Leo Horie

Leo Horie

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On Github lhorie / mithril-presentation-oct-js-tech-night

Leo Horie

Developer at Klick Health


Design Goals

  • Small
  • Fast
  • Pragmatic

Simplicity through isomorphisms

Two things are isomorphic if they sharea set of properties that interest us

Pick features that are

isomorphic to familiar things,

but more powerful


Same as variables, but functional

//a variable
var thing = "Macbook";
thing = "iPhone";
console.log( things ); // "iPhone"
//a getter-setter
var thing = m.prop( "MacBook" );
thing( "iPhone" );
console.log( thing() ); // "iPhone"


Makes Async similar to Sync

var things = m.request({method: "GET", url: "/things.json"}) //get a list of things
  .then(function(list) { return list.slice(0, 10) });        //then slice it
  .then(function(list) { return list.slice(0, 3) });         //then slice it some more

e.g. Compare to jQuery

var things = $(".things") //get a list of things
  .slice(0, 10);          //then slice it
  .slice(0, 3);           //then slice it some more

Virtual DOM

Just like HTML, but in Javascript

m("div", [                                     // <div>
  m("a", {href: "http://google.ca"}, "Google") //   <a href="http://google.ca">Google</a>
])                                             // </div>
Why not just use HTML?

Templating = Html + Logic*

*Logic is complex!

Case study: Angular.js

Loop-related things...
  • ng-repeat
  • track by
  • ng-repeat-start/ng-repeat-end
  • ng-options and list comprehension syntax
  • ng-init
  • filters
  • $index
  • $scope semantics
  • error handling semantics

Case study: jQuery

Loops: Need a lot of boilerplate code
  • render whole list
  • update one item
  • add item
  • remove item
  • map data to element
  • find element by data / find data by element (to update / remove)
  • diff
  • batch redraws
HTML is easier to map onto javascript than the other way around
m("div", [                                               //<div>
  [1,2,3].map(function(num) {                            //  <a href="/page/1">Page 1</a>
    return m("a", {href: "/page/" + num}, "Page " + num) //  <a href="/page/2">Page 2</a>
  })                                                     //  <a href="/page/3">Page 3</a>
])                                                       //</div>

Let the browser and the framework do the heavy lifting

Leverage the ecosystem

// Vanilla Javascript
m("ul.things", [
  m("li", "iPhone"),
  m("li", "Macbook"),
# Coffescript
m "ul.things",
  m "li", "iPhone"
  m "li", "Macbook"
// React's JSX (via MSX)
<ul class="things">
  • jshint templates
  • minify templates (source maps!)
  • Sweet.js macros
  • Static typing (Typescript)
  • render on the server
  • etc

Portable knowledge

  • Promises
  • .map, .filter, and other FP concepts
  • CSS syntax (Emmett/ZenCoding)
  • Refactoring techniques
  • etc

Demo: fetching data

var demo = {};

demo.controller = function() {

  this.things = m.request({method: "GET", url: "/things.json"});


Demo: showing stuff on screen

var demo = {};

demo.controller = function() {

  this.things = m.request({method: "GET", url: "/things.json"});


demo.view = function(ctrl) {
  return m("ul", [                      // <ul>

    ctrl.things().map(function(thing) { //    <li>iPhone</li>
      return m("li", thing.name)        //    <li>MacBook</li>
    })                                  //    <li>iPod</li>

  ])                                    // </ul>

m.module(document.body, demo) // initialize

Demo: responding to user actions

var demo = {};

demo.controller = function() {

  this.things = m.request({method: "GET", url: "/things.json"});


demo.view = function(ctrl) {
  return m("ul", [

    ctrl.things().map(function(thing) {
      return m("li", {onclick: function() { thing.name += "!" }}, thing.name)

m.module(document.body, demo) // initialize

Demo: result

  • iPhone
  • Macbook
  • iPad

Take away

  • Reads like server-side MVC code
  • You already know how to do conditionals, includes, etc
  • Mithril takes care of plumbing, performance
  • Learn Javascript, not frameworks
  • Practice FP, become a better programmer
