Qwerty, the coder's keyboard layout
- One keystroke to frequently used characters . / [] ; ' \
- Two keystrokes characters with easy access () {} < > :
- One keystroke to type numbers
- , . / ? are frequently used keys in vim
A brief history of vim
- Written by Bram Moolenaar
1991, v1.14 - First public release for the Amiga
1994, v3.0 - Support for multiple windows
1996, v4.0 - Graphical user interface
1998, v5.2 - Long line support, file browser, dialogs, popup menu, select mode, session files, user defined functions and commands, Tcl interface
2001, v6.0 - Folding, plugins, multi-language
2006, v7.0 - Spell checking, code completion, tabs, current line and column highlighting, undo branches, and more
2013, v7.4 - A new, faster regular expression engine
Why vim?
The best text editor is the one you know best. But...
- Vim is preinstalled on almost every OS
- Vim can be run from a terminal or with the graphical interface (gvim)
- Access to your ~/.vimrc file from github and you're ready to code
- If vim is not installed you can compile it from the sources
Vim compilation
~% mkdir src && cd src
~% hg clone https://vim.googlecode.com/hg/ vim
~% cd vim
~% hg pull && hg update
Uncommented options in ~/src/vim/src/Makefile
CONF_OPT_GUI = --disable-gui
CONF_OPT_LUA = --enable-luainterp
CONF_OPT_PYTHON = --enable-pythoninterp
CONF_OPT_RUBY = --enable-rubyinterp
CONF_OPT_FEAT = --with-features=big
CONF_OPT_COMPBY = "--with-compiledby=ytg"
CONF_OPT_X = --without-x
# Home installation?
prefix = $(HOME)
Then type:
~% make
~% sudo make install
If you change anything in the src/Makefile be sure to type:
~% make reconfig
No configuration
% vim -u NONE -N
-u {vimrc} Use the commands in the file {vimrc}...
...It can also be used to skip all initializations by giving the name "NONE".
-N No-compatible mode.
What are options?
- :h options
boolean can only be on or off
number has a numeric value
string has a string value
Setting options
:set {option}? show option value
:set {option}& Reset option to its default value
Boolean option
:set {option} switch it on
:set no{option} switch it off
:set {option}! or :set inv{option} toggle option
String or Number option
:set {option}={value} set string or number option to {value}
:set {option}+={value} add the {value} to a number option, or append the
{value} to a string option
:set {option}-={value} same as above but substract or remove
Load an alternative configuration and plugins directory
vim -u ~/.another.vimrc
set runtimepath+=~/.another.vim
Load a local vimrc file
Use a .vimrc.local file for specific configuration you need and/or don't
want to disclose on github
if filereadable($HOME . '/.vimrc.local')
source $HOME/.vimrc.local
Tabs, spaces, indentation: dead simple ;-)
A ~/.vimrc sample:
set nocompatible
" Should always have the same value for simplicity's sake "
set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
set expandtab
filetype plugin on
syntax on
" When sourcing multiple times your vimrc file "
" clear the autocommands first instead of adding them "
augroup mygroup
autocmd FileType make setlocal noexpandtab
augroup END
See a full explanation about tabs and spaces
Advanced configuration, it's take a life time
- Keep track of your ~/.vimrc file on github
- Use the option's full name in favor of the shorthand version
- Edit and source in a flash
nnoremap <leader>E :edit $MYVIMRC<cr>
nnoremap <leader>S :source $MYVIMRC<cr>
Colorschemes and eye candy
Terminal configuration
# ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc
export TERM=xterm-256color
# ~/.screenrc
term screen-256color
Colorschemes repository and viewer
Eye candy settings
# ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc
# Disable cursor blinking
# http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Configuring_the_cursor
echo -ne "\033]12;#ffffff\007"
" ~/.vimrc "
set cursorline " Highlight the cursor screen line "
set colorcolumn=80 " Draws a vertical line at column 80 "
" String to put at the start of lines that have been wrapped "
let &showbreak='↪ '
" Minimal number of screen lines to keep above and below the cursor "
set scrolloff=3
" If 't_vb' is cleared and 'visualbell' is set, "
" no beep and no flash will ever occur "
set visualbell
set t_vb=
set guicursor+=a:blinkon0 " Disable gui cursor blinking "
Buffers, windows and tabs
:help windows-intro
- A buffer is a file loaded into memory for editing
- All opened files are associated with a buffer
- There are also buffers not associated with any file
Buffers commands
:ls shows all buffers
% is the current file
# is the alternate file. Use
the CTRL-^ to toggle between the current and alternate file
:buffer :b given a full or partial name (use tab to complete) or number, edit buffer
:bdelete :bd like the above but deletes one or more buffers
:bnext :bn go to next buffer
:bprevious :bp go to previous buffer
:bufdo to run a ex command on all buffers (:bufdo %s/foo/bar/g). Set the 'hidden' option so buffers do not need to be saved
:wall :wa Write all buffers
:saveas Write to file and edit it
Buffer mappings
Mapping suggestion, courtesy of the https://github.com/tpope/vim-unimpaired plugin.
