Why are we talking about this?
Automated Tests
- ensure software works as it should.
- Helps team move fast
- Helps us understand how change impacts the larger system.
- Helps ensures customer quality
Continuous Integration
- ensures a codebase's health is continuously monitored with each change
- methodically consistent, easily repeatable
- as fast and cheap as possible, while still honoring its responsibilities
- feedback cycle!
Servers are cheap!
Virtualization, Containers, the Cloud, etc.
Headless testing helps!
- phantomjs
- EnvJS
- Rhino
- RubyRacer
- Nodejs
What if your technology can't run in one of these headless runtimes?
- Flash
- NW.js
- Google Polymer web-component-tester
Let's focus on Google Polymer
Google Polymer
Google technology for authoring web components
web-component-tester assumes a GUI
and virtualized CI build agents don't have a display
Candidate Solutions
Travis CI
Sauce Labs
Sauce Labs CI
- Selenium cloud
- Access to over 100 device/OS/browser combos
What if your team can't use these?
Enter X Virtual Frame Buffer
AKA Xvfb
run GUI applications (like web browsers) with no GUI!
Sidebar: let's talk about the X Window System
how GUI displays are rendered on UNIX-like systems
X11 Display Server
- current release of the X Window System
- windowing system for bitmap displays used to build GUIs
- how visual elements are rendered on a screen and available for user interaction via GUI in Mac OS and Linux
X Virtual Frame Buffer
- behaves like any other X server, yet no graphical output is shown
- performs graphical operations in memory without showing screen output
- does not require the computer running it to have a screen
Core technologies
- Xvfb
- ansible
- Google Chrome (with Flash!)
- Firefox
- Node.js
- bower
- web-component-tester
Demo Time!
provision a Vagrant Ubuntu box
ansible will install and configure all necessary dependencies
we'll run some tests against a Polymer web component
(not JavaScript)
- built on VirtualBox
- tool to spin up lightweight, headless VMs
## Vagrantfile
... 'forwarded_port', guest: 5900, host: 5901
config.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = 'playbook.yml'
ansible playbook.yml
(not JavaScript)
install and run Xvfb on display port 0
install Node.js, bower, web-component-tester
Install Google Chrome and Firefox
## clone core-ajax
$ cd /vagrant
$ git clone
## install bower components
$ cd /core-ajax
$ git checkout 0.5.6
$ bower install
How do we know Chrome and Firefox really ran?
What about debugging?
The Ubuntu box has no GUI but your Mac does!
## On the Ubuntu box
$ sudo apt-get install x11vnc
$ x11vnc -display :0 &
## On your Mac
$ brew install Caskroom/cask/tigervnc-viewer
# Start Tiger VNC Viewer on `localhost:5901`
The code
Next steps
- spin up an cloud instance during your builds?
- AWS, Digital Ocean, OpenStack?
- as-testing-box?
- advanced web scraping?
- headless functional testing?