On Github mkpeacock / talk-confoo-2014-flexible-payments-with-stripe
Michael Peacock
"stripe/stripe-php": "v1.11.0",
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://js.stripe.com/v2/">
'stripe': '//js.stripe.com/v2/?1',
<form action="/charge" method="POST"> <script src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button" data-key="{{ stripe_publishable_key }}" data-image="/square-logo.png" data-currency="CAD" data-name="Confoo" data-description="1 ticket ($845.00)" data-amount="84500"> </script> </form>By including the stripe checkout javascript, this places a button on your site. Clicking that button presents the user with a stripe-provided modal window, which collects payment details. The data attributes let you customise the details of the charge, and even add a logo to the modal.
Stripe.card.createToken({ number: $('.card-number').val(), cvc: $('.card-cvc').val(), exp_month: $('.card-expiry-month').val(), exp_year: $('.card-expiry-year').val() }, stripeResponseHandler);Stripe JS can be used to create a token from a self-hosted form, provided you disable the default form action with JavaScript. Two caveats; SSL is mandatory for production; and the form fields which relate to the credit card data for stripe cannot have a name attribute (this prevents them ever hitting your server, so you can avoid PCI-DSS woes)
function stripeResponseHandler(status, response) { if (response.error) { // show the errors on the form $(".payment-errors").text(response.error.message); } else { var form$ = $("#payment-form"); // token contains id, last4, and card type var token = response['id']; // insert the token into the form so it gets submitted to the server form$.append(""); // and submit form$.get(0).submit(); } }A response handler function is needed to deal with errors and present them to the user, and on success to insert the token to the form, and submit the form.
try { $charge = \Stripe_Charge::create( [ 'amount' => 84500 // amount in cents 'currency' => 'CAD', 'card' => $_POST['stripeToken'], 'description' => 'One off payment' ] ); } catch (\Exception $e) { // error processing payment }
\Stripe_CardError \Stripe_ApiConnectionError \Stripe_InvalidRequestError \Stripe_ApiError
$stripe_customer = \Stripe_Customer::create([ "card" => $_POST['stripeToken'], "email" => 'customer@domain.com' ]);
$charge = \Stripe_Charge::create([ 'customer' => $user->getStripeCustomerId(), 'amount' => 84500, 'currency' => 'cad' ]);
\Stripe_Plan::create([ "amount" => 1000, "interval" => "month", "name" => "Friend of Confoo", "currency" => "cad", "id" => "friend" ]);
$customer = \Stripe_Customer::create([ "card" => $_POST['stripeToken'], "plan" => "friend", "email" => "customer@mydomain.com" ]);
$customer = \Stripe_Customer::retrieve($stripe_customer_id); $customer->updateSubscription([ 'plan' => 'proplan', 'prorate' => true ]);
\Stripe_Plan::create([ "amount" => 1000, "interval" => "month", "name" => "Friend of Confoo - with trial", "currency" => "cad", "id" => "friendtrial", "trial_period_days" => 30 ]);
$coupon = \Stripe_Coupon::create([ "percent_off" => 10, "duration" => "duration", "max_redemptions" => 10 "currency" => "cad", ]); $customer = \Stripe_Customer::retrieve($stripe_customer_id); $customer->coupon = $coupon->id; $customer->save();
$additional_cost = \Stripe_InvoiceItem::create([ "customer" => $user->getStripeCustomerId(), "amount" => 500, "currency" => "cad", "description" => "Ad-hoc services for this month" ]);
\Stripe_Plan::create([ "amount" => 500, "interval" => "month", "name" => "Per user pricing plan", "currency" => "cad", "id" => "ppu" ]);
$customer = \Stripe_Customer::create([ "card" => $_POST['stripeToken'], "plan" => "ppu", "quantity" => 5, "email" => "customer@mydomain.com" ]);
$customer = \Stripe_Customer::retrieve($stripe_customer_id); $plan = $customer->subscription->plan->id; $new_quantity = $customer->subscription->quantity + 1; $customer->updateSubscription([ 'quantity' => $new_quantity ]);
<a href="https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id={{ stripe_connect_client_id }}">Connect with Stripe</a>
$post_data = [ 'client_id' => urlencode($stripe_connect_client_id), 'client_secret' => urlencode($stripe_connect_client_secret), 'code' => urlencode($_GET['code']), 'grant_type' => urlencode('authorization_code') ]; $post_fields = ""; foreach($post_data as $key => $value) { $post_fields .= $key . '=' . $value . '&'; } rtrim($post_fields, '&'); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, 'https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/token'); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, count($post_data)); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_fields); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch);
$stripe_data = json_decode($result, true); $customer_publishable_key = $stripe_data['stripe_publishable_key']; $customer_stripe_user_id = $stripe_data['stripe_user_id']; $customer_stripe_refresh_token = $stripe_data['refresh_token']; $customer_stripe_access_token = $stripe_data['access_token']
$charge = \Stripe_Charge::create([ "amount" => 1000, "currency" => "cad", "card" => $token, "description" => "Purchase", ], $customer_stripe_access_token // users stripe access token in place of API key );
$token = \Stripe_Token::create( ["customer" => $customer_id], $customer_stripe_access_token // users stripe access token in place of API key );
$charge = Stripe_Charge::create([ "amount" => 1000, "currency" => "cad", "card" => $token->id, "description" => "Payment"] );
"application_fee" => 100
"application_fee_percent" => 10
Stripe.bankAccount.createToken({ country: $('.country').val(), routingNumber: $('.routing-number').val(), accountNumber: $('.account-number').val(), }, stripeResponseHandler);
$recipient = \Stripe_Recipient::create([ "name" => "Michael Peacock", "type" => "individual", "bank_account" => $token, "email" => "me@domain.com" ]);
$transfer = Stripe_Transfer::create([ "amount" => 1000, "currency" => "cad", "recipient" => $recipient->id, "statement_descriptor" => "Commission for referrals" ]);