Welcome to Python
An introduction to setup your Computer for Python programming
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Thank you, PayPal Singapore ♡ ♡ ♡
Big thanks to Laurence Putra of PayPal Singapore for kindly offering to
host this event and for sponsoring pizza and softdrinks.
We have a Slack.com community!
PyLadiesSG has a community on Slack.
Myself and others are idling there permanently and we are happy to mentor
anyone who needs help.
Visit pyladies-sg-slackin.herokuapp.com
if you are based in Singapore and if you would like an invite.
What to expect from this tutorial
give a woman a fish and you feed her for a day; teach a woman to fish and
you feed her for a lifetime
We will not write much Python code today. Instead, we will make sure that
everyone has important tools installed, which will enable you to write
a lot of Python code in the future!
The tools for today are: Python, virtualenv, Atom and ipdb.
This is the plan
- Introduction
- A Command-Line Crash Course
- Install Python 2.7
- Starting Python from the Terminal
- Install Virtualenv & Virtualenvwrapper
- Install & configure Atom.io editor
- Create your first Python program
- Debugging
- No one can learn programming in a day
- or in a week
- or in a month
- or in a year
- If you want to become really good
- you have to try things yourself
- you should find a mentor or a user group to guide you
- This tutorial is just a tiny step into the right direction
- I hope that
- it empowers you to take more steps on your own
- you will come back for more :)
This is the plan
- Introduction
- A Command-Line Crash Course
- Install Python 2.7
- Starting Python from the Terminal
- Install Virtualenv & Virtualenvwrapper
- Install & configure Atom.io editor
- Create your first Python program
- Debugging
A Command-Line Crash Crouse
- The command line is a window where you can execute text-commands
- On Windows it is called "PowerShell"
- On OSX and Ubuntu it is called the "Terminal"
- For simplicity, we will always call it the "Terminal"
Windows: The PowerShell
- Open the Start-menu and search for "PowerShell"
- You might want to drag it onto your Desktop
- You will open this A LOT
OSX & Ubuntu: The Terminal
- Open your computer search
- That's Spotlight on OSX (press COMMAND+SPACE)
- That's the Ubuntu icon at the top of the sidebar
- Search for "Terminal"
Your Home Folder
- Type pwd into the terminal:
- It will show which folder you are currently in
- For a newly opened terminal, that is your home folder
- Your home folder is also called "~" (tilde)
- No matter where you are, you can type cd ~
to get into your home folder
cd ~
- By the way: pwd stands for print working directory
List The Current Folder
- Hint: "folder" and "directory" is the same
- I say folder, because it's shorter to write :)
- Type ls to list the content of the current folder
- By the way: ls stands for list
Move into another folder
- Press TAB to autocomplete things
- Type cd ~/Documents to move into the
Documents folder in your home directory
cd ~/Documents
- By the way: cd stands for change directory
Create a new folder
- Type cd ~ to move into your home folder
cd ~
- Type mkdir Projects to create a new folder
called "Projects"
mkdir Projects
- How about creating a folder for our first project as well?
- Type cd ~/Projects and then mkdir test
cd ~/Projects
mkdir test
- By the way: mkdir stands for make directory
Create a new file
- Type cd ~/Projects/test to move into your test project folder
cd ~/Projects/test
- On OSX/Ubuntu, type touch test.py to create a new file called "test.py"
touch test.py
- On Windows, type echo $null >> test.py
echo $null >> test.py
- So sorry, Windows doesn't have a nicer command for creating files :(
- Type ls to see if your new file is there
- This is just the tip of the iceberg
- But it will get you through this tutorial :)
- Whenever you see black boxes with commands in these slides,
it means you should type something into your terminal:
black boxes like this
This is the plan
- Introduction
- A Command-Line Crash Course
- Install Python 2.7
- Starting Python from the Terminal
- Install Virtualenv & Virtualenvwrapper
- Install & configure Atom.io editor
- Create your first Python program
- Debugging
Install Python on OSX
It is already installed. If you ever want a "fresh" install, you can do this (but really don't need to for this tutorial):
Install Homebrew: http://brew.sh
Install Python
# Hint: You don't need to do this!
# This is just an tip for the future.
brew install python
Install Python on Windows
Download & install Python 2.7: https://www.python.org/downloads/
Leave the default install location at "C:\Python27"
Make sure to select "Add Python.exe to Path" during the installation
Install Python on Ubuntu
It is already installed, but you need some extras
Update software
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Install Python dependencies
sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo apt-get install python-pip
This is the plan
- Introduction
- A Command-Line Crash Course
- Install Python 2.7
- Starting Python from the Terminal
- Install Virtualenv & Virtualenvwrapper
- Install & configure Atom.io editor
- Create your first Python program
- Debugging
Starting Python on OSX & Ubuntu
To start the Python interpreter,
type this into the terminal:python
Exit with:exit()
Starting Python on Windows
Open your PowerShell and do the following:
First install useful modulespip install pyreadline
pip install ipdb
Now start Python:python
Exit with:exit()
Important Hint
You are in the Python interpreter when you see>>> at the beginning of the line
This means you are no longer in the normal terminal
Terminal commands like ls and cd will not work here
Only commands of the Python programming language will work here
You will almost never need to start the Python interpreter
You only start it if you want to test some Python commands
This is the plan
- Introduction
- A Command-Line Crash Course
- Install Python 2.7
- Starting Python from the Terminal
- Install Virtualenv & Virtualenvwrapper
- Install & configure Atom.io editor
- Create your first Python program
- Debugging
Install Virtualenv on OSX & Ubuntu (I)
Virtualenv helps to keep each environment for each project clearly separated
Install pip
# On OSX,
# On Ubuntu you did this in an
# earlier slide already
sudo easy_install pip
Install virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenv
Install virtualenvwrapper
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
to be continued...
