On Github kayeouh / SVG-Fun-Profit-Talk
<line fill="#27C5C9" stroke="#27C5C9" stroke-width="4" x1="55.7" y1="100" x2="903.3" y2="100"></line>
<path fill="none" stroke="#27C5C9" stroke-width="4" d="M55.7,127.1c0.1-73.7,847.8-72.9,847.7,0.8"> </path>
<circle fill="#27C5C9" stroke="#27C5C9" stroke-width="4" cx="479.5" cy="100" r="89.6"> </circle>
<rect x="223.3" y="31.2" fill="#27C5C9" stroke="#27C5C9" stroke-width="4" width="512.3" height="137.7"> </rect>
Let's take some of these properties and put them into CSS
.curved{ fill: none; stroke: green; stroke-width: 4; }
Polygon did some amazing animations with stroke-dasharray and stroke-offset.
Snap.svg is one of many JS SVG libraries.
Here's a fancy example of Snap.svg in action!
And here's another Snap.svg example.
Courtesy of Noah Blon
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"> <path fill="#1EB287"> <animate attributeName="d" dur="3000ms" repeatCount="indefinite" keyTimes="0; .0625; .208333333; .3125; .395833333; .645833333; .833333333; 1;" calcMode="spline" keySplines="0,0,1,1; .42,0,.58,1; .42,0,1,1; 0,0,.58,1; .42,0,.58,1; .42,0,.58,1; .42,0,.58,1" values="M 0,0 C 50,0 50,0 100,0 100,50 100,50 100,100 50,100 50,100 0,100 0,50 0,50 0,0 Z; M 0,0 C 50,0 50,0 100,0 100,50 100,50 100,100 50,100 50,100 0,100 0,50 0,50 0,0 Z; M 50,0 C 75,25 75,25 100,50 75,75 75,75 50,100 25,75 25,75 0,50 25,25 25,25 50,0 Z; M 25,50 C 37.5,25 37.5,25 50,0 75,50 75,50 100,100 50,100 50,100 0,100 12.5,75 12.5,75 25,50 Z; M 25,50 C 37.5,25 37.5,25 50,0 75,50 75,50 100,100 50,100 50,100 0,100 12.5,75 12.5,75 25,50 Z; M 50,0 C 77.6,0 100,22.4 100,50 100,77.6 77.6,100 50,100 22.4,100, 0,77.6, 0,50 0,22.4, 22.4,0, 50,0 Z; M 50,0 C 77.6,0 100,22.4 100,50 100,77.6 77.6,100 50,100 22.4,100, 0,77.6, 0,50 0,22.4, 22.4,0, 50,0 Z; M 100,0 C 100,50 100,50 100,100 50,100 50,100 0,100 0,50 0,50 0,0 50,0 50,0 100,0 Z;"></animate> <animate attributeName="fill" dur="3000ms" repeatCount="indefinite" keyTimes="0; .0625; .208333333; .3125; .395833333; .645833333; .833333333; 1;" calcMode="spline" keySplines="0,0,1,1; .42,0,.58,1; .42,0,1,1; 0,0,.58,1; .42,0,.58,1; .42,0,.58,1; .42,0,.58,1" values="#1eb287; #1eb287; #1ca69e; #188fc2; #188fc2; #bb625e; #ca5f52; #1eb287;"></animate> </path></svg>