On Github lukekarrys / ampersand-jsla
Node style modules
Advanced features
npm installampersand-view ampersand-state ampersand-collection ampersand-subcollection ampersand-router ampersand-model ampersand-view-switcher ampersand-version ampersand-sync ampersand-form-view ...
Semver + quick releases
npm test browserify test/* | tape-run
npm start run-browser test/index.js
Built for the browser
What does node style mean?└─┬ ampersand-model@4.0.3 ├── ampersand-state@4.3.14 ├── ampersand-sync@2.0.4 └── ampersand-version@1.0.1
└─┬ ampersand-rest-collection@2.0.3 ├── ampersand-collection@1.3.17 ├── ampersand-collection-rest-mixin@3.0.0 └── ampersand-collection-underscore-mixin@1.0.2
└─┬ ampersand-view@7.1.4 ├── ampersand-collection-view@1.1.2 ├── ampersand-dom-bindings@3.3.1 └── ampersand-state@4.3.14 # !!!
└─┬ ampersand-YOUR-MODULE-OR-MIXIN@1.0.0 ├── react@??? ├── some-new-crazy-stuff-no-one-has-ever-heard-of@??? └── ampersand-state@4.3.14
var Person = State.extend({ props: { name: 'string' }, session: { type: { type: 'string', default: 'JS' } }, derived: { title: { deps: ['name', 'type'], fn: function () { return this.type + ': ' + this.name; } } } }); var person = new Person(); person.on('change:title', console.log.bind(console)); person.name = 'Luke Karrys'; // "JS: Luke Karrys" person.type = 'Ampersand'; // "Ampersand: Luke Karrys"
var Project = State.extend({ children: { assignee: Person }, props: { id: 'string', name: 'string' }, derived: { title: { deps: ['assignee.title', 'name'], fn: function () { return this.name + ' / ' + this.assignee.title; } } } }); var project = new Project({assignee: {name: 'Luke Karrys'}}); project.on('change:title', console.log.bind(console)); project.name = 'JSLA'; // "JSLA / JS: Luke Karrys" project.assignee.type = '&.js'; // "JSLA / &.js: Luke Karrys"
var Projects = Collection.extend({model: Project}); var projects = new Projects(projectsData); var ampersand = new SubCollection(projects, { filter: function (model) { return model.assignee.type === 'Ampersand'; }, watched: ['assignee.type'] }); console.log(ampersand.length); // 5 ampersand.at(0).assignee.type = 'JS'; console.log(ampersand.length); // 4 ampersand.at(0).assignee.type = 'JS'; console.log(ampersand.length); // 3Using derived properties from models within a collection to trigger subcollections
var ProjectView = View.extend({ template: '<li></li>', bindings: { 'title': 'li' }, derived: { title: { deps: ['model.id', 'model.title'], fn: function () { return '(' + this.model.id + ') ' + this.model.title; } } } });
var AppView = View.extend({ template: '<ul class="ampersand"></ul>', render: function () { this.renderWithTemplate(); this.renderCollection(ampersand, ProjectView, '.ampersand'); return this; } }); new AppView({ el: document.querySelector('.container') }).render();
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