On Github jeesunikim / nodebots-for-fullstackers
Created by Jeesun Kim / @jeesunikim
An open-source computer hardware and software company Started in 2005 as a project for students at the Interaction Design institute Ivrea in Italy
Arduino Uno Breadboard LED Resistor Switch Wiresand more...
Arduino programs are written in C or C++. The necessary functions are: setup() and loop()
int switchState = 0; // from C++. Int means integer void setup() { // runs once, when the Arduino is powered on } void loop() { // runs continuously after the setup() has completed }
The JavaScript Robotics and Hardware Programming Framework.
Rick Waldron's Johnny-Five
No more C language..?
The StandardFirmata Sketch needs to run in Arduino IDE.
Install Johnny-Five using nodenpm install johnny-five
var j5 = require("johnny-five"); var board = new j5.Board(); var LEDPIN = 8; var BTNPIN = 7; var ledOn = false; board.on("ready", function(){ var led = new j5.Led(LEDPIN); var btn = new j5.Button(BTNPIN); btn.on("hit", function(){ led.on(); }); btn.on("release", function(){ led.off(); }); });
Probably not