On Github janraasch / developmental-breakfast-2
Prepare yourself for buzz words and name dropping.
var buzz_words = ["es6", "es7", "es2015", "modules", "react", "couchdb", "hot-code-swapping", "live-reloading", "testing", "cross devise", "cross browser", "grunt", "gulp", "webpack", "broswerify", "eslint", "jshint", "jscs", "and", "so", "on", "and", "so", "forth"] new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(buzz_words) }).then((buzz) => console.log('da latest in', buzz))- Ich werde nicht auf alles eingehen, aber ein paar Dinge, die wir auch im Couchboard verwenden. - Idee ist, auf ein paar Sachen eingehen und dann Demo-Time mit couchboard und PMTool.
powered by webpack
in some other browser tab... see you guys later...
Image is taken from Why your product demo sucks, and you're losing customers as a result blog post. Hence the connection to demo. Demo Steps: - Linting in atom. - Karma tests with watch running next to atom. Break something and fix it. - PMTool, webpack-watch: Chrome Source-Maps, Editing in Atom, Editing in Chrome. Paying homage and looking into the future (optional): - Do hot-loading demo? Maybe: https://github.com/gaearon/react-transform-boilerplate - Show: figwheel demo or elm? Gains: - Integriert sich nahtlos in bestehendes Frontend ohne irgendwelche Überkreuzungen - Testlaufzeit - Backend-independent TDD - Überall einsetzbar (by abstract render(infocards) interface) - Easy to iterate - Easy to add more goodness Pains: - Cognitive load for developer (two repos) - new/different stackahh ...this is nice