nnoremap [b :bprevious<cr>
nnoremap ]b :bnext<cr>
Prefer not to map the Tab key as CTRL-I and tab is the same in vim. CTRL-I goes forward in the jump list.
- A window is a viewport onto a buffer
- You can use multiple windows on one buffer, or several windows on different buffers
- Use the mouse to scroll, give focus and resize a window (:set mouse=a)
Windows commands
- Window commands start with CTRL-W
CTRL-W CTRL-S :split :sp Horizontally split current window in two.
The ex command can take a file argument.
CTRL-W CTRL-V :vsplit :vs Vertically split current window in two
CTRL-W CTRL-Q :q to close a window
CTRL-W CTRL-O :on to close all other window but the current window
CTRL-W CTRL-= to redimension all windows
CTRL-W CTRL-W to move the cursor clockwise from window to window
CTRL-W CTRL-(H|J|K|L) to move the cursor to the left, top, bottom or right window
:windo to run a ex command on all windows
- :h tabpage
- A tab page holds one or more windows
- You can easily switch between tab pages, so that you have several collections of windows to work on different things
:tabnew or :tabnew {file}
- :tabclose
- :tabonly
:tabNext ({count}gt in normal mode)
:tabprevious ({count}gT in normal mode)
:tabdo {cmd} execute {cmd} in each tab page
Introduces normal mode motions
:h vim-modes
Normal mode
- Default mode when the editor starts
- Movements are made from normal mode
- Pin point the location of your next change or insertion
- Use :set relativenumber
Easy up and down on wrapped long linesnnoremap j gjnnoremap k gk
zz redraws at center of window
z<cr> redraws at top of window
{operator}/foo operates from the cursor position until the search
Vim movements cheat sheet
Insert mode
- :h usr_24.txt
- Enter insert mode using: i, I, a, A, o, O, gi (Go to last insertion and switch to insert mode)
CTRL-W to delete the word before the cursor
CTRL-U to delete the line before the cursor
Use completion CTRL-N, CTRL-P to complete a word
CTRL-N, CTRL-P again to cycle forward, backward
CTRL-Y to choose the value
CTRL-E to discard the completion menu
Leave insert mode
Or, remap jk to escape:
inoremap jk <esc>
inoremap <esc> <nop>
Paste in insert mode, terminal only
:set paste
Then paste using the system's paste command
:set nopaste
This is an unoptimized workflow.
Paste in insert mode
" Inspired by https://github.com/tpope/vim-unimpaired "
" Sets paste on and set nopaste when leaving insert mode "
" using an autocommand "
nnoremap <silent> yo :set paste<cr>o
nnoremap <silent> yO :set paste<cr>O
" Disables paste mode when leaving insert mode
autocmd InsertLeave *
\ if &paste == 1 |
\ set nopaste |
\ endif
Command mode
- In this mode, you type ex commands
- Enter command mode by typing ':'
- Do it faster by remapping ; to : and : to ;
- Use the command history window q:
- Use the search history window q/
CTRL-R CTRL-W brings the word under the cursor in the command line
CTRL-R CTRL-0 brings the yanked content in the command line
Vim modes in your shell
For zsh users
# ~/.zshrc
bindkey -v
# maps jk to escape, same as in my .vimrc
bindkey -M viins 'jk' vi-cmd-mode
For bash users
# ~/.bashrc
set -o vi
# ~/.inputrc
$if mode=vi
set keymap vi-insert
"jk": vi-movement-mode
For all users
Use ctrl-z and fg to switch between the command line and vim
Visual modes
v, character visual mode
V, line wise visual mode
CTRL-V, visual bloc mode (I insert at start, A insert at end)
- Use the mouse to select character wise
- Each key combination is a toggle from visual to normal mode and vice versa
- Extend the visual selection with o and j / k
- Recall the last visual selection with gv
Text objects
:h text-objects
Text objects
- Used while in visual mode or after an operator (d, y, c...)
- The movement command operates from here (cursor position) to where the movement takes us.
