Firefox OS is a mobile operating system
Firefox OS is a flagship
Firefox OS is an open source mobile operating system.
Fully implemented with web technologies.
Internet is the platform.
open source == linux ♥ gecko
gonk is an Android fork.
web technologies == standard technologies
code once, run everywhere!
Internet is the platform == ...
smart Web applications +
tons of applications already out there!
Conference calls
Notifications for new e-mails
Audio and video attachments for e-mail
New lock-screen
Improved push notifications
"Do not track" setting
Music player controls in the utility tray and lock-screen
Near Field Communications
DSDS support
Visual refresh
Improved Performance
Firefox OS == Gonk + Gecko + Gaia
Details about Firefox OS Architecture at the Mozilla Developer Network
Is an Android fork without a Dalvik machine. A fly-weight Linux distribution.
Is the Firefox' engine on steroids (lots of new APIs).
Is a set of Web Applications covering the core functionality: dialer, messaging, contacts, camera, gallery, homescreen, keyboard, system...
Yes! The system is a HTML5 applications too!
Firefox OS applications == web applications + ...
Web applications? But I already know...
Congratulations! You already knowhow to develop Firefox OS apps!
+ manifest
The file where you say your web site is indeed aweb application.
+ access to hardware through special APIs
APIs allowing access to the hardware such as the(mobile) radio, sensors, geolocation, devices storage...
+ some of them requiring special permissions.
To guarantee the user has total controlabout what they are doing.
+ a collaborating schema based on web activities.
To allow inter-app communications.
+ answering to device events attending system messages.
Avoiding background services running and consuming resources. Attend on demand!
All these features are being standarized in order to reach...
Firefox OS applications === web applications
It's only a JSON file with three mandatory fields:
{ "name": "Awesome App", "description": "This application totally rocks!", "launch_path": "/index.html" }
Call it manifest.webapp and add it to the root of your site.
But you need a 128px size icon to upload to the market:
{ "icons": { "16": "/img/icon-16.png", "48": "/img/icon-48.png", "128": "/img/icon-128.png" } }
Of course, you can provide developer information:
{ "developer": { "name": "Salva", "url": "" }, "version": "1.0.1" }
And translations:
{ "locales": { "es": { "description": "¡Esta aplicación es la caña de España!", "developer": { "url": "" } } }
But, the real interesting fields are:
permissions, web activities & system messages
Explore all the options in theMozilla Development Network page for manifest!
Before talking about APIs, what about security?
Security is about using certain APIs.
Some applications can do more things than others.
Remember: the Web is the platform
Complete access to HTML5 and safe APIs
Can request explicit access to some APIs:geolocation, getUserMedia, fullscreen, notifications, etc.
Permissions are not remembered by default.
Complete access to HTML5 and safe APIs
Can request implicit access to some APIs:alarms, FM Radio, fullscreen, etc.
Higher storage quotas.
Equivalent in functionality to native apps on other platforms.
Content Security Policy (CSP): no inline.
Reviewed and signed by trusted app store.
Direct access to a lot of high risk APIs:browser, mobile network, systemXHR, TCP sockets, WebContacts...
Intended for system-critical applications: Gaia core apps.
Even more extrict CSP
Never prompt for access (except getUserMedia and geolocation).
Direct access to critical risk APIs:WebSMS, WebTelephony, WebBluetooth, MobileConnection, PowerManagement, etc.
Asking for permission is easy. Just add this to the manifest:
{ "permissions": { "contacts": { "description": "Import contacts to AwesomeApp", "access": "read" } } }
But there is a lot of permissions:
{ "permissions": { "alarms": {}, "browser":{}, "power":{}, "fmradio":{}, "webapps-manage":{}, "mobileconnection":{}, "bluetooth":{}, "telephony":{}, "voicemail":{}, "device-storage:sdcard":{ "access": "readonly" }, "device-storage:pictures":{ "access": "readwrite" }, "device-storage:videos":{ "access": "readwrite" }, "device-storage:music":{ "access": "readcreate" }, "device-storage:apps":{ "access": "readonly" }, "settings":{ "access": "readwrite" }, "storage":{}, "camera":{}, "geolocation":{}, "wifi-manage":{}, "desktop-notification":{}, "idle":{}, "network-events":{}, "embed-apps":{}, "background-sensors":{}, "permissions":{}, "audio-channel-notification":{}, "audio-channel-content":{}, "cellbroadcast":{}, "keyboard":{} } }
Check all permissions at the MDN.
And you must remember to provide the typewhen using privileged APIs:
{ "type": "privileged" }
And respect the CSP policy: no inline scripts nor CSS!
All applications are sandboxed and running in user space.
Each application has an origin and all the data is separated by origin.
Apps run inside mozApp iframes
Only the system application can addthis type of iframes to the DOM
One app can request another app to open but not to launch it directly.
An iframe to act as a browser.
In children iframes, the parent is not accessible.
The parent, aka "the browser", is granted somesecurity privileges.
...and all standard HTML5 APIs...
In order to use an API remember you need toask for permissions in the manifest.
Permissions are asked for in the very moment the application is going to use them. Not before.
