On Github mboersma / buildbot-docker-presentation
Created by Matt Boersma / matt@sprout.org
Docker builds and runs on Mac OS X, but as a client only. Set $DOCKER_HOST in your environment to use a (Linux) docker server transparently.
boot2docker is a solution that runs Docker inside a small VM.
Its page at the Docker Index indicates a Trusted Build with a ✓ icon, links to the GitHub repo, and the Dockerfile itself.
Docker can act as a builder and read instructions from a text Dockerfile to automate the steps you would otherwise take manually to create an image. Executing docker build will run your steps and commit them along the way, giving you a final image.
# deis/buildbot FROM stackbrew/ubuntu:12.04 MAINTAINER Matt Boersma <matt@opdemand.com> ENV HOME /home/buildbot # install buildbot dependencies from the Ubuntu .deb repository RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y update RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \ python-dev python-pip # install buildbot from the python package index RUN pip install buildbot==0.8.8 # run as non-root user "buildbot" RUN useradd -m -d $HOME buildbot USER buildbot RUN cd $HOME && buildbot create-master --relocatable . ADD master.cfg $HOME/ WORKDIR /home/buildbot ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/twistd", "--nodaemon", "--python", "buildbot.tac"] # expose the public HTTP site and the twisted PB API interface port EXPOSE 8010 9989
# deis/buildbot-slave FROM stackbrew/ubuntu:12.04 MAINTAINER Matt Boersma <matt@opdemand.com> ENV HOME /home/buildslave # install buildbot-slave dependencies from the Ubuntu .deb repository RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y update RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \ git-core python-dev python-pip # install buildbot-slave from the python package index RUN pip install buildbot-slave==0.8.8 # run as non-root user "buildslave" RUN useradd -m -d $HOME buildslave USER buildslave WORKDIR /home/buildslave # use an entrypoint script to read Docker link environment variables at runtime ADD ./entrypoint /entrypoint ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint"]
# opdemand-buildbot FROM deis/buildbot MAINTAINER Matt Boersma <matt@opdemand.com> # install requirements for OpDemand customizations USER root RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-openssl # apply OpDemand customizations USER buildbot ADD buildutils.py $HOME/ ADD ircbot.py $HOME/ ADD master.cfg $HOME/
# opdemand-buildbot-slave FROM deis/buildbot-slave MAINTAINER Matt Boersma <matt@opdemand.com> # OpDemand customizations USER root RUN apt-get install -y libpq-dev make python-pip python-virtualenv # Go back to non-root user USER buildslave ADD local_settings.py $HOME/
#!/bin/bash # Cleanup # docker kill buildbot # docker rm buildbot # docker kill buildslave1 # docker rm buldslave1 # docker kill buildslave2 # docker rm buildslave2 # DOCKER='docker -H tcp://' DOCKER='docker' # start the buildbot master $DOCKER build -rm -t opdemand/buildbot . $DOCKER run -d -name buildbot -p :8010:8010 -t opdemand/buildbot # start two buildslaves pushd slave $DOCKER build -rm -t opdemand/buildbot-slave . $DOCKER run -d \ -name buildslave1 \ -e BUILDSLAVE_USER=buildslave1 \ -link buildbot:buildbot \ -t opdemand/buildbot-slave $DOCKER run -d \ -name buildslave2 \ -e BUILDSLAVE_USER=buildslave2 \ -link buildbot:buildbot \ -t opdemand/buildbot-slave popd
Need at least one slave per supported cloud provider to run tests against a live server. (And clean up after itself!)
Our product Deis is going through a similar metamorphosis: everything is a container. So our git checkout commands in buildbot's master.cfg will need to be changed to docker pull commands. But buildbot is already running inside Docker!