SRUG, Gliwice, 11.04.2014
ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN settings hstore;
INSERT INTO "users" values(1, 'admin=>"true",likes_count=>"9"');
SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE settings->'admin' = 'true';
add_column :users, :settings, :hstore
User.where("settings -> 'admin' = 'true'")
ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN json_settings json;
UPDATE "users" SET json_settings = '{ "likes_count": 9, "roles": ["moderator", "super-moderator"], "we": {"can": {"nest": "things"} } } ';
SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE json_extract_path(json_settings, 'we', 'can', 'nest') = 'things';
UPDATE "users" SET json_settings = '{ "likes_count": 9, "roles": ["moderator", "super-moderator"], "we": {"can": {"nest": "things"} } } ';
SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE '"moderator"' IN( SELECT value::text FROM json_array_elements(json_settings->'roles') );
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lodgings; count -------- 868922
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT raw_data::json->'name' FROM lodgings WHERE raw_data::json->>'name' = 'Pousada do Pico'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seq Scan on lodgings (cost=0.00..49279.68 rows=1037 width=467) (actual time=0.509..19126.720 rows=1 loops=1) Filter: (((raw_data)::json ->> 'name'::text) = 'Pousada do Pico'::text) Rows Removed by Filter: 209338 Total runtime: 19126.747 ms (4 rows)
CREATE INDEX ON lodgings USING btree ( (raw_data::json->>'name') );
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT raw_data::json->'name' FROM lodgings WHERE raw_data::json->>'name' = 'Pousada do Pico'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Index Scan using lodgings_expr_idx on lodgings (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=458) (actual time=0.295..0.297 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (((raw_data)::json ->> 'name'::text) = 'Pousada do Pico'::text) Total runtime: 0.327 ms
SELECT Array_to_json(COALESCE(Array_agg(Row_to_json(t)), '{}')) FROM (SELECT id, title, content, (SELECT Row_to_json(t) FROM (SELECT id FROM "authors" WHERE ( "id" = "author_id" )) t) author FROM "posts") t
gem "surus"
gem "active_model_serializers"
class AuthorSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id, :name end class PostSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id, :title, :content has_one :author end Post.all, each_serializer: PostSerializer ).to_jsonSurus
Post.all_json( columns: [:id, :title, :content], include: { author: { columns: [:id, :name] } } )
def render_json(jobs) json = jobs.all_json( columns: [ :id, :system_id, :stage, :label, :description, :first_reference, :second_reference, :cached_plate_names, :priority, :notifications_bitmap, :updated_at, :hidden ], include: { end_customer: { columns: [:name] }, client: { columns: [:id, :short_name] }, print_supplier: { columns: [:short_name] } }) render json: json end
select to_tsvector('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'); => 'amet':5 'dolor':3 'ipsum':2 'lorem':1 'sit':4
select to_tsquery('Lorem') || to_tsquery('ipsum'); => 'lorem' | 'ipsum'
create_table "posts", force: true do |t| t.text "content" end
SELECT * FROM posts WHERE to_tsvector(content) @@ to_tsquery('simple') && to_tsquery('query');
SELECT * FROM posts WHERE to_tsvector(content) @@ to_tsquery('simple') || to_tsquery('query');
SELECT * FROM posts WHERE to_tsvector(content) @@ to_tsquery('simple' || ':*') && to_tsquery('query' || ':*');
select show_trgm('Lorem Ipsum'); => {" i"," l"," ip"," lo","em ",ips,lor,ore,psu,rem,sum,"um "}
select similarity('java', 'javascript'); => 0.333333
select similarity('ruby', 'php'); => 0
SELECT * FROM posts WHERE content % 'simple query';
gem 'pg_search'
gem 'sunspot_rails'
gem 'sunspot_solr'
create_table "posts", force: true do |t| t.string "title" t.text "content" end
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base include PgSearch pg_search_scope :search_with_postgres, against: [:title, :content], using: :tsearch endsunspot:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base searchable do text :title, :content end end
Post.create do |post| post.title = Faker::Lorem.sentence post.content = Faker::Lorem.sentence(30) endpg_search:
Post.search_with_postgres(Faker::Lorem.sentence(3)).limit(30).to_asunspot: do fulltext Faker::Lorem.sentence(3) end.results
Post.create do |post| post.title = Faker::Lorem.sentence post.content = Faker::Lorem.sentence(5) endpg_search:
Post.search_with_postgres(Faker::Lorem.sentence(1)).limit(30).to_asunspot: do fulltext Faker::Lorem.sentence(1) end.results
