Emulating a BBC Micro – in Javascript – What's a BBC Micro?

Emulating a BBC Micro – in Javascript – What's a BBC Micro?

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Slides on emulating a BBC Micro in Javascript

On Github mattgodbolt / bbc-micro-emulation

Emulating a BBC Micro

in Javascript

Trying to recapture a lost youth

Matt Godbolt Hit Escape to see all slides, space for next Arrow keys also work

What's a BBC Micro?

  • BBC Computer Literacy Project
  • 1981

Why me?

Why me?

What's in a BBC Micro?

  • 2MHz 6502 CPU
  • 32KB RAM / 32KB ROM
  • Memory-mapped hardware:
    • Video
    • Sound
    • Tape / floppy disc
    • ADC / Econet / 2nd processor
  • Video hardware
    • "Teletext" character map
    • Various bitmap modes up
      • 640x256 in 2-colour
      • 160x256 in 8-colour

What's inside?

What's in a 6502

  • 5 8-bit registers:
    • A - accumulator
    • X - index register
    • Y - index register
    • P - flags register
    • S - stack pointer
  • 16-bit program counter


LDA / STA / LDX etc ; load A / store A / load X / etc
TAX / TXA etc       ; transfer A to X
PHA / PLA           ; push A / pull A
CMP                 ; compare with A
ADC / SBC           ; add/subtract with carry
CLC / SEC           ; clear / set carry
JMP                 ; jump
BEQ / BNE / BCC /   ; branch if equal / not equal / carry clear
  BCS / BMI etc     ; / carry set / minus etc
JSR / RTS           ; jump to subroutine / return from subroutine

Addressing modes

a9 20       LDA #32             ; A = 32

a5 70       LDA $70             ; A = readmem(0x70)

ad 34 12    LDA $1234           ; A = readmem(0x1234)
bd 34 12    LDA $1234, X        ; A = readmem(0x1234 + X)
b9 34 12    LDA $1234, Y        ; A = readmem(0x1234 + Y)

b1 70       LDA ($70), Y        ; t1 = readmem(0x70)
                                ; t2 = readmem(0x71)
                                ; A = readmem((t1 | (t2<<8)) + Y)

b5 70       LDA $70, X          ; A = readmem(0x70 + X)
a1 70       LDA ($70, X)        ; t1 = readmem(0x70 + X)
                                ; t2 = readmem(0x71 + X)
                                ; A = readmem(t1 | (t2<<8))


.strlen                     ; 0x70/0x71 point to string.
                            ; returns length in A (low) and X (high)
a0 00       LDY #0          ; we're going to use Y as the loop counter. Start at 0
a2 00       LDX #0          ; initialize the high part of the length
b1 70       LDA ($70), Y    ; read the byte pointed to by (0x70/0x71) + Y
f0 09       BEQ end         ; if it's zero, we're at the end of the string
c8          INY             ; otherwise increment the loop counter
d0 f9       BNE lp          ; if it didn't overflow past 0xff to 0, re-loop
e6 71       INC $71         ; else, increment the high part of the address
e8          INX             ; and the X counter
d0 f4       BNE lp          ; and re-loop (NB falling off here would mean > 65536)
98          TYA             ; put the loop counter into A (the low part of the length)
60          RTS             ; and return

Emulating the 6502

var a = 0, x = 0, y = 0, s = 0, p = {c:false, z:false /* ... */};
function readbyte(addr) { /* ... */ }
var pc = readbyte(0xfffc) | (readbyte(0xfffd) << 8);

while (true) {
    var opcode = readbyte(pc); pc++;
    switch (opcode) {
        case 0xa9: /*LDA #xx*/ a = readbyte(pc); pc++; break;
        case 0xa2: /*LDX #xx*/ x = readbyte(pc); pc++; break;
        case 0xa0: /*LDY #xx*/ y = readbyte(pc); pc++; break;
        case 0x98: /*TYA*/ a = y; break;
        case 0x69: /*ADC #xx*/ a += readbyte(pc); pc++; break;
        case 0xb1: /*LDA (xx),Y*/
            zp = readbyte(pc); pc++;
            addr = readbyte(zp) | (readbyte(zp+1)>>8);
            a = readbyte(addr + y);
        case 0xe8: /*INX*/ x = x + 1; break;
        // and so on...


  • Setting flags
  • Memory access
  • Hardware
  • Interrupts
  • Handling time


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Negative oVerflow - - Decimal Interruptdisable Zero Carry
  • Z & N set on ALU/load instruction
  • C set by shifts & arithmetic
  • V set by arithmetic
  • D, V, C and I controlled by special instructions

So now we have:

case 0x69: /*ADC #xx*/
    a += readbyte(pc); pc++;
    if (p.c) a++; // previous carry
    p.c = a > 0xff; // new carry
    a &= 0xff;
    p.z = !!a;
    p.n = !!(a & 0x80);
case 0xb1: /*LDA (xx),Y*/
    zp = readbyte(pc); pc++;
    addr = readbyte(zp) | (readbyte(zp+1)>>8);
    a = readbyte(addr + y);
    p.z = !!a;
    p.n = !!(a & 0x80);


0x10000 ↑0xff00 256 bytes OS ROM ↑0xfe00 256 bytes hardware ↑0xfd00 256 bytes ROM ↑0xfc00 256 bytes hardware ↑↑0xc000 15.5KB OS ROM ↑↑0x8000 16KB Paged ROM ↑↑0x4000 16KB RAM ↑↑0x0000 16KB RAM
var ram = new Uint8Array(0x8000);
var os = load("OS");
var romsel = 0;
var roms = [];
roms[15] = load("BASIC");

function readmem(addr) {
    if (addr < 0x8000) return ram[addr];
    if (addr < 0xc000) return roms[romsel][addr - 0x8000];
    if ((addr >= 0xfe00 && addr < 0xff00)
        || (addr >= 0xfc00 && addr < 0xfd00)) return readhw(addr);
    return os[addr - 0xc000];

function writemem(addr, b) {
    if (addr < 0x8000) ram[addr] = b;
    if (addr >= 0xfe00 && addr < 0xff00) writehw(addr, b);
    // else does nothing - it's ROM


