What is Varnish?
- “A web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy.”
- A piece of software that makes dynamic websites really really really fast.
- It sits between the client and the webserver and caches webpages.
Loading a webpage from Drupal
Plain ol' Drupal
User requests a URL.
Web server (Apache/Nginx/IIS) sends it to Drupal.
Drupal bootstraps and initializes the database, sessions etc.
Maps the path to a callback function, which gets the primary content.
Modules can hook into the process and extend functionality and alter the content.
The Theme System generates the HTML and applies styles it to.
Drupal returns a fully formed HTML page to the browser.
The browser renders the HTML page for the user.
Drupal with core caching
User requests a URL.
Web server (Apache/Nginx/IIS) sends it to Drupal.
Drupal bootstraps and initializes the database, sessions etc.
Maps the path to a callback function, which gets the primary content.
Modules can hook into the process and extend functionality and alter the content.
The Theme System generates the HTML and applies styles it to.
Drupal returns a fully formed HTML page to the browser.
The browser renders the HTML page for the user.
Drupal (Now with Varnish!)
User requests a URL
Web server (Apache/Nginx/IIS) sends it to Drupal.
Drupal bootstraps and initializes the database, sessions etc.
Maps the path to a callback function, which gets the primary content.
Modules can hook into the process and extend functionality and alter the content.
The Theme System generates the HTML and applies styles it to.
Drupal returns a fully formed HTML page to the browser.
The browser renders the HTML page for the user.
How does Varnish do this?
A request is recieved
Varnish determines if it should Lookup, Pass, Pipe or Error.
- Lookup = Request that could be cached
- Pass = Request cannot be cached (cookies) or should not be cached (configuration)
- Pipe = Request should be mainlined to the server (POST or similar transmition of data that should not be interupted)
- Error = Backend is down or varnish is configured to error
Assuming a Lookup, Varnish sends the request to Drupal.
Drupal does the long look up and responds.
Varnish caches a copy of that response.
- This can be from RAM or disk, RAM is highly recommended.
Request is made for the same thing
Varnish does a Lookup
- Checks to make sure the cache lifetime has not expired
Responds with its copy from RAM. (Skipping Drupal entirely)
(20,000 ft view)
Download and install Varnish
- (apt-get, yum, make/install)
Swap Apache off port 80 and put Varnish on
Adjust your configuration in the .vcl file
Install the Drupal Varnish module
- (including editing your settings.php file)
Adjust your Performance settings
Backend Probe
# Define the health check for Drupal Servers.
probe drupal_healthcheck {
.url = "/health_check.php";
.interval = 5s;
.timeout = 1s;
.window = 5;
.threshold = 3;
.expected_response = 200;
Backend Definitions
# Define the list of backends (web servers).
# Port 80 Backend Servers
backend web1 {
.host = "”;
.probe = drupal_healthcheck;
backend web2 {
.host = "”;
.probe = drupal_healthcheck;
# Port 443 Backend Servers for SSL
backend web1_ssl {
.host = "”;
.port = "443”;
.probe = drupal_healthcheck;
backend web2_ssl {
.host = "”;
.port = "443”;