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Un-academic approach to functional programming using Scala

On Github kaarenilsen / un-academic

Monoids in the category of endofunctors

Kaare Nilsen

Definition functional programming?

Før vi starter med programmet for i dag.. La meg forsøke å definere hva jeg mener med funksjonell programmering:

We construct our programs using only pure functions. In other words, functions that have no side effects. What does this mean exactly? Performing any of the following actions directly would involve a side effect:

Reassigning a variable
Modifying a data structure in place
Setting a field on an object
Throwing an exception or halting with an error Printing to the console or reading user input Reading from or writing to a file
Drawing on the screen

Pure function


A function with input type A and output type B (written in Scala as a single type: A => B) is a computation which relates every value a of type A to exactly one value b of type B such that b is determined solely by the value of a.

For example, a function intToString having type Int => String will take every integer to a corresponding string. Furthermore, if it really is a function, it will do nothing else.

In other words, a function has no observable effect on the execution of the program other than to compute a result given its inputs; we say that it has no side effects. We sometimes qualify such functions as pure functions to make this more explicit. You already know about pure functions. Consider the addition (+) function on integers. It takes two integer values and returns an integer value. For any two given integer values it will always return the same integer value. Another example is the length function of a String in Java, Scala, and many other languages. For any given string, the same length is always returned and nothing else occurs.

We can formalize this idea of pure functions by using the concept of referential transparency (RT). This is a property of expressions in general and not just functions. For the purposes of our discussion, consider an expression to be any part of a program that can be evaluated to a result, i.e. anything that you could type into the Scala interpreter and get an answer. For example, 2 + 3 is an expression that applies the pure function + to the values 2 and 3 (which are also expressions). This has no side effect. The evaluation of this expression results in the same value 5 every time. In fact, if you saw 2 + 3 in a program you could simply replace it with the value 5 and it would not change a thing about your program. This is all it means for an expression to be referentially transparent—in any program, the expression can be replaced by its result without changing the meaning of the program. And we say that a function is pure if its body is RT, assuming RT inputs.

En funksjon er ikke pure om den endrer tilstand (global tilstand)

Referential Transparency

We can formalize this idea of pure functions by using the concept of referential transparency (RT). This is a property of expressions in general and not just functions. For the purposes of our discussion, consider an expression to be any part of a program that can be evaluated to a result, i.e. anything that you could type into the Scala interpreter and get an answer. For example, 2 + 3 is an expression that applies the pure function + to the values 2 and 3 (which are also expressions). This has no side effect. The evaluation of this expression results in the same value 5 every time. In fact, if you saw 2 + 3 in a program you could simply replace it with the value 5 and it would not change a thing about your program. This is all it means for an expression to be referentially transparent—in any program, the expression can be replaced by its result without changing the meaning of the program. And we say that a function is pure if its body is RT, assuming RT inputs.

SIDEBAR Referential transparency and purity An expression e is referentially transparent if for all programs p, all occurrences of e in p can be replaced by the result of evaluating e, without affecting the observable behavior of p. A function f is pure if the expression f(x) is referentially transparent for all referentially transparent x.1

In computer science, a programming language is said to have first-class functions if it treats functions as first-class citizens. Specifically, this means the language supports passing functions as arguments to other functions, returning them as the values from other functions, and assigning them to variables or storing them in data structures.[1] Some programming language theorists require support for anonymous functions as well.[2]

    import collection.mutable

    case class Person(name: String, age: Int, postCode: String)

    object HigherOrder extends App {
      val kaare = Person("Kaare", 29, "0770")
      val kjell = Person("Kjell", 30, "0770")
      val anne = Person("Anne", 17, "0770")

      val people = kaare :: kjell :: anne :: Nil

      val myndigePersoner: Person => Boolean = .age >= 18
      val ropende: (Person) => String = .name.toUpperCase

      def foreach(ps: Seq[Person])(f: Person => Unit): Unit = {
        for (p <- ps) yield {

       foreach(people){ p =>

      val eachPerson = foreach(people) _


      val myndige = people.filter(myndigePersoner).map(ropende)



Monomorphic functions

Funksjoner som bare kan operere på argumenter av en gitt type.. def numWriter(a:Int){println(a)}

Polymorphic functions

Funksjoner som kan benyttes på en flere typer

def writerA{println(a)}

def numWriterA:Numeric{println(a)}


A => A

Funksjon som returnerer samme type som den tar inn.. eksempel def inc(i:Int):Int = i + 1



A => B => C

Ta case class Person(name:String, age:Int) i repl

så en (Person(,))

så en (Person(,)).curried

Every function that takes more than one argument has a kind of normal form, called its curried form. Instead of a function taking a single tuple of n arguments, a curried function is a chain of n functions that take one argument each. For example, a function of a type like (A,B) => C can be transformed into a function of type A => (B => C). The resulting (curried) function takes the first argument of type A and then returns another function that receives the second argument of type B. The arrow (=>) in function types actually associates to the right, so the parentheses in this case are superfluous. You may often see a type like this written A => B => C. Footnote 2mThis is named after the mathematician Haskell Curry, who discovered the principle. It was independently discovered earlier by Moses Schoenfinkel, but "Schoenfinkelization" didn't catch on.

