Teaching designers how to code – Because Photoshop is grim as balls – You'll also need a webserver

Teaching designers how to code – Because Photoshop is grim as balls – You'll also need a webserver

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On Github ninjabiscuit / teaching-designers-to-code

Teaching designers how to code

Because Photoshop is grim as balls

Created by @ninjabiscuit

What's it all about?

Getting up and running with the tools, techniques and open source projects that'll help you start prototyping layouts and designs in the browser

What's it not about?

Best practices, everyday terminal use, in depth coding techniques


You don't have to be the best developer, or even a good developer to make something useful or meaningful

Lets get started

You'll need an editor

You'll also need a webserver

If you're using a Mac you already have one - you just need to enable it

Setting up web sharing on OSX Lion 10.7 and 10.6

(you'll only need to do this once)

Mountain Lion is a bit trickier

To open the OS X Terminal utility type (cmd+space) terminal (enter) Create and edit an Apache user config file named after your user account by typing:
sudo pico /etc/apache2/users/`whoami`.conf
Copy the following text into the Terminal editor that opens, but be sure to change the "username" text to the short name of your user account:
  <Directory "/Users/username/Sites/">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
Save and close the editor by pressing Control-O followed by Control-X. Credit: Topher Kessler

Mountain Lion continued

To enable the server even after subsequent reboots, type the following command:

sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd Disabled -bool false

Hopefully you won't have to screw with any of this again

You should now be able to access your webserver at localhost (change "andrewwalker" to the short name of your user account)


Lets create a new project

You should have a folder called Sites in your home directory - if not, create one now

All your future projects will live in the Sites directory

Create a new project

Create a new folder in Sites called design1

Open the project in Sublime Text 2

File > Open

Select the design1 folder

Before we start coding, lets talk open source

There are a wealth of projects on github and elsewhere that have been created to help developers get up and running quickly

HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5BP enables you to set up the bare bones of a web page with ease: HTML5 Boilerplate

It includes

  • A basic html5 template with correct doctype, body, head, jquery and some other goodies
  • Normalize.css - an HTML5-ready alternative to CSS resets
  • Some basic styles and helper classes (main.css)
  • Lots of other good stuff


Grid frameworks set up some basic CSS classes to make it easier to layout sites.

Some are responsive, others aren't - if you're working to a grid use whatever works for you.

Some grid frameworks

Placeholder Services

If you're wireframing or designing without final imagery, you may want to use an image placeholder service like placehold.it

Back to our project

Lets download and include HTML5 Boilerplate and Flyn

Copy the contents of the HTML5BP into your project folder Create a new file in the css directory called flyn.css and copy the code from the link above into that file The flynn stylesheet can be added to index.html between normalize and main on line 16
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/normalize.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/flynn.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css">


If you want to collaborate with other designers and developers you need to get up and running with Github. But it's easier than you think!


There's an app for that! http://mac.github.com/

Mother F**king coding - How does it work?

Amazon Web Services and Simple Storage Service

You can get started with Amazon S3 for free.