On Github jwood803 / IntroToFSharpSlides
let rec cast<'a> (myList: obj list) = match myList with | head::tail -> match head with | :? 'a as a -> a::(cast tail) | _ -> cast tail | [] -> []
let hasBalance (balance: float option) = match balance with | Some b -> printfn "Balance - %f" b | None -> printfn "No balance available"
let x = "4" match Int32.TryParse(x) with | (true, value) -> printfn "Parsed - %i" value | (false, _) -> printfn "No parsing for you!"
open FSharp.Data let deliveryData = CsvProvider<"delivery_data.csv">.GetSample()
[<Measure>] type dollar let dollarsToEuros dollars: float<dollar> = dollars * 0.74<dollar>Show this in the interactive as well as the error it can give when types don't match.