Refactoring to Symfony Components – ...and their friends – The components

Refactoring to Symfony Components – ...and their friends – The components

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Refactoring to Symfony Components: talk for ConFoo 2014

On Github mkpeacock / talk-confoo-2014-refactoring-to-symfony-components

Refactoring to Symfony Components

...and their friends

Michael Peacock


  • PHP Developer / Consultant
  • Technical author
  • Occasional conference speaker

The components

The symfony framework is built using a series of re-usable components, which have been released independantly. These range from browser emulation, to generating console output, to generating forms, validating forms, translating to application routing.

Why use components

  • Solve common web application problems
  • Incredibly well documented
  • (relatively) Standalone: use them how you like
  • Ideal for refactoring
4 fragments. solve probs; well docd; standalone; refactoring. Why are they ideal for refactoring: let you upgrade one piece at a time, stand alone, etc, let you focus on your business logic not the common stuff most web applications need.


Composer: the knight in shining armour

Download it

curl -s | php

Create a composer.json file

    "require": {
    	"symfony/the-project-name": "dev-master",

Run composer

php composer.phar install
The components are easily installable through composer, which makes adding them to your project either one at time or all in one go, a breeze. Using this approach it is also easy to check the components you have running are secure, by running your composer.lock file through the symfony security checker.

Their friends

  • Swift mailer
  • Twig
  • Pimple
  • Desarrolla2\Cache

What's in store

  • Autoloading classes with ClassLoader
  • Routing requests with Routing
  • Listening for events with the EventDispatcher
  • Parsing YAML files with the YAML component
  • HTTP Requests and responses with HTTPFoundation
  • Injecting dependencies with Pimple
  • Templates with Twig

Our refactoring tale

Speed up development & modernise legacy codebase

Over the past two years, I've been involved in a number of refactoring and rebuild projects; one such project involved in a legacy application; for a local news service wanting to go national. They had a great developer there working on the product, but due to the codebase being a legacy hand-me-down from many developers before him, it was slow to add new features. We were given the mandate to replatform the product to make it quicker to build on, and to add a range of new features at the same time. For us the choice was between something existing (Drupal, wordpress, Joomla), something brand new, or something else.Because of the amount of data, tight deadlines, and business logic trapped in the code, we opted to refactor what was already there. A process which saw us refactor in small iterations, focusing more and more on what the application does.

Legacy refactoring journey

  • Messy structure, some procedural code: ClassLoader
  • Globals, singletons and crazy objects: Pimple
  • Scattered routing logic, long if/else conditions: Routing
  • Hardcoded configurations: YAML
  • Duplicated logic: EventDispatcher
  • PHP & HTML mixed together: Twig
  • Duplicate form logic, spagetti code: Validator
  • Other improvements: Mailer, HTTPFoundation, Translation & Validator

Messy structure & procedural code

The legacy code was messy, with files all over the place, some of it was proceedural, some of it objects, some of them singletones. We needed to be able to restructure the application into something which made more sense, gradually, and have these files available when classes are autoloaded.

Class Loader

This is where the class loader comes in; provided we structure our code in a suitable way, the symfony class loader can automatically pull in our files, with us focusing on the application and not the logic for autoloading the files.

Laying the foundations

  • Controllers
  • PSR-0
    • Namespace the code
    • Restructure into a better directory heirarchy
    • Component based structure for our own code too
The first thing we did to refactor the code was move our procedural code to objects; this particularly affected the controllers, which were only objects when the controller actions dealt with form processing, other controllers were simply files that were included and executed in a monolithic fashion.


$namespaces = [
    'VendorName\\Namespace' => __DIR__ .'/',
    'VendorName\\AnotherNamespace' => __DIR__ .'/'
$loader = new \Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader();
Using it is really straight forward, we create an array map of our namespaces and their containing folder, we create a new instance of the universal class loader, register the class loader, and then tell the class loader to register our namespaces.


Support for APC available, just needs to be enabled; Not necessary if using PHP 5.5

Globals, singletons and crazy objects

The code used globals, singletones and crazy god-like objects to ensure the application was aware of its dependencies such as database, authentication and so on. This was a big problem, as it wasn't clear what used what, nor was it easy for us to reuse, test or maintain.


Pimple is a dependency injection container which lets us easily manage and inject dependencies into projects. We put the dependencies into a container, and then we inject this container into our code which uses it.

