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Some slides

On Github killtheliterate / iterable

Loops on loops on loops

It's about Iterables and Iterators

Garrett Dawson


I've been a front-end dev of 5 years. I work at VictorOps

I love JavaScript

What will people discover with es2015 onwards?

Loops Are Programming

  • Loops are a fundamental
  • Without them... there is no program
  • You need loops and variables to be a programming language
* first principles * We take this for granted, unless we're computer scientists * because looping is fundamental, we're primarily concerned with syntax

The First Iteration

Ada Lovelace and the Analytical Engine

* Loops began with Ada Lovelace. Bernoulli numbers and the analytical engine. * This wasn't software, but it was programming. *

Primordial Software

  ****** Algol 60 ******
  FOR i:=1 UNTIL 5 DO
     FOR j:=1 UNTIL i DO

Primordial Software

         PROGRAM-ID. Display-Triangle.
         01  Outer-Counter PIC 9.
         01  Inner-Counter PIC 9. 
         PERFORM VARYING Outer-Counter FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL 5 < Outer-Counter
             PERFORM VARYING Inner-Counter FROM 1 BY 1
                     UNTIL Outer-Counter < Inner-Counter
                 DISPLAY "*" NO ADVANCING
             DISPLAY "" *> Output a newline

Primordial Software

  'Visual Basic
  Public OutConsole As Scripting.TextStream
  For i = 0 To 4
      For j = 0 To i
          OutConsole.Write "*"
      Next j 
  Next i

It's at least 1995

  • ...and you're probably a JS Developer
  • ...some of the time
  • what do we already know?
Different langs have different syntax Let's use the lens of JS to look at loops JS has a few looping constructs you're probably familiar with

The Ancient


  // loopable
  const theThing = ['hello', 'humans', 'in', 'this', 'room']

  // the loop
  for(let i = 0; i < theThing.length; i = i + 1) {
    console.log(theThing[i]) // hello, humans...

counter Ancient and venerated, Similar to many other langs Have to track STATE of the loop, terminated at CONDITION Obviously, problems! STATE We have to be very verbose about what's happening in our loop

Goodish Ideas


  // loopable
  const otherThing = ['hello', 'humans', 'in', 'this', 'room']

  // the loop
  for(let i in otherThing) {
    console.log(otherThing[i]) // hello, humans...

we use the counter to access the loopable Higher level, no state Less how, more what

Badish Ideas

...iterate on all enumerable properties

  // loopable
  const theCollection = ['hello', 'humans', 'in', 'this', 'room']

  // shwhoops
  theCollection.alsoEnumerable = 'enumerated'

  // the loop
  for(let i in otherThing) {
    console.log(otherThing[i]) // hello, humans... enumerated

the collection types we're used to don't distinguish for-in enumerates all props on object which is to say, it enumerates all enumerable properties scope continues to be a problem

Better Ideas


  // loopable
  const say = ['hello', 'humans', 'in', 'this', 'room']

  // weird...
  say.justLeavingThisHere = 'boo'

  // the loop
  otherThing.forEach(el => console.log(el)) // hello, humans...

And of course, we have map, filter and reduce Only arrays, strictness

Extract the Patterns...

  • A list of things (Iterable)
  • A thing that steps through the list (Iterator)
Identify the essence, recognize the similar props These decompose into Iterable/Iterator

Extract the Patterns

  // loopable
  const theIterable = [1,2,3]

  // the loop
  theIterable.forEach(el => console.log(el)) // 1, 2, 3

Given these commonalities, TC39 identifies Iterable/Iterator

Thus Spoke TC39

Builtin Iterators

  • for-of
  • ...spread
  • {destructuring, assignment}
TC39 is the standards body Iterable/Iterator are part of JS now We can still talk about the old as Iterators, just not technically


  // an iterable
  const theIterable = 'a string is a list of characters'

  // an iterator
  // access the member directly
  // instead of by index
  for(let char of theIterable) {

Looks similar to for-in access member directly


  // an iterable
  const theIterable = ['an', 'array', 'is', 'iterable'] 

  // an iterator
  const newArray = [...theIterable]

  // arguments is iterable
  const fn = (...args) => { args.forEach(el => console.log(el)) }

  fn(1, 2, 3)

Looks alot like [].map() The arguments object can be passed to an iterator

{destructuring, assignment}

  // an iterable
  const theCollection = ['hello', 'humans', 'in', 'this', 'room']

  // an iterator
  let [these, are, pieces, ...iterable] = theCollection

  console.log(these) // 'hello'
  console.log(iterable) // ['this', 'room']

Also looks alot like [].map() Composable with ...spread to collect the rest Notably, objects can be destructured, but that's outside this scope


The future is in the future

  // array comprehension
  const newArray = [for (i of [ 1, 2, 3 ]) i * i ]
  console.log(newArray) // 1, 4, 9

  // generator comprehension
  const newGen = (for (i of [ 1, 2, 3 ]) i * i )
  console.log( // {value: 1, done: false}
  console.log( // {value: 4, done: false}

I can't wait, Also like [].map() Another way to extract pieces of a list Check it out in the Babel REPL

Thus Spoke TC39

Builtin Iterables

  • String
  • Array
  • Set
  • Map
  • Generators
Collection types All of these builtins describe how to traverse themselves That means they are consumable by any iterator Special case: Generators are both an Iterable and an Iterator


  // an iterable
  const theIterable = 'this is iterable'

  // an iterator
  for(let char of theIterable) {
    console.log(char) // each char

  // an iterator
  const chars = [...theIterable]

  console.log(chars) // ['t','h','i','s',' '...]