  • Keyboard
  • I/O & Timers
  • Video circuitry



function updateKeys() {
    if (freescanning) {
        for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
            for (j = 1; j < 8; ++j) if (keys[i][j]) setca2();
    } else {
        for (j = 1; j < 8; ++j) if (keys[curCol[j]) setca2();

I/O & Timers

6522 Versatile Interface Adapter

  • Interface with peripherals at 1MHz
  • Source of interrupts
  • BBC has two VIAs:
    • $fe40-$fe4f System: keyboard, sound, LEDs, system timers
    • $fe60-$fe6f User: printer, user, mouse, user timers
  • Each VIA has two timers
  • Timers can count down, latch, cause IRQ
  • Shift registers for serial

One timer

function tickTimer1() {
    if (count == -3 && !suppressed) {
        // Timer fired!
        timerFlags |= T1HIT; // mark we hit in timer flags
        // Send an IRQ if needed
        if (irqEnabled & timerFlags)
        // If we're in one-shot mode, prevent further IRQs
        if (!(configFlags & 0x40)) suppressed = true;
    // Reload timer value
    if (count == 3) count += latch + 4;

Video interface

  • Pixel generator shares RAM with CPU
  • Video has 12 registers
    • Screen mem addr
    • Number of colours
    • Resolution, etc
  • $fe00 - register select
  • $fe01 - register value

Interrupts & Timing

  • 2MHz clock
  • So emulate 2,000,000 cycles per second
  • Intructions take different times:
    LDA #42         ; 2 cycles
    LDA &70         ; 3 cycles
    LDA &1234       ; 4 cycles
    LDA (&70), Y    ; 5-6 cycles
    INC &1234, X    ; 7 cycles
  • Interrupts checked at instruction end

Our code now looks like

function runCpu(clocks) {
    while (clocks > 0) {
        var opcode = readbyte(pc); pc++;
        switch (opcode) {
            case 0xb1: /*LDA (xx),Y*/
                zp = readbyte(pc); pc++;
                addr = readbyte(zp) | (readbyte(zp+1)>>8);
                a = readbyte(addr + y);
                p.z = !!a; p.n = !!(a & 0x80);
                clocks -= 5;
            // ...and other opcodes...
        if (irqFlag && p.i == false) {
            pc = irqHandler;  // ...and much more...


  • More complicated than that!
  • Mid-instruction reads...
  • Multiple reads and redundant writes
  • IRQs actually checked on penultimate cycle
  • 1MHz bus cycle-stretching
  • ...probably too much to cover here

Real implementation

  • Many similar opcodes
  • Similar addressing modes
  • Code generate from disassembly table:
var opcodes6502 = {
    0x00: "BRK",
    0x01: "ORA (,x)",
    0x03: "SLO (,x)",
    0x04: "NOP zp",
    0x05: "ORA zp",
    // skipping a few...
    0xFD: "SBC abs,x",
    0xFE: "INC abs,x",
    0xFF: "ISB abs,x",

High-level code - 'op'

function getOp(op) {
    switch (op) {
        case "NOP": return { op: [] }
        case "LDA": return { op: ["cpu.a = REG", "cpu.setzn(REG);"], read: true }
        case "STA": return { op: ["REG = cpu.a"], write: true }
        case "LDX": return { op: ["cpu.x = REG", "cpu.setzn(REG);"], read: true }
        case "INC": return {
            op: ["REG = (REG + 1) & 0xff;", "cpu.setzn(REG);" ],
            read: true, write: true

High-level code - addressing mode

function gen(op, addrMode) {
    var ig = InstructionGen();
    var op = getOp(op);
    switch (addrMode) {
        case "abs":
            ig.append("var addr = cpu.getw();");
            if (op.read) {
                ig.readOp("addr", "REG");
                if (op.write) ig.writeOp("addr", "REG"); // spurious write
            if (op.write ig.writeOp("addr", "REG");
            return ig.render();


  • Knows about weird memory rules
  • Schedules "ticks"
  • Optimizes
  • Renders as Javascript source

INC abs

var REG = 0|0;
var addr = cpu.getw();
cpu.polltimeAddr(4, addr);
REG = cpu.readmem(addr);
cpu.polltimeAddr(1, addr);
cpu.writemem(addr, REG);
REG = (REG + 1) & 0xff;
cpu.polltimeAddr(1, addr);
cpu.writemem(addr, REG);

Emulating the video

  • Co-routine with processor
  • Every clock cycle:
    • reads one byte of RAM
    • generate 8 TV pixels based on settings
  • Generate IRQs at top of screen

Something like

scrx += 8;
var b = readbyte(addr++);
var offset = scry * 1280 + scrx;
for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
    fb32[offset + i] = convertPixel(b, i);
if (scrx >= curEndPos) {
    scrx = curStartPos;
    scry ++;
    if (scry >= numLines) {
        scry = 0;

Image processing

  • Real BBC usually hooked to a TV
  • Blur image on blit to canvas
  • Interlace


  • Same chip as in the Sega Master System
  • Another coroutine

Live demo!

Misc stuff


  • switch problems
  • Dynamic dispatch
  • Loop unrolling for video
  • Uint32Array for screen

More stuff

Worth it!

Also finally hacked Lunar Jetman

Any questions?