Refactoring to use a container

class SomeModel
	public function __construct()
		$sql = "";
		$query = Database::query($sql);

class SomeModel
	public function __construct($container=array())
		// TODO: further refactor once d.i.c. in place
		$sql = "";
		$query = Database::query($sql);
of course ot use a dependency injection container, our classes need to be updated to support an injected dependency injection container. As we don't yet have the container, we make the injection optional, and for the moment continue using the old, non injected methods. Now however, we can build our injection container and put dependencies in it.

Lazy loading

By utilising closures, code isn't run until it is first requested / called; i.e. database connection is established only when you first try and use the connection

$container['db'] = function($c) {
	return new \PDO("...", $c['db_user'], $c['db_pwd']);
We can then add a dependency to our container by creating a new property in the object (using the ArrayAccess implementation which Pimple provides us). By wrapping the code in a closure, it isn't evaluated until we first try and access the PDO object from the container. The paramater passed to the closure is injected by pimple, and is a copy of the container itself.

Further refactoring

class SomeModel
	public function __construct($container=array())
		$sql = "";
		$query = $container['db']->query($sql);

Creating your own container

Particularly useful for re-use and different use-cases (cli vs web)

namespace Project\Framework\Container;

class MyContainer extends \Pimple
    public function __construct(array $values = array())
        // add things to the container here
we can extend pimple, all we need to do is implement the constructor, and from here add our dependencies. Makes the container reusable, distributable and lets us have different containers for different use-cases (e.g. web container and a CLI container - has proved quite useful)

Controller refactoring (before)

class SomeController
	// ...

	public function someAction()
		$model = new SomeModel($this->container);
Now, since the initial refactoring to include pimple, we instantiate objects and pass pimple along...

Reducing new...containers within containers

namespace Faceifi\Framework\Container;

class DataAccessObjects extends \Pimple
    public function __construct(array $values = array())

        $this['user'] = $this->share(function($c) {
            return new UserDao($c['container']);
Discuss about using pimple as a factory and dao container

Controller refactoring (after)

class SomeController
	// ...

	public function someAction()
		$model = $this->container['factories']['some_model']->newModel();
Similarly we also used these containers for factory management. This allowed us to reduce places where the new keyword is used, ensuring objects can be mocked, injected and changed as required. This was particularly helpful when we moved files, objects and classes around; since we had to move them this was an excuse to abstract this out, so any future file moves won't impact so many files.

Hardcoded configurations


A YAML file

  host: 'localhost'
  user: 'root'
  pass: ''
  name: 'db'
  port: 3306
  auto_patch: true

  production: false
  skin: 'release'
  site_url: 'http://localhost:4567/'

Parsing a YAML file

$yaml = new Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser();

$parsed_settings = $yaml->parse(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/config.yml'));
Once parsed the data from the YAML file is converted into an array.



Unfortunately there isn't any built in caching, so you would probably want to consider adding your own

Scattered routing logic, long if/else conditions


Refactoring foundations

Mostly taken care of when we ensured all controllers were objects and that the new structure followed PSR-0. Controllers refactored like so:

public function __construct($container)
	$this->container = $container;

public function someRoute($date, $some_id) {} 
first we had to make everything an object; with a constructor which accepts a container, any paramaters to routes need to be defined in the routes file

Setting it up

Alias some of the namespaces

use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext;
use Symfony\Component\Routing;

Prepare dependencies

$locator = new FileLocator([FRAMEWORK_PATH]);
$request = (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']:'';
$context = new RequestContext($request, $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);


$router = new Routing\Router(new YamlFileLoader($locator), 'routes.yml', [], $context);
3 fragments - alias some symfony namespaces - prepare the required dependencies - create the routing object

Routes file

  pattern: /
  defaults: { class: 'Project\Static\Controller', method: 'homePage' }
    _method: GET
Routes file (yaml) has a list of routes, they have a name, a pattern (some regex or string), defaults (explain them) and optionally some requiements (format of URL elements; post/get/put/delete) etc.


try {
    $url = (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : '';
    // get rid of the trailing slash
    $url = (strlen($requestURL) > 1) ? rtrim($requestURL, '/') : $url;

    $route = $router->match($url);
    $controller = new $route['class']($container);
    $action = $controller->$route['method']();
catch (Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException $e) {
    // todo: 404
NB: routes in next slide. Now we can route the request, get the URL being requested, call the route method,.This gives us an array containing the route name, controller and method - as defined in our route file.We can then instantiate the correct controller, and call the correct route action.

