On Github jwood803 / JavaScriptGCDemystified
Created by Jonathan Wood jwood@wintellect.com / dotnetmeditations.com / @JWood
Go over what the talk will be about - Introduction to the JavaScript garbage collector with emphasis on the V8 engine and some tools and techniques on how to find and solve memory issues in your web application.Numbers
var num = 12; var num2 = 2.35;
var hello = "Hello, Carolina Code Camp!"; var sub = num.substr(0, 3);
var isTruthy = true; isTruthy = false; // Oh, noes!
Email: jwood@wintellect.com Blog: dotnetmeditations.com / wintellect.com/blogs/jwood Twitter: @JWood
Presentation can be found on GitHub Demo code can be found at http://goo.gl/uI4D4