- When using an object the whole object is operated upon, no matter where on the object the cursor is.
- "i" selects an "inner" object
- "a" selects "a"n object including whitespace
- "a" always selects more text than "i"
Text objects
iw, iW inner word, WORD
aw, aW a word, WORD with a leading or trailing space
ip inner paragraph, ap a paragraph including trailing space
i] or i[ inner brackets
a] or a[ inner brackets and brackets included
i) or i(
a) or a(
i} or i{
a} or a{
i> or i<
a> or a<
it inner tag, at a tag
i', i" quoted text
a', a" quoted text quotes included
Text objects examples
diw, delete inner word
daw, delete a word
diW, delete inner WORD
daW, delete a WORD
yip, yank inner paragraph
yap, yank a paragraph
cit, change inner tag
cat, change a tag
- After a visual selection
- Before a motion
- Before a text object
They can be prefixed by a count:
3yw 3cw 2dap
or the equivalent more like a phrase:
y3w c3w d2ap
When an operator is repeated, it operates on the line
dd 3yy 5>>
Operators list
yank into register (does not change the text)
swap case (only if 'tildeop' is set)
swap case
make lowercase
make uppercase
! filter through an external program
= filter through 'equalprg' or C-indenting if empty
text formatting
ROT13 encoding
shift right
shift left
count + operator + motion or text object == idioms == actions
Idioms is more or less a synonym for grammar
Marks are similar to bookmarks
m{a-z} set buffer local marks
m{A-Z} set global marks
'{a-zA-Z} go to {a-zA-Z} mark at first non blank character
`{a-zA-Z} go to {a-zA-Z} mark, preserve cursor column number
- Marks can be used as motions, v'a (visually select from here to mark "a")
'. is the last change mark
'', `` to the position before the latest jump
:marks lists all marks
Jumps are like breadcrumb navigation
- Next/prev search, paragraph, matchpair, edit file...
- Tiny movements are not jumps, hjkl, 10j, w, b
- Each window has its own jumps list
CTRL-O go to older jump
CTRL-I go to newer jump
:jumps lists all jumps
When making a change the cursor position is remembered
g; go to older change
g, go to newer change
'. is the last change mark
:changes lists all changes
Tag navigation
Uses ctags to create a tag index, functions, variables, classes, etc...
CTRL-] to jump to the first found tag
:tag {ident} same as above
g CTRL-] jump to the tag directly when there is only one match. If many matches, prompts the user for a file number.
:tjump {ident} same as above
CTRL-T, :pop jump to older tag position
:tag jump to newer tag position
:tags shows the tag stack
Tag navigation configuration
# In a shellscript somewhere
find ~/dailymotion -name .git -prune -o -name '*.php' -type f |\
ctags --PHP-kinds=cif -f ~/.vim/tags/dailymotion -L - --totals=yes
" ~/.vimrc "
set tags=~/.vim/tags/dailymotion
- A register is a storage place for strings
"a to "z are user defined registers
"A to "Z append strings to registers "a to "z
"0 is the yank register
"" is the unnamed register
"= the expression register
"_ the black hole register
:reg shows the registers list
:reg a shows the content of register a
Get from a register
"ap in normal mode
CTRL-R a in insert or command mode
:echo @a in Vimscript
Write to a register
"ayiw in normal mode
:let @a = 'foo' in Vimscript
My yank gets overwritten
The problem:
- I yanked a line and deleted a word
- When I press p, the deleted word is put into the document
- Where's the line I just yanked?
The solution:
- Use the yank register ("0) to put the last yank into the document
Yank and delete operations, the explanation
- Yank operations populate the yank ("0) and unnamed ("") registers
- Delete operations populate the unnamed ("") register
- The put command uses the unnamed register by default
- Use the yank register ("0) to put the last yank into the document
The dot command, the mini macro
. Repeat the last change.
- Repeats the last delete
- Repeats the last paste
- Repeats the last edit: A change starts when entering insert mode and stops when going back to normal mode
- Compose atomic changes to be repeatable
Recording a macro
- Going to the start of the line is good idea
qa starts recording the macro in register "a
- Make your changes...
