GPU. It's doing what GPUs were built to do, which is push pixels around. It's off the CPU, it doesn't require a re-paint, and it's very fast.
OK, so how do we get these cool animations? First, you use CSS animations - either keyframes or transitions are fine. But you have to be careful to only manipulate one of these 4 properties. If you try to manipulate anything else, then you won't get hardware acceleration. There are some exceptions - e.g. the regular translate will also give hardware acceleration in some browsers, so you don't necessarily need translate3d. But these are the four to stick with if you want to play it safe.
top / left
top / left / translateZ(0)
Run JS for 1 second Now if you don't believe me, and you go running off using CSS animations without using transforms/opacity, you'll get something faster than JavaScript animations, but still not as fast as hardware-accelerated animations. (And thus not as fast as native.) Also, the non-GPU animations are blocked by JavaScript and the DOM!
Full FPS demo (see also Jake Archibald vid in sources)
In the links at the end of these slides, I have a Jake Archibald video where he goes over all these different techniques and shows exactly what the performance looks like on a Nexus 7. It's a great example of how you can fool yourself by only testing on your desktop machine, because notice how those snakes look fine on desktop but horrible on the tablet. I also tinkered with his demo and attached it to these slides.

The Android problem

Now, I'm going to move on to some Android-specific advice.

Android is the new IE

Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Chart context menu% users and HTML5 Test score by version2.2: 1872.3: 1874.0: 2724.2: 2784.3: 3844.4: 4285.0 (estimated):
Source: Android dashboards, fetched on 9 January 2015, and
If you want to know what Android web development is like, imagine a parallel universe where instead of IE being the non-evergreen browser everyone hated, it was Chrome. And every user had a different version of Chrome, so you had to worry about bugs in Chrome 37 that didn't appear in Chrome 36, or you had to worry about bugs introduced by Samsung and HTC that only appeared on their phones. That's Android. These are the HTML5 test scores for the WebView in each of the recent major Android version. If you test your desktop browser (Firefox or Chrome), it'll score around 500. Only Android 5.0 Lollipop actually scores that well, because it's actually, finally, an evergreen WebView. That's the one you want, and it's less than 0.1% of all users.

The table is included here for accessibility.

Android 2.2 2.3 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.0 (estimated) Score 187 187 272 278 384 428 497 Coverage 0.035% 7.8% 6.7% 39.5% 6.5% 39.1% 0.05%
Luckily, we finally have a solution to this problem. Intel has put out a free, open-source library called Crosswalk that allows you to basically bundle the latest version of Chromium with your app. Then you can use that instead of the WebView. It gives you a consistent target to code to, and it works back to Android 4.0. Oh, and did I mention performance?
Android 4.4.4 WebView (left, Chromium v33) vs. Chrosswalk (right, Chromium v38)
This is the same app running on Android 4.4.4 WebView vs the Crosswalk XWalkView. It's not an old version of Android at all - it's the one right before Lollipop - and yet the difference in performance is huge. I've seen old 4.0 phones that outperform 4.4 just because they're running Crosswalk. Crosswalk adds about 20MB to the download size of your APK, because you're basically giving your users Chrome, but for what you get, it's definitely worth it. You get the Lollipop experience all the way back to Android 4.0, which covers nearly all Android users. This is probably the single best thing you can do to improve the performance of your hybrid app. I can't recommend it enough.

Pick your frameworks carefully

This final point is about frameworks. Now I know we all love our MVC and CSS frameworks...
But if you're doing mobile development, you can find the performance a little underwhelming. This is not a jab at any framework in particular - we all care about performance, but I'm just saying that mobile isn't necessarily their number-1 concern, so we have to be cautious and try stuff out in advance.

