Created by Pawel Dolega / @pdolega
Atlassian tagline
On-premises source code management for Git that's secure, fast, and enterprise grade. Create and manage repositories, set up fine-grained permissions, and collaborate on code – all with the flexibility of your servers. Oh hey, these are some notes. They'll be hidden in your presentation, but you can see them if you open the speaker notes window (hit 's' on your keyboard).
branch checkout merge rebase reset
Basically you can mix & combine & create your own
The further you go from intensive development towards production and support the more complex branching model becomes
How to keep stable line while developing new feats possibly intertwined with critical bugfixes
How to make sure that all changes before reaching main line are:
How to avoid putting burden of resolving conflicts on single person (aka. lieutenant )
~ server-side clone
Shows differences between branches* possibly between forks
Or in general from one branch to the other * doesn't really matter if branches are on the same fork or not
fork clone remotes
// clone your fork git clone // add upstream (main repo) git remote add upstream // create your feature branch git branch new_feat git checkout new_feat git push --set-upstream origin new_feat // .... work (add, commit, etc) git push origin new_feat
... the rest is as it's always been (commit, push, fetch, merge, rebase)
You never push to main repo. You only push to your fork.
Basically on-premise Github / Bitbucket (more of the latter)
Overview, browsing repos, forks, code, commits
Committing code, merging, PR, collaboration