Test-Driven Rewrite Rules – – Rewrite Rules Overview

Test-Driven Rewrite Rules – – Rewrite Rules Overview

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A presentation on Test-Driven Rewrite Rules for WCNYC 2015

On Github mboynes / wcnyc-2015-rewrite-testing

Test-Driven Rewrite Rules

Matthew Boynes / @senyob / alleyinteractive.com

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Let's talk about you

Rewrite Rules Overview

What are they?

Rewrite rules are WordPress' system for managing "pretty permalinks". It's regex-based. Who here loves regular expressions? Hate them? Anyway...

End Goal

/foo/bar/ ↓index.php?post_type=foo&name=bar

How do we do that?

  • add_rewrite_rule()
  • add_rewrite_endpoint()
  • add_permastruct()


  • Create a block of related rewrite rules
  • Can add pagination, feeds, and other endpoints for you
  • Depends on rewrite tags and rewrite endpoints

Detour: Rewrite Tags

  • e.g. %my-taxonomy%
  • Tags represent rewrite fragments
  • %my-taxonomy%→ ([^/]+)→ my-taxonomy=$matches[n]


  • Adds a fragment to the end of permastructs
  • e.g. Print views [url]/print/


  • Most direct, concrete way to add rules
  • You provide the regex, the resulting query, and a relative position

In the end, one result

array(   regex => query string,   regex => query string,   ..., )

Example: Tags




Rewrite Rule Problems

Amongst others...

  • Easy to mess up (a-hem, regex)
  • Conflicts are easy
  • Fragile

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Write (failing) tests Write your code ... until the tests pass Sleep soundly

TDD and Rewrites

List out the URL structure you want Write a test that confirms it doesn't work Build your rewrites Automated tests will tell you when you've succeeded

Rewrite Testing Plugin



Putting it all Together

Let's say we're building a recipe site


  • /recipes/
  • /recipes/eggplant/
  • /recipes/eggplant/eggplant-parmesan/

Data Structures

  • Post Type: Recipe
  • Taxonomy: Primary Ingredient

URL Structures

  • /recipes/
  • /recipes/%primary-ingredient%/
  • /recipes/%primary-ingredient%/%recipe%/

Write the tests

Filter: rewrite_testing_tests

Filters an array of test groups

Test URL => Passing match

'/recipes/' => 'index.php?post_type=recipe'

All together

function wcnyc_rewrite_tests( $tests ) {
  $tests['Recipes'] = array(
    '/recipes/' => 'index.php?post_type=recipe',
    '/recipes/eggplant/' => 'index.php?post_type=recipe&primary-ingredient=$matches[1]',
    '/recipes/eggplant/eggplant-parmesan/' => 'index.php?primary-ingredient=$matches[1]&recipe=$matches[2]&page=$matches[3]',
  return $tests;
add_filter( 'rewrite_testing_tests', 'wcnyc_rewrite_tests' );

Play time!


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