Mobile-optimized frameworks

And if you're really worried about performance, you can try one of the many mobile-optimized frameworks. There are a bunch of these out there, and they all have different tricks to get better performance on mobile.
Angular ng-repeat (left) vs. Ionic collection-repeat (right)
For example, here's something Ionic has done. On the right, you have Ionic's custom collection-repeat directive, which is a replacement for the standard Angular ng-repeat directive, i.e. the thing that shows a list of items. And you'll notice that the Ionic one is way faster than the Angular one, and that I can actually flick through the list of items just as fast as I could on a native list. How they did this is actually really interesting. They just used the same trick that the native UICollectionView (iOS) or ListView (Android) does, which is that they only render those DOM elements that are currently visible. So now we finally have smooth, fast-scrolling lists on the mobile web!


Last but not least, I want to talk about offline-first. The basic idea of offline-first is that you want to cache aggressively, and prefer talking to the local data store rather than the network. And the reason you want to do that is that the network is slow and unreliable. And every time your app needs to make a network call before it can proceed, your users have to stare at a spinner. This can slow down your app a ton, and furthermore it means your app can stop working when your users go on the subway or a far corner of the building with poor reception. You can make lovely spinners with CSS animations that give beautiful animations, but people aren't using your app to look at a spinner. Everything I said before about smooth animations and crisp UIs doesn't matter if your users are staring at a spinner. This technique is important for desktop, but it's especially important for mobile, because of just how slow cell networks are.
Ilya Grigorik - Breaking the 1000ms Time to Glass Mobile Barrier
This video by Ilya Grigorik is a must-see. The basic takeaway is that mobile networks are slow, especially when it comes to latency, and 4G is not going to save us. Furthermore, these numbers he points out (100-400 milliseconds) are the best case. If the radio needs to warm up, then this is a lot greater. And if the user dips offline, then the latency shoots to infinity. On the other hand, once a connection is open, you can actually download data pretty fast. So much of the solution here is the same stuff we've done for years - concatenating, minifying, spriting, and reducing the number of network requests. But with offline-first, you can take it one step further.

Offline-first libraries

  • PouchDB
  • LocalForage
  • YDN-DB
  • Hoodie
  • Lawnchair
  • RemoteStorage
  • MakeDrive
  • IndexedDBShim
There are lots of libraries out there for doing offline-first, but I'm just going to quickly show one way we use PouchDB at Squarespace in our hybrid Android app for faster image loading.
easy offline images
We have an open-source PouchDB plugin called pouchdb-lru-cache, which, when combined with another library I wrote called blob-util, gives you an easy way to cache images offline.
And this is what it looks like. On the left, you have images loading normally, using a throttled wifi endpoint we use to simulate a slow 2G network, and on the right is the second time around, when we load the images from PouchDB. Blink and you might miss it!
Loading images on a slow connection (left) vs. Cached images in PouchDB (right)
var db = new PouchDB('my-images');
db.initLru(5000000); // store 5 MB max

function getImageSrc(src) {
  return db.lru.get(src).then(function (blob) {
    return blobUtil.createObjectURL(blob); // cached
  }).catch(function () { // not cached
    return blobUtil.imgSrcToBlob(src).then(function (blob) {
      return db.put(src, blob); // cache it
    }).then(function () {
      return src;
Basically you can think of this as a poor man's Service Worker. We are overriding the browser's built-in cache, which normally would be cleared when a user closes our app. Instead, we are setting a max limit of how much data we want to store, then we are downloading images and putting them in the cache if they aren't already there. Then if they're cached, we can just show an image instantly instead of waiting for it to load all over again. It's an LRU, so the least-recently used images get evicted from the cache. We actually go one step further and maintain two caches - a hi-res one and a low-res one. The low-res one is essentially infinite, so that means that, even if a user is offline and their hi-res image got evicted, we can still show them a lo-res image. Basically, if they've downloaded an image once, they'll never have to download it again. This gives them a faster experience whether they're online or offline.
  • Harness the GPU for animations
  • Use Crosswalk for Android
  • Choose your frameworks wisely
  • Go offline-first

