On Github melix / gr8conf2016-intro-software-model
by Cédric Champeau (@CedricChampeau)
speaker { name 'Cédric Champeau' company 'Gradle Inc' oss 'Apache Groovy committer', successes (['Static type checker', 'Static compilation', 'Traits', 'Markup template engine', 'DSLs']) failures Stream.of(bugs), twitter '@CedricChampeau', github 'melix', extraDescription '''Groovy in Action 2 co-author Misc OSS contribs (Gradle plugins, deck2pdf, jlangdetect, ...)''' }
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Convention based
apply plugin: 'application' allprojects { apply plugin: 'java' }
Determining which tasks need to be executed is easy
Determining which tasks need to be configured is hard
Configuring properly is hard (afterEvaluate…)
Polyglot programming
Multiple variants
Continuous delivery
plugins { id 'jvm-component' id 'java-lang' }
model { components { main(JvmLibrarySpec) } }
New way to write plugins
New way to configure builds
But likely to change soon
More in the variant-aware dependency management talk
model { components { app(JvmLibrarySpec) myLib(JvmLibrarySpec) } }
src |-- app | |-- java |-- myLib |-- java
model { components { app(JvmLibrarySpec) { sources { java { dependencies { library 'myLib' } } } } myLib(JvmLibrarySpec) } }
model { components { app(JvmLibrarySpec) { sources { java { dependencies { library 'myLib' module 'org.ow2.asm:asm:5.0.4' } } } } myLib(JvmLibrarySpec) } }
model { components { app(JvmLibrarySpec) { dependencies { library 'myLib' module 'org.ow2.asm:asm:5.0.4' } } myLib(JvmLibrarySpec) } }
model { components { myLib(JvmLibrarySpec) { api { exports 'com.acme.mylib' // not recursive! } } } }
Strong encapsulation
No more private API leakage
Prepare for Jigsaw today!
Compile avoidance
If private API changes
If public API changes in ABI compatible way
model { components { myLib(JvmLibrarySpec) { api { dependencies { library 'com.google.guava:guava:17.0' } } } } }
model { components { myLib(JvmLibrarySpec) { targetPlatform 'java7' targetPlatform 'java8' } } }
myLib.jar for Java 7
myLib.jar for Java 8
Each one can have its own source sets/dependencies.
So far only junit is supported
Adding more frameworks should be easy
plugins { id 'jvm-component' id 'java-lang' id 'junit-test-suite' }
model { components { main(JvmLibrarySpec) } testSuites { test(JUnitTestSuiteSpec) { jUnitVersion '4.12' testing $.components.main } } }
Have JUnit version specified as a first-class model element
Could support multiple target versions of JUnit
Have their own target platforms
Target a specific component
model { javaInstallations { openJdk6(LocalJava) { path '/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0-amd64' } oracleJre7(LocalJava) { path '/usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0' } ibmJdk8(LocalJava) { path '/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0' } } }
Automatic detection
Automatic selection of toolchain
Test on various platforms
model { myPlugin(GradlePlugin) { targetGradleVersions '2.14', '3.0' // ... } }
model { microservice(SpringBootApplication) { springBootVersion '1.3.5' // ... } }
model { dockerImage(DockerImage) { from 'alpine:3.2' // ... } }
Slides and code : https://github.com/melix/gr8conf2016/intro-software-model
Follow me: @CedricChampeau
@Managed interface ImageComponent extends LibrarySpec { String getTitle() void setTitle(String title) List<String> getSizes() void setSizes(List<String> sizes) }
class MyImageRenderingPlugin extends RuleSource { @ComponentType void registerComponent(TypeBuilder<ImageComponent> builder) { } @ComponentType void registerBinary(TypeBuilder<ImageBinary> builder) { } ...
@Managed interface ImageBinary extends BinarySpec { String getTitle() void setTitle(String title) String getSize() void setSize(String size) }
@ComponentBinaries void createBinariesForBinaryComponent(ModelMap<ImageBinary> binaries, ImageComponent library) { library.sizes.each { fontSize -> binaries.create(fontSize) { size = fontSize; title = library.title } } } @BinaryTasks void createRenderingTasks(ModelMap<Task> tasks, ImageBinary binary) { tasks.create(binary.tasks.taskName("render", "svg"), RenderSvg){ it.content = binary.title; it.fontSize = binary.size; it.outputFile = new File(it.project.buildDir, "renderedSvg/${binary.title}_${binary.size}.svg") } }
@Mutate public void registerPlatformResolver(PlatformResolvers platformResolvers) { platformResolvers.register(new JavaPlatformResolver()); } @Model JavaInstallationProbe javaInstallationProbe(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) { return serviceRegistry.get(JavaInstallationProbe.class); }