helpers, command mapping, logging etc
desc "Notify service of deployment" task :notify do run_locally do with rails_env: :development do rake 'service:notify' end end end
desc "Ask about breakfast" task :breakfast do ask(:breakfast, "kiełbasa") on roles(:all) do |h| execute "echo \"$(whoami) wants #{fetch(:breakfast)} for breakfast!\"" end end
bundle exec capify .
bundle exec cap install
bundle exec cap install STAGES=staging,production
set(:bundle_cmd) { File.join(bundle_dir, 'bin/bundle') }
set :bundle_cmd, -> { File.join(fetch(:bundle_dir), 'bin/bundle') }
set :application, 'massmailer'
fetch :mieso_type, 'kiełbasa'
fetch(:default_env).merge!(rails_env: :production) set :linked_files, %w{config/database.yml} set :linked_dirs, %w{pids log public/system}
on :all, in: :groups, max: 3, wait: 5 do # Take all servers, in groups of three which execute in parallel # wait five seconds between groups of servers. # This is perfect for rolling restarts end on :all, in: :sequence, wait: 15 do # This takes all servers, in sequence and waits 15 seconds between # each server, this might be perfect if you are afraid about # overloading a shared resource, or want to defer the asset compilation # over your cluster owing to worries about load end on :all, in: :parallel do # This will simply try and execute the commands contained within # the block in parallel on all servers. This might be perfect for kicking # off something like a Git checkout or similar. end
require 'sshkit/dsl' on %w{}, in: :sequence, wait: 5 do within "/home/knapo" do with rails_env: :production do rake "db:migrate" runner "S3::Sync.notify" end end end