On Github jweakley / triconf2014Talk
Feeding Backyard Tilapia from the Command Line
Other Than Taking Over the World
var five = require("johnny-five"), board, led; board = new five.Board(); board.on("ready", function() { // Create a standard `led` hardware instance led = new five.Led(13); // "strobe" the led in 100ms on-off phases led.strobe(100); });
five.board().on("ready", function() { var piezo = new five.Piezo(3); piezo.play({ song: [ ["C4", 1], ["D4", 1], ["E4", 1], ["F4", 1], ["G4", 1], ["A4", 1], ["B4", 1], ["C5", 1] ], tempo: 200 }); });
var five = require('johnny-five'); var songs = require('j5-songs'); five.Board().on('ready', function () { var piezo = new five.Piezo(3); // Load a song object var song = songs.load('mario-fanfare'); // Play it ! piezo.play(song); });
var five = require("johnny-five"), board, servo; board = new five.Board(); board.on("ready", function() { // Create a new `servo` hardware instance. servo = new five.Servo({ pin: 9, range: [0,160] }); // "sweep" the servo from min to max servo.sweep(); });
board.on("ready", function() { range = [0,159]; photoresistor = new five.Sensor({ pin: "A0", freq: 50 }); servo = new five.Servo({ pin: 9, range: range }); // "data" get the current reading from the photoresistor photoresistor.scale(range).on("data", function() { servo.to(Math.floor(this.scaled)); }); });