Route variables

  pattern: /news/{category}/{date}/{article}
  defaults: { class: 'Comments\Controller::addComment' }
    date: "[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}"
    _method: POST
$route = $router->match($url);
    $controller = new $route['class']($container);
    $method = $route['method'];
    unset($route['name'], $route['class'], $route['method']);
    call_user_func_array([$controller, $method], $route);
Our routes can also specify custom fragments, and formats for those, e.g. date. We need to pass these to the route, so we remove the other info (route name, controller and method) leaving us with an array of paramaters. call_user_func_array ensures they get passed to the route action.

A step further: model hydration

  • Iterate through route variables
  • Map to factories, e.g. user_id => user_factory->createFromId
  • Add resulting map (or original value if no mapping) to a new array

Authentication control

  pattern: /account
  defaults: { class: 'Project\Account\Controller', method: 'manage', logged_in: true }
    _method: GET
if (isset($route['logged_in'])) {
    if (is_null($container['user'])) {
        // User is trying to access logged in only content - redirect to login and store redirect

Route caching

$router = new Routing\Router(new YamlFileLoader($locator), 'routes.yml', ['cache_dir' => '/var/www/cache/'], $context);

UTM data, etc

$url = preg_replace('/&?utm_(.*?)\=[^&]+/', '', $url);
$url = (substr($url, -1) == '?') ? rtrim($url, '?') : $url;

Duplicated logic

Our application was filled with duplicated logic, or horribly method dependencies for things like sending emails when certain actions are performed. This makes removing these difficult, introducing new ones difficult, and so on.

Event dispatcher


Code should do one thing and do it well. If you have code which saves a comment it should do that, not do that and then email other commenters to inform them. Let it do its job and then raise an event to say its done; then an event listener whose job it is to send those notifications, can pick it up While yes it might be easy to call another method - but its then hard to remove or add other things.

Use cases

  • Redirecting the user / flash notifications
  • Sending transactional emails
  • Adding a product to a basket
  • Hooking into other features to share other features e.g. tweet on content creation

Redirection & "flash" notifications

Raise an event Listen for notification events, and log the notification in-session Listen for a redirect event, and redirect

Ordering is important here as we don't want to redirect before setting the session!


  • Raise an event related to the action the user undertook
  • Listen (high priority) and set session data for the 'flash notification'
  • Listen (low priority) and perform an HTTP redirect
  • Events must extend the symfony event

User Registered Event

namespace Project\Framework\Events;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;
class UserRegisteredEvent extends Event
    protected $user;

    public function __construct($user = null)
        $this->user = $user;

    public function getUser()
        return $this->user;


namespace Project\Framework\Listeners;

use Project\Framework\Events;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;

class PersistantNotificationListener
	public function setNewUserNotification($event)
		$_SESSION['system_notification'] = 'Thanks for signing up!';
        $_SESSION['system_notification_class'] = 'success';


Another listener

namespace Project\Framework\Listeners;

use Project\Framework\Events;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;

class RedirectionListener
    public function postRegistrationRedirect($event)
    	// TODO: use routing url generator!
        header("Location: /users/" . $event->getUser()->getId() );


Listen up...

  • Create an event dispatcher
  • Create instance of listener
  • Add the listener
    • Event name
    • A callable e.g. Object/Method array combo, Closure, etc
    • Priority: for multiple listeners listening for the same event

Listen up

$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();

// Notification (Success, Warning, Error)
$listener = new Listeners\PersistantNotificationListener();
$dispatcher->addListener('user.registered', [$listener, 'setNewUserNotification'], 10);

// Redirect
$listener = new Listeners\RedirectionListener();
$dispatcher->addListener('user.registered', [$listener, 'postRegistrationRedirect'], 0);


$user = $this->processRegistration($http_request);
$event = new Events\UserRegisteredEvent($user);
$dispatcher->dispatch('user.registered', $event);

Listen better

The approach we have discussed gets repetative over time. Instead:

Have your listeners implement an interface to expose what they listen for

interface EventListenerInterface

    public function getImplementedEvents();

    public function getDefaultEventPriority();

