LaunchPad Lab
Mobile • Web • Design • Development
Fueled by a team of passionate and driven entrepreneurs, LaunchPad Lab is a Chicago-based Development Studio who focuses on one thing:Growing businesses
Why growing businesses?
- Develop a one-of-a-kind working relationship
- Focus on making products that make a difference
- Challenge ourselves and our clients to build the best products
How Does This Work
(Case Study)
- Intranets are confusing and not inviting
- Solutions such as Dropbox and Google Drive fall short
- Email threads tend to get messy
- No solution for collaborating or sharing content within teams or organizations
Fully customizable application for each team or organization
Content sharing at the forefront, let other apps deal with storage
Real-Time push notifications
Weekly email digest to keep users engaged with the platform
Light weight, mobile-first web application
Catharsis & LaunchPad Lab
What are you looking for in a web development company?
Our Goals
- Create a clear and concise user flow
- Website design to enhance your brand
- Content management system for flexibility
- Utilize analytics to better understand site traffic
Thank You!
telephone: (773) 680-8987