Get the object:
var battery = navigator.mozBattery;
Check the current level:
var batteryLevel = battery.level * 100 + "%";
Listen to events:
battery.addEventLister("levelchange", setStatus, false);
battery.addEventLister("chargingchange", setStatus, false);
navigator.vibrate(1000); //one second
navigator.vibrate([1000, 200, 500]); //pattern
navigator.vibrate(0); //stop the vibration
window.addEventListener("devicelight", function(event) { // event.value contains the detected lux values // consider 'dim' when below 50, 'bright' above 10000 });
Available storages: music, pictures, videos, apps, sdcard:
var sdcard = navigator.getDeviceStorage('sdcard'); var request = sdcard.get("my-file.txt"); request.onsuccess = function () { var file = this.result; console.log("Found the file: " +; } request.onerror = function () { console.warn("Unable to get the file: " + this.error); }
We can also check for space:
var videos = navigator.getDeviceStorage('videos'); var request = videos.usedSpace(); request.onsuccess = function () { var size = this.result / 1000000; // Bytes to Mb console.log("Videos are using " + size.toFixed(2) + "MiB"); }
Get the object:
var contactsAPI = navigator.mozContacts;
Create a new contact:
var contact = new mozContact(); contact.givenName = ["John"]; contact.familyName = ["Doe"]; contact.nickName = ["No kidding"];
Save the new contact:
var request =; saving.onsuccess = function() { console.log('New contact created'); }; saving.onerror = function(err) { console.error(err); };
Get the object:
var tel = navigator.Telephony;
Place a call:
var call = tel.dial(“123456789”);
Listen to events:
call.onstatechange = function (event) { /* Check event.state: "dialing", "ringing", "busy", "connecting", "connected", "disconnecting", "disconnected", "incoming" */ }; call.onconnected = function () {}; call.ondisconnected = function () {};
Get the object:
var messageManager = navigator.mozMobileMessage;
Send a SMS or MMS:
var sms = messageManager.sendSMS(number,messageContent); var mms = messageManager.sendMMS(mmsParameters);
Listen to events:
sms.onsucces = mms.onsuccess = function(evt) { console.log('Thanks for paying'); }; sms.onerror = mms.onerror = function(evt) { console.log('Problems ahead'); };
But what if a privileged app requires some certified functionality?
WebActivities are the answer...
Allow an application to ask for actions or resources.
They must be started by an user action (usually a tap).
It is like a dialog:
One application requires an activity. Other applications declare they can attend the activity. The user chooses one. Choosen application receives the activity. And can return a value.To declare an application can handle an activity.Add this to the manifest:
{ "activities": { "pick": { "href": "./pick.html", "disposition": "inline", "filters": { "type": ["image/*","image/jpeg","image/png"] }, "returnValue": true } } }
This is like saying: I can pick and return image things
More than one application can answer to the same 'pick image' activity.
To start an activity use this JS code:
button.addEventListener('click', function () { var activity = new MozActivity({ name: "pick", data: { type: "image/jpeg" } }); activity.onsuccess = function() { var picture = this.result; console.log("A picture has been retrieved"); }; activity.onerror = function() { console.log(this.error); }; });
This is like saying: I want to pick a jpg
To receive and handle the activity use this JS code:
navigator.mozSetMessageHandler('activity', function(activityRequest) { var option = activityRequest.source; if ( === "pick") { // Do something to handle the activity var file = storage.get(; // Send back the result if (picture) { activityRequest.postResult(picture); } else { activityRequest.postError("Unable to provide a picture"); } } });
This is like saying: If receiving an activity, recover and return an image.
Attending activities is like attending system messages...
Asynchronous events dispatched by the system.
The system awakes the application and delivers the message.
Start by declaring what messages is the app waiting for.Add this to the manifest:
{ "messages": [ { "activity": "/index.html#handleActivity" }, { "alarm": "/index.html#attendAlarms" }, { "sms-received": "/index.html#readAndClassify" }, { "notification": "/index.html#attentNotification" }, { "wappush-received": "/index.html#pushReceived" } ] }
This is like saying: I'm waiting for these system messages and I want to handle in the specifie pages.
Now you don't need to listen for the alarm.The system awakes you!
But you need to handle the message. Add this to the JS:
navigator.mozSetMessageHandler('alarm', function () { /* Handle the activity */ });
Hope you're browsing these slides with Firefox
All you need is:
Your favourite text editor...
...and the app manager!
Simply go to about:app-manager in a Firefox tab.
But you'll need a simulator to run applicationswithout a real device.
And the adb helper to automatically detect real devices.
All is in the App manager add-ons page.
The app manager includes...
Firefox HTML inspector
Firefox debugger
And the console, the style editor, the profiler and other developer tools.
Step 1: go to
Click on Submit your app to the marketplace!
Step 2: select platforms and upload a zip with your app.
A validation process will run against your app.
Step 3: correct whatever the report says is incorrect.
Problems can be on your app code or your manifest.
Step 4: submit your application again.
You will be asked for a review of minimum requirements.
Step 5: complete additional information.
Here you can attach the app screenshots.
Step 6: PEGI certificate.
The certificate is mandatory but it's just passing a short questionary.
Step 7: published!
Not really, you need to wait for market review.