Show me the tree!
A demonstrator application to illustrate the use of decision trees as predictive models
Created by Mikel Niño (February 2015)
What is ‘Show me the tree!’?
- Application to illustrate the use of decision trees as predictive models (‘rpart’ function)
- Uses examples of well-known statistics benchmarking datasets: mtcars, ToothGrowth
- Allows the user to tinker with some parameters to fine-tune the predictive model: training-testing set proportion, intervals/levels to categorize the continuous outcome variable
This is the decision tree that it will be shown when using:
- the ToothGrowth dataset
- 75% of the observations for the training set
- 5 regular intervals to split the outcome variable (tooth length)
(This isn't a screenshot! It is generated with embedded R code, just like it is done in the application)
Benefits and potential uses
- Useful for pedagogical and teaching contexts (like this specialization :-) )
- Easy-to-use demonstrator of decision trees
- Illustrates how easy they are to interpret
- Easily adaptable - Source code provided! (see next slide)
- New datasets and 'rpart' parameters can be easily added to tinker with