On Github kshaffer / whatisDH
kris.shaffermusic.com / @krisshafferview presentation at kris.shaffermusic.com/whatisDHfork presentation at github.com/kshaffer/whatisDH
"Digital Humanities is about building things. ...
[I]f you aren’t building, you are not engaged in the 'methodologization' of the humanities, which, to me, is the hallmark of the discipline that was already decades old when I came to it."
Stephen Ramsay, Who's In and Who's Out
"The heart of the digital humanities is not the production of knowledge; it’s the reproduction of knowledge. ... It's about challenging the ways that knowledge is represented and shared."
Mark Sample, The digital humanities is not about building, it’s about sharing
"The digital humanities asks us to pervert our reading practices — to read backwards, as well as forwards, to stubbornly not read, and to rethink how we approach learning in the digital age."
Jesse Stommel, The Digital Humanities is About Breaking Stuff
"If you look through the projects that have been funded in the last decade you’re going to see a lot of repeated themes. ... You’re going to see a lot of emphasis on tools. A lot of emphasis on big data analysis. A lot of emphasis on computation, and the power of computation. What aren’t you going to see as much of? Emphasis on why computing, the conditions under which computing is manufactured, a cultural analysis of the ideologies of computing. Why is that?"
Adeline Koh, A Letter to the Humanities: DH Will Not Save You
kris.shaffermusic.com / @krisshafferview presentation at kris.shaffermusic.com/whatisDHfork presentation at github.com/kshaffer/whatisDH