Created By Kristen Mills
class String def my_method "my_method is a cool method" end end 'abc'.my_method # => "my_method is a cool method"
def attr_accessor(*args) args.each do |arg| define_method(arg) do instance_variable_get(:"@#{arg}") end define_method(:"#{arg}=") do |value| instance_variable_set(:"@#{arg}", value) end end end
eigenclass = class << obj class << an_object # your code here end
finite initial: :idle do before :idle do @current_money = 0 end after :accepting do puts "Current amount in machine: $%.2f" % @current_money end @money.each do |event_name, amount| event :"insert_#{event_name}" do before do puts "Adding #{event_name}" add_money (amount) end go from: :idle, to: :accepting go from: :accepting, to: :accepting end end @products.each do |event_name, price| event :"buy_#{event_name}" do before { puts "Buying #{event_name}" } go from: :accepting, to: :vending, if: lambda { @current_money >= price } after do @current_money -= price end end end event :complete_vend do before { puts "Returning $%.2f to the customer" % @current_money } go from: :vending, to: :idle end event :press_coin_return do before { puts "Returning $%.2f to the customer" % @current_money } go from: :accepting, to: :idle end end
def add_event(event_name, &block) # Some other stuff happens before here @class.send(:define_method, :"can_#{event_name}?") do event.transitions.key? end @class.send(:define_method, :"#{event_name}") do if event.transitions.key? transition = event.transitions[] unless transition.condition.nil? or self.instance_exec(&transition.condition) raise'Does not meet the transition condition') end new_state = states[event.transitions[].to] event.callbacks[:before].each do |callback| self.instance_eval &callback end # More callbacks happen here @current_state = new_state # More Callbacks happe here event.callbacks[:after].each do |callback| self.instance_eval &callback end self else raise 'Invalid Transition' end end end