appJar – Lesson 1 – Hello World

appJar – Lesson 1 – Hello World

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The ultimate tool for creating GUIs in Python

Lesson 1 - Hello world

Lesson 1

Hello World


Know how to create an empty GUI Know how to add a widget, specifically a label, to a GUI Know how to change the appearance of widgets

Importing the library

First, we need to import the appJar library

Create a GUI

Next, we create a gui – giving it a name (this will be shown in the title of the GUI)

And start it….

What about the widgets?

Right now, this doesn’t look like much.

We can resize it, minimize, maximize, and close it.

But it doesn't actually do anything...

So, let’s add some stuff to it!

Adding widgets

This must be done before we tell the GUI to start

So, let’s add a label:

It requires 2 parameters – a title, and some text to show.

Titles must be unique - they let us get/change widgets later

More widgets

We can add more labels, using the same command:

As long as each one gets a unique title,

GUI settings

We can change the way the GUI looks.

By changing the GUI settings – this will modify all widgets in the GUI:

Widget settings

Or, by changing individual widget settings:

Note, we use the widget's title to indicate which widget to change.


Change the FG, BG & font of all the labels Change the starting geometry Change the resizability
Lesson 2 - Hello world, again...

Lesson 2

Hello World, again...


Know how to add a button and associated function Know how to change a label's contents Know how to use global variables to keep track of stuff

Adding a button

Let's add a button to the last GUI

We need a function to call, when the button is pressed:

It must receive one parameter – the name of the button

When the button is pressed, the function will be called

Changing a widget

Now that we have a working button, let’s get it to change something on the GUI, instead of printing to the terminal.

We can simply set the label’s text to be something new:

Global variables

Global variables allow the GUI to remember things

Define them outside of a function, then change them in a function:


Get the background colour to change every time the button is pressed…. Do a countdown, close the window when it reaches 0
Lesson 3 - Login form

Lesson 3

Login form


Know how to add an entry field, capture & process input Know how to add multiple buttons, and respond to them Know how to show dialogs

Getting started

Start out by creating a GUI with:

  • Title - Login
  • BG - green
  • Font – 16
  • Label – Login Window (white FG)

Entry fields

Now, let’s add two entry fields to capture the username & password:


Finally, let’s add a function for button presses , and 3 buttons:

Note, this takes an list of Strings for the button names, but they all use the same function.


Now we simply need to code the function to respond to the buttons.

If the user presses CANCEL the GUI should close:

If the user presses RESET, the entry fields should be cleared:



Otherwise, if the user presses SUBMIT we need to check if the username/password are correct and show the relevant message. Use the following code to get the data from the entry fields:


Then we can show either an infoBox or an errorBox:

Depending on if the password if right or wrong…



Finally, you might want to change the password box to show stars instead of the password - replace the earlier addEntryLabel line with:


Add a status bar to show status… Set the focus to the correct widget each time Set functions on the entry boxes
Lesson 4 - Light bulb moment?

Lesson 4

Light bulb moment?


Know how to add images Practice handling button clicks

Getting started

Start out by creating a GUI with:

  • Title – Lights!
  • Two Buttons: On / Off
  • One Button: Exit

Remember to use addButtons for the first row and addButton for the second. They can both use the same function.

Stopping the GUI

Code the function to stop the window if the Exit button is pressed.

Adding images

Now we’re going to add an image, the library can only handle PNGs and GIFs at the moment.

This needs to be done before the buttons:

Make sure pupils have the two image files.

Changing images

The final step is to code the buttons to change the image. When the on button is pressed, the image should change to a lit bulb. When the off button is pressed it should revert back


Try enabling/disabling buttons at the right time…
Lesson 5 - Magic 8 ball

Lesson 5

Magic 8 ball


Practice adding an image Practice using dialogs for validation Practice arrays and randomization Know how to produce a sound

Getting started

The next project is a simple magic-8 ball. This has 4 rows of widgets:

  • A text entry
  • 2 buttons
  • An image
  • A Label

Getting started

So, we need to create a window (passing in a title, and also setting it so it cant be resized):

Then, we add the 4 rows of widgets (this time giving separate functions for each button):

Getting started

Do a little configuration:

And go...


Each button will now need its own function, clear will do the same as last time:

Answers & Sound

Shake will check there is a question (show an error dialog if not) then pick a random answer to show in the label:

It can also play a sound – make sure you have the wav file (the library can only play wav files at the moment).


In order for the shake function to work, you’ll need an array of answers, and to have imported random.


Try to validate the question:

Should start with who/what/why/where/when/how Should have at least 3 spaces
Lesson 6 - Simple calculator

Lesson 6

Simple calculator


Know how to add widgets to specific rows/columns and use specific column spans Know how to give more formatting to labels Practice number validation and error handling Practice mathematical operators

Getting started

For the next program, we’re going to build a simple calculator. The user types in two numbers, and then clicks the button to get the answers….

The challenge this time is to have multiple widgets on one line. To achieve this, when we add a widget, we need to specify a row and column to put the widget in.

Looking at the layout, there are three rows, the top one has 4 widgets, the next row has one widget, and the bottom row has 3 widgets

Getting Started


The row and column are simply passed as parameters after the name of the items:

We finish by putting focus in the first entry field, ready to type.


For the label, we want it to stretch across all 4 columns, so we put it in the first column (0) and pass a third number which sets how many columns to fill:

We're also going to format the label:


Finally, we add the buttons. We’re going to add them as a block, and again tell them to span 4 columns in the second row.


The program will display the result of all four basic calculations

It will also use a dialog to show the answers, if the user clicks the button.


Error messsage

Finally it will show an error message if the numbers are invalid.


Configure a function on first entry box: when enter is pressed – focus moves to the second entry box Configure a function on second entry box: when enter is pressed – the form is submitted


This slideset was created to accompany and support the Python GUI library available at