On Github janraasch / notes-curry-on-2016
Academia and industry need to have a talk.
Or rather, they just need to talk in general.
2 Min Chill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2Ulgu7HahI
Conference Website: http://www.curry-on.org/2016/
Recorded Talks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WICcSW1k3HsScuXxDrp0w
I prepared 6 slides each for one particularly interesting talk.
Then I will recommend and go over a list of even more talks.
And then there are still more talks on the website.
In the end we will decide, if we have a part 2 of this or if we continue in some other format or not continue at all: Power to the people!
Abstract: http://www.curry-on.org/2016/sessions/how-to-win-big-with-old-ideas.html
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlgVSt-WWkA
Show off REPL/ClojureScript with Mancy
Clojure is successful:
The onboard diagnostic system designed for the Boeing 737 MAX checks and reports on over 6,000 faults, giving airplane technicians and maintenance crew a critical window to the health and performance of the aircraft.
Quote from http://clojurewest.org/speakers#ddolby as mentioned by Matthias Felleisen.
Abstract: http://www.curry-on.org/2016/sessions/the-racket-manifesto.html
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cLI3GHvLOM
Uncharted: https://con.racket-lang.org/2013/
Language unites other languages like English combines different topics
How does English do it? Context?!
In every Verizon switch
Show off REPL with Dr. Racket und http://racket-lang.org/
How to divide the problem and put it back together
Abstract: http://www.curry-on.org/2016/sessions/exercises-in-programming-style.html
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlPMOszyjjo
It appears that there is no consensus on what programming is about. It seems reasonable to be so, after all it is an activity that exist for a relatively short period of time.
In this time, it changed the way we perform almost all of our other activities and it carries no smaller promises than virtual worlds and AI.
Read »Dining philosophers« out loud.
Content: https://github.com/joaomilho/what-is-programming-curry-on
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOOkc8xI06E
paradigm | ontology | knowledge | method | department
Abstract: http://www.curry-on.org/2016/sessions/its-the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it.html
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJIfPFpaMRI
Curry on, and on, and...
2 Min Chill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2Ulgu7HahI
Conference Website: http://www.curry-on.org/2016/
Recorded Talks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WICcSW1k3HsScuXxDrp0w
I prepared 3 more slides each for one particularly interesting talk.
Then I will recommend and go over a list of even more talks.
And then there are still more talks on the website.
In the end we will decide, if we have a part 3 of this or if we continue in some other format or not continue at all: Power to the people!... (AGAIN!)
Abstract: http://www.curry-on.org/2016/sessions/building-an-open-source-research-lab.html
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OHcJzJQ2Nk
Author of »Effective JavaScript«, http://effectivejs.com/.
»Worse is better« by Richard P. Gabriel, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worse_is_better
[...] there is a point where less functionality ("worse") is a preferable option ("better") in terms of practicality and usability. Software that is limited, but simple to use, may be more appealing to the user and market than the reverse.
Ed Catmull: The Hungry Beast and the Ugly Baby, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LafDex0L7FM
Unknown, creative, wild, fragile vs. organized/makin-money
Law of ecosystem: Spreading values (e.g. best practices) in the community are great invariants
Abstract: http://www.curry-on.org/2016/sessions/a-type-is-worth-a-thousand-tests.html
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1Yi-WM7XqQ
Author of »Haskell - Functional Programming Lab«, https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/haskell-functional-programming/id841285201?mt=12.
Built the first Swift app to appear on the app store.
Usually he is the Haskell-guy.
In this talk he talks about Swift's type system.
He focuses on the following two concepts: Value types & Protocols with associated types.
We will only really cover value types here.
struct Item { var name: String var done: Bool }
Avoid accidental changes of model state (value types vs. reference types)
Avoid races on concurrent threads
enum UIState { case display case editing(activeItems: [Bool]) }
Avoid inconsistent state changes
Avoid non-exhaustive transitions
Haskell/ML: These things are called immutable algebraic data types
Now, of course with everything being immutable, how can we ever change our UI?
Flow of changes explicit in code
Changes can be processed with combinators (map, fold, accumulate, and so on)
Software succeeded?
Abstract: http://www.curry-on.org/2016/sessions/notes-on-post-post-modern-modern-programming.html
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5Q7td6t-iw
Gave this talks more than 3? times.
Always the same slides.
Planes, cars, street lights
Software succeeded: Everybody who attended the first NATO conference on software engineering would say so.
Talks about history and the state or states of software engineering.
excerpt till minute 23
Interesting question from the audience at the end of the talk.
Sometimes I wonder if architects ever use CS metaphors at their conferences
Response: They do not only use these metaphors, they are turning into computer scientists.
ahh ...this is nice