Group name
The problem you solved
A one sentence description of your solution
Demo the stuff that works, dance around the pictures
Buzz words, starting with the best prizes
Your group name... again
Stay on stage until someone makes you leave
Use source control
Commit often
Things are going to break
Prepare to roll back 5 minutes before your demo
Always be ready to ship
Start with mocks and pictures
Fill in the holes with working stuff
You never know when your best coder will get sick
The pitch timeline
Right now
While building
An hour before
The pitch itself
Stop adding features
You're already out of time
Stuff is broken? Roll back
Stuff is still broken? Comment it out
Practice your pitch
Select 1 or 2 people to do the pitch.
Refine your script
If demos are 5 minutes, plan for 4 minutes
Practice 10 more times
The pitch timeline
Right now
While building
An hour before
The pitch itself
Common pitfalls
Don't introduce your team members: it wastes a minute
Talk slower.
You don't need to use all of your time
Talk slower. Count to three between each section
Risk Management
Wireless what?
Minimize A/V complexity
Go first: you get extra time for A/V set up
Have a backup screencast
Engage your audience
Make your demo as tactile and physical as possible.
Tell a story if you can. Weave a narrative.
Can it be audience interactive? If so, plant team members.
Pretend Pitch
Judges have questions
What features will you add next?
How is this different than such and such startup you haven't heard of?
Did you use my API? If so, how?
The pitch timeline
Right now
While building
An hour before
The pitch itself
Get a libation. Take a deep breath.
Before you leave
Take screenshots for posterity (and your portfolio).