Post.create do |post| post.title = "" post.content = endpg_search:
Post.search_with_postgres(Faker::Name.first_name).limit(30).to_asunspot: do fulltext Faker::Name.first_name end.results
pg_search_scope :search, against: [:id, :system_id, :description, :first_reference, :second_reference], associated_against: { print_supplier: [:name], end_customer: [:name], client: [:name, :short_name] } using: { tsearch: { prefix: true } }
CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"; SELECT uuid_generate_v4(); #=> cf4fadf7-22e0-4f46-bdda-232b7883a1c9
create_table('my_table_name', id: :uuid) do |t| t.string 'title' end
User.create.attributes # => {"id"=>"468cdfa4-1c11-4e34-a996-ecc561c0e866", (...) }
SELECT ST_Distance( ST_GeometryFromText('Point(-118.4079 33.9434)'), -- Los Angeles ST_GeometryFromText('Point(2.5711 49.0039)')) -- Paris AS geometry_distance, ST_Distance( ST_GeographyFromText('Point(-118.4079 33.9434)'), -- Los Angeles ST_GeographyFromText('Point(2.5711 49.0039)')) -- Paris AS geography_distance; geometry_distance | geography_distance -------------------+-------------------- 121.912825827515 | 9125804.29716346
ALTER TABLE pois ADD COLUMN location geography(Point,4326);
INSERT INTO pois(name, location) VALUES( "Sample", ST_MakePoint(52.228, 21.011), 4326) );
SELECT * FROM pois WHERE ST_DWithin( location, ST_MakePoint(52.218, 21.019), # desired point (Warsaw) 2000 # Meters )
ALTER TABLE districts ADD COLUMN shape geography(MultiPolygon,4326);
INSERT INTO districts(name, shape) VALUES( "Silesian", ST_PolygonFromText('POLYGON((-71.1776585052917 42.3902909739571,-71.1776820268866 42.3903701743239, -71.1776063012595 42.3903825660754,-71.1775826583081 42.3903033653531,-71.1776585052917 42.3902909739571))') );
SELECT name FROM districts WHERE ST_CONTAINS( shape, ST_MakePoint(52.218, 21.019) )
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM places; count --------- 8738610
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT pl.full_name FROM places pl WHERE ST_DWithin( pl.location, ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(3.382491 50.609511)'), 1.0899 ); QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on places pl (cost=577.43..47434.52 rows=789 width=25) (actual time=6.446..37.533 rows=16613 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (location && '0103000020E61000000100000005000000DCD440F33957024028D2FD9C82C24840DCD440F33957024038BBB54C86D94940EEB25F77BAE3114038BBB54C86D94940EEB25F77BAE3114028D2FD9C82C24840DCD440F33957024028D2FD9C82C24840'::geometry) Filter: (('0101000020E61000005C1D0071570F0B40B0C6D974044E4940'::geometry && st_expand(location, 1.0899::double precision)) AND _st_dwithin(location, '0101000020E61000005C1D0071570F0B40B0C6D974044E4940'::geometry, 1.0899::double precision)) Rows Removed by Filter: 2582 -> Bitmap Index Scan on places_location_idx (cost=0.00..577.23 rows=11842 width=0) (actual time=5.869..5.869 rows=19195 loops=1) Index Cond: (location && '0103000020E61000000100000005000000DCD440F33957024028D2FD9C82C24840DCD440F33957024038BBB54C86D94940EEB25F77BAE3114038BBB54C86D94940EEB25F77BAE3114028D2FD9C82C24840DCD440F33957024028D2FD9C82C24840'::geometry) Total runtime: 38.362 ms
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_reason_for_document() RETURNS trigger as $$ DECLARE change_reason varchar := ''; BEGIN IF ( IS DISTINCT FROM THEN change_reason := change_reason || 'NAME;'; END IF; IF (OLD.document_type IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.document_type) THEN change_reason := change_reason || 'DOCUMENT TYPE;'; END IF; INSERT INTO documents_historical_reasons(document_id, change_reason) VALUES (NEW.document_id, change_reason); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER update_history BEFORE UPDATE OF document_type, name ON documents FOR EACH ROW WHEN (OLD.document_type IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.document_type OR IS DISTINCT FROM EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_reason_for_document();
CREATE TABLE ratings (id int, count int, total int, average float); CREATE FUNCTION add_rating(id int, rating int) RETURNS float AS $$ var data = plv8.execute("SELECT count, total, average FROM ratings WHERE id = $1", [id])[0]; var newTotal = + rating; var newCount = data.count + 1; var newAverage = (newTotal / newCount); plv8.execute("UPDATE ratings SET count = $1, total = $2, average = $3 WHERE id = $4", [newCount, newTotal, newAverage, id]); return newAverage; $$ LANGUAGE plv8;
INSERT INTO ratings VALUES (1, 0, 0, 0);
SELECT add_rating(1, 5); add_rating ------------ 5
SELECT add_rating(1, 4); add_rating ------------ 4.5