On Github ltw / mke-git-intro-to-html
Brought to you by Girls in Tech Milwaukee and Dev Bootcamp
Some "rules" for today:
Let's get to know each other!
HTML is the coding language that lets us build websites and create its content.
You can right-click and press View Source on any webpage to see this code.
It was invented as a language to share scientific papers between universities.
Primarily used in academic papers for layout and providing links to other papers.
This method of describing a bunch of information linked to other bunches of information clearly proved useful, as it shaped the Internet into what it is today.
HyperText Markup Language is a format for describing your document and links to other documents available on the web.
It provides the structure for your website's content.
A website is a way to present your content to the world, using HTML and CSS to present that content & make it look good.
Your content will go here.
Making your content blue and big is presentation.An element is one individual component of HTML.
It could be a paragraph, a heading, a table, a link, an image, or more.
Your content will go here.
A tag marks the beginning and end of an element.
This is stuff in the tags.
Tags always travel in pairs -an opening tag, and a complimentary closing tag.
Inside the tag, we can put attributes to provide additional information about the element.
We can specify class, ID, the target of a link, the source location of an image and more.
Attributes go inside the opening tag, just before the right angle bracket.
Values are assigned to an element, and must be contained in quotes.
The whole structure of an HTML document is elements nested inside each other.
I really enjoyed my mum's Chicken Pot Pie recipe!
Whichever element opens first, closes last.
We've seen the paragraph (<p>) tag, but here's how it looks in the browser:
There are also numbered heading tags, starting from <h1> up to <h6>.
These are used for creating big document headings, and present relative to their numbers:
<img> tags are used for embedding images into a page.
Because images are cool.
Browsers provide a default styling to HTML elements.
We talked about HTML being a document language before; think of the default styles as Microsoft Word-esque styling.
A link has three main elements:
Dev Bootcamp
Using <br /> lets you add manual newlines into text content.
This is the part when I say I don't want ya I'm stronger than I've been before.
<ul> and <ol> allow you to create lists with bullets or numbers respectively.
<li> adds list items to either. This is where your content lives.
Cascading Style Sheets.
CSS is a style sheet language that lets you style elements on the page.
CSS works in conjunction with HTML, but is not HTML itself.
All colors, positioning, and size.
p { background-color: lime; }
p { property: value; }
Selects all paragraph elements.
img { property: value; }
Selects all img elements.
A declaration lets you modify a characteristic of an HTML element.
p { color: white; background-color: green; font-family: Helvetica; }
The 17 standard colors are: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, grey, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.