Partial application

def multiply(x:Int,y:Int):Int = x y def double:Int=>Int = multiply(2,_) println(multiply(4,4)) println(double(3))

Partial application is straightforward. It's simply the act of passing a function some of its arguments and leaving the rest unspecified. The result is a function that takes the rest of the arguments. For example:

Here we have partially applied the function by passing 2 as one of its arguments. The result is a function that multiplies its argument by 2.

Partial function

Dette ligna jo i ord iaff. Men ikke i betydning

A function works for every argument of the defined type. In other words, a function defined as (Int) => String takes any Int and returns a String.

A Partial Function is only defined for certain values of the defined type. A Partial Function (Int) => String might not accept every Int.

isDefinedAt is a method on PartialFunction that can be used to determine if the PartialFunction will accept a given argument.

Note PartialFunction is unrelated to a partially applied function that we talked about earlier. See Also Effective Scala has opinions about PartialFunction. scala> val one: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case 1 => "one" } one: PartialFunction[Int,String] = <function1>

scala> one.isDefinedAt(1) res0: Boolean = true

scala> one.isDefinedAt(2) res1: Boolean = false

You can apply a partial function. scala> one(1) res2: String = one

PartialFunctions can be composed with something new, called orElse, that reflects whether the PartialFunction is defined over the supplied argument.

scala> val two: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case 2 => "two" }

scala> val three: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case 3 => "three" }

scala> val wildcard: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case _ => "something else" }

scala> val partial = one orElse two orElse three orElse wildcard

scala> partial(5)

res24: String = something else

scala> partial(3)

res25: String = three

scala> partial(2)

res26: String = two

scala> partial(1)

res27: String = one

scala> partial(0)

res28: String = something else

Function Composition

Function Composition Let’s make two helpful functions: val addUmm: (String) => String = {x=> x + " umm"} val addAhem: (String) => String = {x=> x + " ahem"}

compose compose makes a new function that composes other functions f(g(x)) addAhem(addUmm("Yo")) val ummThenAhem = addAhem compose addUmm

andThen andThen is like compose, but calls the first function and then the second, g(f(x)) addUmm(addAhem("Yo")) val ummThenAhem = addAhem compose addUmm


F[A] => F[B]

functor is a container that allows us to apply a function to all of its elements.
trait Functor[F[_]] {
  def map[A, B](f: A => B, a: F[A]): F[B]
This one let’s us map a function over a List, which means that this functor looks like a container that allows us to apply a function to all of its elements. This is a very intuitive way to think about functors.

Applicative Functor

trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Functor[F] {
  def <*>[A, B](f: F[A => B], a: F[A]): F[B]
  def pure[A](a: A): F[A]
  override final def map[A, B](f: A => B, a: F[A]) = <*>(pure(f), a)
Hjemme alene, eller på norsk munch operatoren :) |@| i haskell er det <*>


(Semigroup er en monoid uten zero)

Semigroup er en monoid uten zero


binary associative operation

if we combine three strings by saying (r + s + t), the operation is associative —it doesn't matter whether we parenthesize it ((r + s) + t) or (r + (s + t)).
trait SemiGroup[A] {
  def append(a1: A, a2: A): A


(er også en semigroup (med zero) :))

Just what is a monoid, then? It is simply an implementation of an interface governed by some laws. Stated tersely, a monoid is a type together with an associative binary operation (op) which has an identity element (zero).

Først og fremst se på dette som et pattern. en navngitt abstraksjon om du vil


Identity (zero)

Let's consider the algebra of string concatenation. We can add "foo" + "bar" to get "foobar", and the empty string is an identity element for that operation. That is, if we say (s + "") or ("" + s), the result is always s.
trait Monoid[A] {
  def append(a1: A, a2: A): A
  def zero: A


(er også en Monoid' :))

Design pattern that allows us to create pipelines of composed functions Monad er en generell container for datastrukturerer. Den har pluss (kombinator), og en unit (zero)


A monad may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A monad must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A monad must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. err.. nei det var ikke monad lovene.....

Warm Fuzzy Thing

our biggest mistake [in designing Haskell was u]sing the scary term "monad" rather than "warm fuzzy thing". :) Simon PJ,
trait Monad[F[_]] extends Applicative[F] {
  def flatMap[A, B](f: A => F[B], a: F[A]): F[B]  

Til forskjell fra applicative functor så er rekkefølgen av sekvenseringen av komposisjonen i en monad definert

Alt dette handler om composition. SÅ disse begrepene er her egentlig bare for å gjøre ting som i utgangspuntet ikke er composable composable