On Github kimh / Introduction-To-Marionette
Created by Kim
What is Backbone.Marionette?
Backbone.Marionette is a simple wrapper for BackboneJS.
It simply extends Backbone base classes.
Why Backbone.Marionette?
BackboneJS easily makes your app chaotic.
Marionette gives musle and skin to BackboneJS.
What's difference from vanilla Backbone?
Modularized App
You can define modules as many as you want inside one app.
var KVH = new Marionette.Application(); KVH.module('Department', function (Department, KVH, Backbone, Marionette, _) { // Some codes here } // Starting module KVH.Department.start()
start() and stop()
Module.start(): You have control over module start.
Module.stop(): Probably you don't use except in tests.
Types of Marionette Views
Item and Collection View
ItemView is for a single model and Collection view is for a conllection of models.
// // Define a module for DepartmentView // KVH.module('DepartmentView', function (DepartmentView, KVH, Backbone, Marionette, _) { // Item View. Single row of list DepartmentView.ItemView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: ItemViewTpl }); // Collection that holds all items views DepartmentView.ListView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ el: '#department-list', itemView: DepartmentView.ItemView }); })
CompositeView is extended from CollectionView to use template
// // This is slightly better looking version of ListView // KVH.module('DepartmentView', function (DepartmentView, KVH, Backbone, Marionette, _) { DepartmentView.FancyListView = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({ childView: DepartmentView.ItemView, template: FancyListTpl, childViewContainer: "#department-lists", }); });
LayoutView is simply extend from ItemView with Region manager, yet very powrful.
What is Region?
It is the abstraction over Backbone view. You can simply insert other views into Region and call show() to render.
// Define Layout View DepartmentView.LayoutView = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ template: LayoutTpl, regions: { mainRegion: "#main-region" } });
// Define CollectionView to insert to region DepartmentView.ListView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ el: 'DeptListTpl', itemView: DepartmentView.ItemView });
// Define view for page loading spinner DepartmentView.LoadingView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: SpinnterTpl, });
layoutView = new LayoutView() layoutView.mainRegion.show(new LoadingView()) $(fetchingList).done(function(list){ lauoutView.mainRegion.show(new ListView({collection: list})) })
Bonus: You can insert other LayoutView to region
Nesting view made easy!!
Quotes from official doc
Its name can be a cause for confusion, as it actually has nothing to do with the popular MVC architectural pattern.How I use Controller
Methods that "integrates" different objects
MyApp.module("Controller", function(Controller, MyApp, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) { Controller.Controller = Marionette.Controller.extend({ showItem: function(){ model = new Item() view = new ItemView ({model: model}) view.on("event1", function(){ alert("event1 is triggered!!") }); MyApp.mainRegion.show(view); } }) })
ShowItem() is called from router for /item/{:id}
So this is MVC's Controller, isn't it?
Messaging System
Application wide messag system is built in.
Makes it easy for each sub-modules to talk.
3 kinds of messaging system
Event Aggregator
var KVH = new Backbone.Marionette.Application(); KVH.vent.on("business:fail", function(division){ alert("Fire employees in " + division + "now!!"); }); KVH.vent.trigger("business:fail", division);
Request Response
var KVH = new Backbone.Marionette.Application(); KVH.reqres.setHandler("request_raise_salary", function(division){ if (KVH.isBusinessWell()) { return true } else { return false } }); var salaryIncreaed = MyApp.request.execute("request_raise_salary");
There are also "Commands"
var KVH = new Backbone.Marionette.Application(); var HR = new Backbone.Marionette.Model(); KVH.commands.setHandler("raise_salary", function(division){ var hr = new HR() hr.increaseSalary(); }); MyApp.commands.execute("raise_salary");
Works similar trigger. Difference is commands doesn't return values.
How about models/collection?
Nothing new from Marionette. Just use one provided by Backbone.
What should I do if I stuck?
Do people still use Backbone?
AngularJS: huge framework, high cost of learning, recenlty moving to wired direction... EmberJS: Never looked at, but recently getting popular React: uses shadow DOM technology, only provides V of MV*Where are we heading?
People are get tired of creating SPA.
Tons of things to to do just make frontend working.
Strike back of server side rendering!!