On Github katbailey / personalization-talk
Presented by Kat Bailey / @katherinebaileyandDave Ingram / @daveaingram
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Sets of different...
public static function optionsForm($agent_data) { $form = array(); // @todo For now we only support pre-configured GA experiments but we should // support creating them from the Drupal side via the Management API. $form['ga_experiment'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Experiement ID'), '#default_value' => isset($agent_data->data['ga_experiment']) ? $agent_data->data['ga_experiment'] : '', '#description' => t('The ID of the experiment that has been configured in GA'), ); return $form; }
public function getAssets() { $cx_script = 'http://www.google-analytics.com/cx/api.js?experiment=' . $this->data['ga_experiment']; return array( 'js' => array( $cx_script => array('type' => 'external'), drupal_get_path('module', 'personalize_ga') . '/personalize_ga.js' => array('type' => 'file', 'scope' => 'footer', 'defer' => TRUE), ) ); }
Drupal.personalize.agents.personalize_ga = { 'getDecisionsForPoint': function(agent_name, visitor_context, choices, decision_point, fallbacks, callback) { var decisions = {}; for (var j in choices) { if (choices.hasOwnProperty(j)) { decisions[j] = choices[j][cxApi.chooseVariation()]; _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Personalize', 'decision', j, variation, true]); } } callback(decisions); } };
class MyExperiment(SimpleExperiment): def assign(self, params, userid): params.button_color = UniformChoice(choices=['#ff0000', '#00ff00'], unit=userid) params.button_text = UniformChoice(choices=['I voted', 'I am a voter'], unit=userid) ... my_exp = MyExperiment(userid=42) color = my_exp.get('button_color') text = my_exp.get('button_text')
public static function getOptions() { $options = array(); $roles = user_roles(); foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) { if (in_array($rid, array(DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID, DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID))) { continue; } $options['role_' . $rid] = array( 'name' => t('@role role', array('@role' => ucfirst($role))), 'group' => 'Extra User Context' ); } return $options; }
public function getPossibleValues() { $possible_values = array(); foreach ($this->selectedContext as $name) { if (!preg_match("/role_(\d+)/", $name, $matches)) { continue; } $role = user_role_load($matches[1]); $possible_values[$name] = array( 'friendly name' => $role->name, 'values' => array(), ); foreach (array(0 => t('Does not have'), 1 => t('Has')) as $val => $has_text) { $possible_values[$name]['values'][$val] = t('@has the @role role', array('@has' => $has_text, '@role' => $role->name)); } } return $possible_values; }
Drupal.personalize.visitor_context.extra_context = { 'getContext': function(enabled) { var i, context_values = {}; for (i in enabled) { if (enabled.hasOwnProperty(i) && Drupal.settings.personalize_extra_context.hasOwnProperty(i)) { context_values[i] = Drupal.settings.personalize_extra_context[i]; } } return context_values; } };
Drupal.personalize.executors.show = { 'execute': function ($option_set, choice_name, osid) { var element = $('script[type="text/template"]', $option_set).get(0); var json = element.innerText; var choices = jQuery.parseJSON(json); var winner = choices[choice_name]['html']; // Append the selected option. $option_set.append(winner); } };