GitHub for academics – Kris Shaffer, Ph.D.CU–Boulder

GitHub for academics – Kris Shaffer, Ph.D.CU–Boulder

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Presentation for the Global Physics Dept., Sept. 18, 2013

On Github kshaffer / githubforacademics

GitHub for academics

Kris Shaffer, Ph.D.CU–Boulder / @krisshaffersee also: Push, Pull, Fork: GitHub for Academics (Hybrid Pedagogy)view presentation at presentation at

What is GitHub?

"world's largest open-source community"

social network

a place to share code . . .

. . . or any digital text

a place to steal code (or any digital text)

free for open-licensed content (or student projects)

driven by Git

What is Git?

open source

version control

non-destructive editing


created for Linux kernel development

What can an academic do with GitHub?

Post open-licensed content for others to download

form a GitHub organization foreasy resource sharing

collaborate on a lab report

keep track of student contributions toa group project

publish a website or blog

steal and hack someone else's website

publish, steal, and hack open educational resources

publish an ebook or journal

When would you use GitHub instead of Google Drive?

when small errors have big consequences

when you need easy access toindividual contributions

when you want to assign tasks tospecific contributors

when public consumption(or contribution) is intended

when using a file format unsupported by Google Docs

  • LaTeX
  • Lilypond
  • MarkDown
  • software code

when you want simple cloning of a complex project


GitHub for Academics: Forking, editing, and hosting a website from Kris Shaffer on Vimeo.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.