With this: redirection listeners can store a mapping of events and redirections, and perform the redirection from a single method call


get/set Name

Standard event

We tend to use our own event object which extends the symfony one. This holds a payload which is our event related object.


namespace Project\Framework\Events;

class Event extends \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event
    protected $payLoad;

    public function setPayLoad($payload)
        $this->payLoad = $payload;

    public function getPayLoad()
        return $this->payLoad;

Queue actions based off events

  • Create a queueable listener
  • High(est?) priority
  • Just log the action to be taken, and enough information for a background worker: e.g. email/new-user/9871
talk about how we do this with image>resize>s3 on FFY

Processing queued events

Symfony Console

Great for command line tasks. Customisable with options and paramaters: default action for a command could be to process a job queue, but options could let you manually trigger actions. e.g. email sending

PHP & HTML mixed together


Setup and load

// create a twig filesystem loader so it can access templates
$loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem('templates');
// create a new twig environment and pass it the loader
$twig = \Twig_Environment($loader);

Load and render template

// load the template
// render it
$twig->render(['title' => 'variable']);

Refactoring to twig

A place to prepare twig and also perform any non-twig presentation logic. Keeps the data de-coupled from the workings of the template engine

abstract class View
	public function __construct($container)
		$loader = new \Twig_Loader_FileSystem('templates');
		$this->templateEngine = new \Twig_Environment($loader);

	public function generate($model=null);

	public function render($template_file)
		echo $twig->render($this->container->templateVariables);

Pimple issue / add global

Can't modify property, e.g. array, once its in pimple. Options: 1. use array access 2. use an object that converts to array 3. add directly to twig with the addGlobal option

Twig templates

{{ some_variable }}

{# some comment #}

{% set list_of_items = variable.getItems() %}

{% for item in list_of_items %}
	<li>{{loop.index}}: {{}}</li>
{% else %}
	<li>Empty :-(</li>
{% endfor %}
Dot syntax is very special. It can be used to access object properties, object methods, array elements, and even object getter methods. Templates can also be extended to chain multiple templates together.

Template caching

This caches compiled templates not output

$this->twig = new \Twig_Environment($loader, [
                'cache' => '/var/www/cache/templates/,

Output caching

Setup output caching

use Desarrolla2\Cache\Cache;
use Desarrolla2\Cache\Adapter\File;

$adapter = new File();
$adapter->setOption('ttl', (int) $container['misc_config']->cache->ttl);
try {
    $adapter->setOption('cacheDir', '/var/www/cache/pages/');
catch (\Exception $e) {
    // temporarily let the application use the /tmp folder?

$cache = new Cache($adapter);

Integrating output caching

$cache_key = md5($url);
if ($cache_enabled && $route['cachable']) {
	if(is_null($this->container['user'] && $cache->has($cache_key)) {
		echo $cache->get($cache_key);


use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
$constraints = new Assert\Collection([
    'name' => [
    	new Assert\NotBlank(['message' => 'You must provide a name']),
    	new Assert\Length(['min' => 5, 'max' => 255])
    'email' => [
        new Assert\NotBlank(['message' => 'You must provide your email']),
        new Assert\Email(),
        new Assert\Callback(...)

Validate request

$validator = \Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation::createValidator();

$violations = $validator->validateValue($_POST, $contstraints);


Abstracting superglobals, the HTTP request and the HTTP response


use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();

Provides a parameter bag of properties

Property Purpose request store $_POST query store $_GET cookies store $_COOKIE attributes application specific files $_FILE server $_SERVER headers subset of $_SERVER

A parameter bag?

Request properties are all ParameterBag or sub-classes Provides special methods to manage contents, including:

  • all
  • keys
  • get
  • add
  • set
  • has
  • remove


use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

$response = new Response();
$response->setContent('Hello Confoo');
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/plain');

// alternatively...
$response = new Response('Hello Confoo', 200, ['content-type', 'text/plain']);


// send the response to the user


Worth a mention

Swift mailer

SMTP Transport

$transport = \Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance($container['settings']['smtp']['host'], 25)

Create the message

$this->message = \Swift_Message::newInstance($subject)
	->setFrom([$from => $from_name])
	->setTo([$recipient => $recipient_name])
	->setBody($body, $content_type);

Send the message

$mailer = \Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);

return $mailer->send($message);


Image credits
