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Tooling for everyone

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V2 and Beyond

$ whoami

Mike Hartington

Ionic Team Member

Involved with Ionic since 2013

This is still being worked on

Things may appear differently once released

Ionic V1!

SDK for Developing Hybrid Apps

Focused on mobile first

Sass for easy customization

Angular for code strucutre

Number of apps created with ionic: 1 billion

Over 19,000 starts on github

Over 92,000 apps started in the last month

Ionic V1 is great


There's alway room for improvements

What we've been doing

Taking the feedback from developers - good and bad

Looking at new techniques

Looking at where we feel short

Places where Ionic could improve




V2 is built from the lessons that we've learned since V1


Better performance

Easier to understand

Faster to build

Simpler concepts and code

Better navigation control


NG1 used a digest cyle to detect changes

Data could change anywhere at anytime

$timeout and $scope.$apply to trigger a digest

NG2 brings a new kind of change detechtion

Changes are detected on every browser event

Flow from parent to child - Unidirectional

The change detection can go through thousands of bindings in milliseconds

Take Away

Changes are easier to reason about

Immutable data and Observables for greater performance


Mature Javascript

ES5 has served us well for many years

JS world has gone through some changes

All for cleaner and simpiler code

NG2 and Ionic V2 use these new standards

Classes and Modules FTW

You can even write NG1 code in ES6 to ease the transition

Out of the box, Ionic 2 is setup for ES6

All the build and transpiling tools are setup for you

You just write your code, and we build


Ionic V2 is written in Typescript

You can write in TS as well as ES6

Code completion and intellisense for free

The build process will handle both filetypes

The JS community is moving towards ES6 as well as TS

Support in major browsers as well as editors

Faster and simpiler way to write your javasctipt


Ionic V1 made development dead simple

Could we make things even more straigh forward?

Where were places that we could help developers

NG2 introduces many new topics

Perfect place for Ionic to step in and help out


Automagically handles the @Component and @View for you

Also wraps the template in an an ion-view


Reworked for Ionic 2

Each Icon has a platform specific counter part

Ionic will switch out the icon for you to fit each platform

Adds appropriate ARIA attributes for added accessibility


Colors have reworked to used Sass maps

You can add and remove colors as you need them

Simple starting point to really customize your app to fit your brand

Build process already included into V2


V1s navigation used UI-Router

Allowed for complex navigation, such as in tabs

Navigation in arbitrary components was not easy

Tied to a URL

Couldn't create app history from nothing

Deep linking from outside an app was difficult

We decoupled routing from Ionic

Simplicity FTW

New views get "pushed" on to the history stack

Want to go back? You "pop" back from that view

This push/pop metaphor is inspired by native navigation

But what about URLs?

Ionic apps aren't tighly coupled to the URL

You can push to a new view, then tell the browser what you want the URL to be

You are in control

    tempalateUrl: 'templates/master.html'
    tempalateUrl: 'templates/detail.html'
  <ion-view view-title="Master">
      <a class="button" ui-sref="detail"></a>
  import {DetailPage} from './detail';
    templateUrl: '/app/master/master.html'
  export class MasterPage {
    constructor(nav: NavController) {
      this.nav = nav
    pushState() {

    <a button (click)="pushState()"></a>

Take Away

Views can be rendered in anything and everything

URLs have been separated from navigation

App's history can be dynamically created

Final Message

Ionic 1 is still a great solution for hybrid apps

Ionic 2 is built from the lessons learned in Ionic 1

We will continue to keep pushing what hybird apps can do


V2 and Beyond