Since they are iterable, they are consumable by iterators


  // an iterable
  const theIterable = ['this', 'is', 'iterable']

  // an iterator
  for(let words of theIterable) {
    console.log(words) // 'this' 'is'...

  // an iterator
  const sentence = [...theIterable]
  console.log(sentence) // ['this', 'is', 'iterable']


The Set object lets you store unique values of any type, whether primitive values or object references. Sets are very similar to arrays Like in math, Sets cannot have duplicate members The constructor accepts an iterable, and will make a Set with it


  // an iterable
  const theIterable = new Set()

  // an iterator
  for(let num of theIterable) {
    console.log(num) // 1, 3, 2

  // an iterator
  const numbers = [...theIterable]
  console.log(numbers) // [1,3,2]


The Map object is a simple key/value map. Any value (both objects and primitive values) may be used as either a key or a value. Maps are like POJOs, but they guarantee order The constructor can take an iterable, and make a Map of it


  // an iterable
  const theIterable = new Map()
  theIterable.set('one', 1)
  theIterable.set('three', 3)
  theIterable.set('two', 2)

  // an iterator
  for(let numTuple of theIterable) {
    console.log(numTuple) // ['one', 1]...

  // an iterator
  const tuples = [...theIterable]
  console.log(tuples) // [['one', 1]...]


Generators are functions which can be exited and later re-entered. Their context (variable bindings) will be saved across re-entrances. Both Iterable and Iterator You access next member using "next" This is what makes it an iterator, which should become clear later


  // an iterable
  const maker = function* () {
    yield 1
    yield 2
    yield 3

  const theIterable = maker() // this gives us back a generator object
  const first = // which we can step through
  console.log(first) // {value: 1, done: false}

yield keyword exits the function execution resumes where the yield left off


  // an iterable
  const maker = function* () {
    let index = 0 // the mutated state will be persisted

    while(index < 3) {
      yield index++

  const theIterable = maker() // this gives us back a generator object

  // which we can operate on with an iterator
  // this works because the generator is finite
  const nums = [...theIterable] // [0,1,2]

It's notable that using spread transforms the values into normal stuff


  const maker = function* () {
    let first = yield
    let second = yield first
    let third = yield second

  const echo = maker()

  console.log( {value: null, done: false}
  console.log( // {value: 500, done: false}
  console.log('sup')) // {value: 'sup', done: false}

We can push values into Generators If we assign the last yield to a variable, that variable becomes whatever we push with next()

Think in Iterables

  const anIterable = 'I am iterable'
  const also = ['so', 'am', 'i']

  for(i of anIterable) {

  for(i of also) {

If it is an Iterable, you can consume it with an iterator We can codify these patterns in protocols

Protocol is the word

  • AKA an interface
  • ...I'm going with typeclass
abstract into a protocol The iterator protocol describes an interface I think it makes something part of a typeclass

Iterator Protocol

{ }.next()

An object is an iterator when it knows how to access items from a collection one at a time, while keeping track of its current position within that sequence "how do i loop?" this is why a generator is both iterable and iterator

Let's Make an Iterator

...for a linked list

  // this is what a linked list looks like
  {val: 1, rest: {val: 2, rest: {val: 3, rest: {val: 4, rest: null}}}}

  // basically an array
  [1, 2, 3, 4]

quick aside about linked lists why are they useful? memory and known size collection types in FP are usually linked lists you walk them recursively

Iterable Protocol


The iterable protocol allows JavaScript objects to define or customize their iteration behavior, such as what values are looped over in a for..of construct. when you define a constructor, give it this property

Let's make an Iterable

...still a linked list

  // give our type an iteration protocol
  const iterable = LinkedList()[Symbol.iterator] = () => // etc

we can make a linked list type that describes how it should be walked this makes our type "iterable"

Lazy Lists

possible infinity

Lazy Lists

What does it do?

  • Event streams
  • Websockets
  • ...essentially, unknown lengths

Loops on loops on loops

It's about Iterables and Iterators

Garrett Dawson


Loops on loops on loops It's about Iterables and Iterators Garrett Dawson @killtheliterate I've been a front-end dev of 5 years. I work at VictorOps I love JavaScript What will people discover with es2015 onwards?