are you ready? – CPU – motion articulation

are you ready? – CPU – motion articulation

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Presentation for RobotsConf Robotics Workshop Ari and Jon.

On Github makenai / RobotsConfRobotics

are you ready?

lovingly presented by

Pawel @makenai

what is a robot?

I like to think of robots as software that proccesses inputs and outputs in the phyical world. They are often used for tasks too dangerous or boring for humans.


such precison

very smoov

much accurate


Here is a kukabot stamping IC's or something else equally impressive and unverifiable.


We also use robots to help us clean while entertaining our pets


DARPA also puts funding into robots with military applications, such as making the enemy feel creeped out.

robot anatomy


The CPU is the brains of the robot


Arduino is one of the easiest ways to get into robotics

Specialty Arduino

There are also specialty arduino boards liuke romeo, spider and redbot that have built in power suplies or motor controllers


BOE Bot uses a basic stamp, but can be controlled by Arduino

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is most like a Linux computer


Beaglebone is much like a beefier Pi


Mindstorms use a drag and drop programming interface


Many new boards coming likr tessel and espruino run Javascript natively or have onboard wifi lke pinoccio

motion articulation

dc motor

these motors are the simplest sand dumbest of motors, so you don't see them in robotics without extra hardware

servo motor

servos are dc motors with optical enoders an dears to create extra torque. they can be normal or continuous rotation

stepper motor

steppers are hezvy duty and precise for fine movements

wheels and ca(t)sters

You knowsheels

tank treads

treads are like wheels with more surface area and grip

bipedal robots

the walk on two legs are are cute but impractical

fixie hipsterbots

fucking hipsters

quadruped robots

You can see a pattern, legged robots oftem mimic animals and this is turtlebot

stationary arm

robot gripper

you can use servos and gears to mske more complicated motions

linear actuator

or conerty radial to linear motion with a screw drive

rack and pinion

or rack and pinion

want more?



the simplest sensor is a microswitch which can be used as a bump sensor or end stop


cameras are cool, but compuer vision is hard. OpenCV helps.


accelerometers measure g-force on XYZ axis


reflectance sensor

These are used to follow dark lines

sonar rangefinder

You can detect proximity

light sensor

light levels


or temperature


a gyroscope is a 3 axis tilt sensor

so what happens at the workshop?

we will help you to build your dreams.

(within limits, but wecan get you started!)


plus many cool and inspiring demos by us and you! see you there.