q stops recording
:reg a shows the content of register "a
Execute a macro
@a executes a macro from register "a
@@ repeats the last macro
22@a repeats the macro "a 22 times
- Visually select lines and then :normal @a
Edit a macro
"ap pastes the macro from register "a into the document
- Make your changes by adding or removing characters
- Special charaters like Esc or Backspace can be inserted via CTRL-V{char}
0"ayg_ yanks back the new macro in register "a
- The important thing is not to include the "new line" charater in the new macro
Practice what you have learned
From this:
Enter 13
Up arrow 38
Down arrow 40
Left arrow 37
Right arrow 39
Escape 27
Spacebar 32
Ctrl 17
Alt 18
Tab 9
Shift 16
Caps-lock 20
Windows key 91
Windows option key 93
Backspace 8
Home 36
End 35
Insert 45
Delete 46
Page Up 33
Page Down 34
Numlock 144
Scroll-lock 145
Pause-break 19
F1-F12 112-123
To this:
9, # Tab
13, # Enter
16, # Shift
17, # Ctrl
18, # Alt
19, # Pause-break
20, # Caps-lock
27, # Escape
32, # Spacebar
33, # Page-Up
34, # Page-Down
35, # End
36, # Home
37, # Left-arrow
38, # Up-arrow
39, # Right-arrow
40, # Down-arrow
91, # Windows-key
93, # Windows-option-key
112, # F1
113, # F2
114, # F3
115, # F4
116, # F5
117, # F6
118, # F7
119, # F8
120, # F9
121, # F10
122, # F11
123, # F12
144, # Numlock
145, # Scroll-lock
Some commands for opening files
- vim file1 file2 file3...
:edit file or :e file
- :split file
:vsplit file or :vs file
:Explore or :Ex opens the local-directory browser on the current file's directory
- :args app/scripts/*.js
- :args app/scripts/**/*.js
:find file requires setting the path options properly (:set path+=app/scripts/**)
Opening files under the cursor
gf edit the file whose name is under or after the cursor. Set the path option properly.
:set suffixesadd=.coffee,.js if the filename's extension is omitted.
Search commands
- :h pattern.txt
/ searches forward
? searches backward
n next search
N previous search
* searches forward for word under the cursor
# searches backward for word under the cursor
Some useful search options
set incsearch " Preview as you type "
set ignorecase " Don't be case sensitive "
set smartcase " If you type a capital letter, be case sensitive "
Search pattern options
/\c{pattern} forces no case sensitivity
/\C{pattern} forces case sensitivity
/\v{pattern} enables very magic patterns ~= perl regular expressions (vim uses ~= posix regular expressions by default)
/\V{pattern} enables very no magic patterns == literal search
/{pattern}/e puts the cursor at the end of the match
Grep the code
- % git grep foo
- Copy the interesting filename, remember the line number
- % fg
- :e filename
- Eventually search foo again
- This is an unoptimized workflow
Grep the code with vim
- :set grepprg=git grep -n $*
- :grep foo
- Navigate matches with the builtin quicklist
:cn go to next match, open the file if needed and puts the cursor on the line matching the pattern
:cp go to previous match
- If you run :grep several times, use :colder and :cnewer to navigate through older/newer grepped code
Use the global command
- :g/re/p
- :g/re
- :g/re/d
:g/console.log/d to remove all debug statements in one command
Search and replace
- :h :s
- % is the range, here it means the whole file. Can be 5,14 or '<,'> the last visual selection
- g means every occurence on the line
- c prompts the user for an action
Use the dot command to search and replace
* finds the next word under the cursor
- cw{replacement}
- n.
- n.
- n.
- etc...
Search and replace in all buffers
:bufdo %s/foo/bar/g
- :h map
- :h key-notation
- :map {lhs} {rhs}
- Use mode maps n, i, v
- Always use noremap
" save file whether in insert or normal mode "
inoremap <leader>s <c-o>:w<cr><esc>
nnoremap <leader>s :w<cr>
A tiny bit of VimL a.k.a Vimscript
Code sample: a toggle tab function
" Toggles between the active and last active tab "
" The first tab is always 1 "
let g:last_active_tab = 1
nnoremap <leader>gt :execute 'tabnext ' . g:last_active_tab<cr>
autocmd TabLeave * let g:last_active_tab = tabpagenr()
Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
unite, unite-outline fuzzy find any source (files, tags, buffers, windows, tabs, menu, mru files, lines, ...)
delimitMate, insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets, etc...
surround.vim, quoting/parenthesizing made simple
The nerdtree, a tree explorer plugin for vim
The nerdcommenter, a plugin for commenting
fugitive.vim, a Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
CamelCaseMotion, CamelCase and under_score motions
snipMate, TextMate-style snippets for Vim
vim-trailing-whitespace, Highlights trailing whitespace in red and provides :FixWhitespace to fix it.
Gundo, Graph your Vim undo tree in style
The official site and mailing lists
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