Git Workflows
Best Practices for SPS
Who are we
- The people in your neighborhood
- Mike Bjerkness
- Director of Engineering for Web Applications
- Paul J DeCoursey
- Principal Software Engineer for Web Applications
Git workflows
- What is this and why do I care?
- Git is a distributed collaboration tool
- A git workflow is how software developers use git to collaborate in a productive way
- Merging and deploying of code shouldn't be a job in and of itself
- We need consistency in our usage of git
- Using the same workflow across teams and projects will help
- on-boarding
- ops
- development resources moving between teams
- communication across teams
Some examples
- centralized workflow -- commit directly to master
- feature branch workflow -- branch off master, do your work, merge to master
- gitflow -- very robust great for versioned scheduled releases
- github flow -- simplier great for continuous deployment
centralized workflow
- does not scale well with larger teams
- no forks
- code reviews are not built in
- wild, wild west
feature branch workflow
- feature branches can get out of date with master
- as teams grow integrations can become unruly
- no forks!
gitflow - pros
- supports forks and pull requests
- clear what the current "version" is
- tracking what changes are in each "version" is easy
- seems to fit well into good agile practices
- there is always an active development branch and a passive master branch
gitflow - cons
- there is always an active development branch and a passive master branch
- loosely dependent on the idea that each sprint is marching towards a new "version"
- tightly coulpled to the idea of releases with multiple features
github flow
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github flow - pros
- simple, one main branch that represents the project
- features are done on branches and can be independently developed and tested
- supports forks and pull request
- tracking what changes are in each feature is easy
github flow - cons
- easy for parallel features to diverge from the base and become a nightmare for merging
- practically perfect in everyway
SPS CodeFlow - Overview
- Essentially github flow, but with some added guidelines
- developers should fork the projects and do all work on their forks
- main project should only have master branch
- pull requests are built and can be deployed to test environments
- master branch commits are tagged with build id
- code that is deployed will be tagged in master of deployment date
SPS CodeFlow - Pull requests
- All code changes need to go through a pull request
- Everyone reviews the code
Everyone is equal and all ideas and concerns shared
Discussions need to be constructive
Sign-off from key team members required for merge (teams should decide what that means for their team)
SPS CodeFlow - Versioning
- YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS[-pull-][-] (utc time)#>
- Major version is the current utc date stamp
- Minor version is the current hour, minute and seconds
- If the build is of a branch then the branch is appendended
- If the build is of a Pull Request, then pull-# is appending along with the branch
SPS CodeFlow - Versioning
Build artifacts
- Build artifacts should be built and submitted to an Ops approved artifact repository, such as Gemfury
- Dependent artifacts should be referenced by the exact build number
- Simple and precise definition of builds
- Configurations
- Should not be in the build artifact
- Should be in environment specific artifacts
- If default configs exist in builds they should default to a broken state