Install Virtualenv on OSX & Ubuntu (II)
On OSX, execute the following commands in your Terminal:
echo "export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh" >> ~/.bash_profile
On Ubuntu, execute the following commands in your Terminal:
echo "export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh" >> ~/.bashrc
Install Virtualenv on Windows
Open the PowerShell and execute the following commandpip install virtualenvwrapper-win
What is this pip thing?
pip is a program that is written in Python
- It allows you to download and install other programs
which are also written in Python
- You can search for available Python programs atwarehouse.python.org
Using Virtualenv
Close your Terminal and open a new one
Create new virtualenvmkvirtualenv test
Deactivate current virtualenvdeactivate
Activate existing virtualenvworkon test
Where is it?cd ~/Envs/test
This is the plan
- Introduction
- A Command-Line Crash Course
- Install Python 2.7
- Starting Python from the Terminal
- Install Virtualenv & Virtualenvwrapper
- Install & configure Atom.io editor
- Create your first Python program
- Debugging
Install & configure Atom.io editor
Download & install from https://atom.io
Open Settings > Install
Install "autocomplete-python"
Install "atom-python-debugger"
Install "symbols-tree-view"
Install "linter"
Install "linter-flake8"
On OSX: Click at Atom > Install Shell Commands
Install flake8 globally
This is to make sure that "linter-flake8" works
Open a Terminal and execute:
# On Windows
pip install flake8
# On OSX & Ubuntu
sudo pip install flake8
What is this flake8 and linter thing?
- A linter is a program that checks if
the code of another program looks pretty
flake8 is a Python program that is able to lint your Python code for you.
- There are many more linters, basically every
programming language has it's own.
- If you want to learn how Python code should be written
grab some popcorn and read the famous PEP008
Not now! It's a long read ;)
Starting Atom
Open a new Terminal
"cd" into the directory of your project, for examplecd ~/Projects/test
Executeatom .
The dot means "this directory"
Important shortcuts
COMMAND+\: Show project files
COMMAND+P: Open any file
COMMAND+F: Search & replace in current file
COMMAND+SHIFT+F: Search & replace in whole project
CONTROL+ALT+O: Show symbols tree view
COMMAND+S: Save file
COMMAND+SPACE: Call auto-complete
COMMAND+,: Open settings
COMMAND+W: Close tab
COMMAND+TAB: Open next tab
COMMAND+SHIFT+TAB: Open previous tab
Hint: On Windows & Ubuntu, COMMAND is CONTROL
This is the plan
- Introduction
- A Command-Line Crash Course
- Install Python 2.7
- Starting Python from the Terminal
- Install Virtualenv & Virtualenvwrapper
- Install & configure Atom.io editor
- Create your first Python program
- Debugging
Your first Python program!
Don't give up!
LPTHW is an awesome book
You can actually finish all chapters in a few days
It will give you a good idea of how to use Python
If you have problems, join our Slack channel and
just ask, we will make sure to get you through the book!
This is the plan
- Introduction
- A Command-Line Crash Course
- Install Python 2.7
- Starting Python from the Terminal
- Install Virtualenv & Virtualenvwrapper
- Install & configure Atom.io editor
- Create your first Python program
- Debugging
Place a breakpoint into your code
Now run your program
- After placing the breakpoint, run your program as usual
python your_filename.py
- Instead of executing normally, the program will
stop at your breakpoint
- Now you have all the time in the world to inspect
your variables
- You can also move to the next line in the program
one step at a time
How to use ipdb
- When you are inside of the ipdb debugger:
- Press ? to get all possible commands
- Press ? bt to get help for the bt command
l: Shows the current line
bt: Shows the full stack trace
n: Jumps to the next line
a: Shows all arguments of the current function
c: Continue execution until the program ends
- Type in a variable name to see it's value
- You can even change variables and continue the program
- Python is already installed on OSX & Ubuntu
- It's easy to install on Windows
- Make sure to extend PATH environment variable
- Atom editor can be installed easily
- When you start a project:
- Just create a folder
- Then create a virtual environment
- Create a "*.py" file inside that folder
- Run "atom ." inside that folder
- Execute your program and debug it using the Terminal
What next?
- Learn the Python language
- Learn to use all features of Atom
- Memorize important keyboard shortcuts
- Lean to use the vim-mode plugin
- Learn to use your Terminal
- Learn how to use git and GitHub
- Find a small pet project for yourself and just do it!
Thank you and please come again :)
Welcome to Python
An introduction to setup your Computer for Python programming
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