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Presentation for t3chfest 2016 about my work in decide.madrid.es

On Github kikito / hacking-madrid

*** ## I. Madrid Decide ## II. OSS + Ayto ## III. Agilidad ## IV. Conclusion *** # I. Madrid Decide *** ### http://decide.madrid.es *** *** *** ### Timeline *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ## Presupuestos participativos *** *** # II. OSS + Ayto *** https://github.com/AyuntamientoMadrid/consul *** https://github.com/consul/consul *** https://github.com/AjuntamentdeBarcelona/decidim.barcelona *** *** *** *** *** *** ## #CodingMadrid *** # III. Agilidad *** *** > Make programmers happy *** ``` ruby 10.times { print "Hello" } ``` *** *** > Convention over configuration *** ``` txt . ├── app/ │   ├── assets/ │   ├── controllers/ │   ├── helpers/ │   ├── models/ │   └── views/ ├── config/ ├── db/ └── public/ ``` *** ### [@voodoorai2000](http://twitter.com/voodoorai2000) & [@xuanxu](http://twitter.com/xuanxu) *** *** ### [@otikik](http://twitter.com/otikik) *** *** ### [@decabeza](http://twitter.com/decabeza) *** *** ## YAGNI > "You ain't gonna need it" *** ## Creativity *** *** #### [John Cleese - How To Be Creative](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ0lck7oo4A) *** > Open mode for creativity, closed mode for execution *** # IV. Conclusión *** ## Mucho trabajo por hacer *** # ¿Preguntas? ***