Built by:Hannah Oppenheimer and Mike Wenger
Personal Experiences with Depression
- MIKE: Mom said she didn't know how serious it was
- MIKE: If she did, she wouldn't have known what to do
- HANNAH: This is the NYU Library. 3 suicides in span of a few years.
- HANNAH: Couldn't find my friend who had been depressed. I realized I hadn't touched based with him in a week or two because I was pretty busy studying. Felt helpless.
How many of your Facebook friends are stuggling with Depression?
- Most Common Mental Illness (40 million people)
- 10th leading cause of death in the US
- 2nd leading cause of death for college students
- Costs related to depression in US: over $42B per year
- That's 18% of the adult population
- 1 minute and 13 seconds. (~ eight people will have taken their lives by the end of this pitch)
Studies suggest that for every reported death by suicide, 12 people are admitted to hospitals for having harmed themselves
- That's one third of the entire US mental Health bill
Cause and side effect of chronic illness
People with an anxiety disorder are three to five times more likely to go to the doctor and six times more likely to be hospitalized. Leading to other chronic illnesses (substance abuse)
The Role of Friends and Family
- Therapy and medications are critical to treatment, but often come too late, or never at all.
- While loved ones cannot cure or treat depression, they are often the first to recognize warning signs, and just aren't sure what to do.
- When a person is diagnosed with cancer, the entire family rallies to support. If it's a mental illness, the patient is left alone to deal with "personal issues."
- Stigma it once was. Identify it early
- Once someone has a plan in place, ongoing support to maintain
Barriers to Action
Mental illness stigma: "It's a choice"
Busy schedules
Person living with depression says they don't want help
Don't know where to start, feel overwhelmed into paralysis
- Life is busy. I have my own issues and stresses, this person can fend for themselves.
- Do I talk about it with them? Do i ignore it?
BrightDay Offers a Solution
- BrightDay is a mobile website that offers personalized support for caregivers and loved ones of those living with Depression.
- Easy, anonymous, simple disease information and support suggestions.
- Marketed to Facebook users (to take advantage of known interests and locations data), but can be used by anyone.
THIS IS WHERE WE SHOW THE PRODUCTNIMA, Jed Foundation, Mental Health Foundation, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Ganley Foundation, ADAA, Pharma Companies, Upworthy
Switch over to prototype. Would live on Facebook. Very sharable.
BrightDay Will Be Self Sustaining
Backed by a network of pharmaceutical companies looking to boost education on depression
License De-Personalized Data
Links to Affliate Organizations
Products section prime for subtle advertising
There are several revenue streams that are available.
Precedent for this type of collaboration across other diseases where a rising tide lifts all boats.
Have rich demographic and relational data on depression. Pharmacuetical companies and others will find value in this. Make sure the terms of services accounts for this.
Lesser stream - any product or ticket recommendations can be run through relevant affiliate programs
Measured Outcomes
We will closely track:
# and type of connections
# and type of actions taken
Survey data from "Conerned about Hannah?" section
Follow-up Surveys completed from text notifications
For Future Development...
Iterate using input from psychologists, social workers, and patient community
Develop version tailored to those living with Depression
Expand Survey Engine
Optimizing "Ideas" Algorithm
Identify Partners to Incorporate BrightDay on their Website
Work With Legal Team on Privacy and Terms of Service
Connect depressed person's severe indicators with loved one's alerts.
Not really affected by HIPPA but depending on business model, would ensure that self identification is anonymized
We would work with therapists, counselors, and mental health professionals to curate the best options from existing APIs
Eventbrite, Ticketmaster, Facebook, Google products, Doctor search...
Connect depressed person's severe indicators with loved one's alerts.
Not really affected by HIPPA but depending on business model, would ensure that self identification is anonymized
We would work with therapists, counselors, and mental health professionals to curate the best options from existing APIs
Eventbrite, Ticketmaster, Facebook, Google products, Doctor search...