On Github m0ru / rx-presentation
Logo taken from http://reactivex.io.
key-arrows Space - next F - Enter/Leave Fullscreen o - OverviewSenator Ted Stevens (Alaska)
And again, the Internet is not something that you just dump something on. It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes.
Image and quote taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Series_of_tubes
ongoing events ordered in time
as variable data(t) that changes over time
as stream data$ of events/data-packets
everything is stream (measurements, clicks, pull/push-notifications, updates,...) "...could go even as far as to say {click/slide-change}"From: "The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing" by @andrestaltz
From "The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing" by @andrestaltz
Iterable (Sync/"Pull"):
getDataFromLocalMemory() .skip(10) .take(5) .map(s => s + ' transformed' ) .forEach(it => console.log('next: ' + it ))
Observable (Async/"Push"):
getDataFromNetwork() .skip(10) .take(5) .map(s => s + ' transformed' ) .subsribe(it => console.log('next: ' + it ))
adapted from http://reactivex.io/intro.html
build with:
Notes @clean-code: pipelines from start to end @learning-curve: new paradigm of thinking (functional and reactive)
RxJava, RxJS, RxAngular, RxAndroid, RxPY, Rx.rb, Rx.NET (C#), RxCocoa (iOS), UniRx (C#, Unity), RxScala, RxClojure, RxCpp, RxGroovy, RxJRuby, RxKotlin, RxSwift, RxNetty (Client-server framework)
Rx-Angular: wrapper for $observe and creating callbacksFrom http://reactivex.io/