On Github impatient / es6-tech-taco-tuesday
Scott Dillender (@smimp)
Interest in this after listening to some Javascript Jabber episodes on it Mention your version grunt traceurES6 is the result of years long work by the TC39 standards body (Comprised of representatives from various tech companies)
We're finally to a point where all of the major browsers will be on a relatively frequent release cycle.
With features added in ES5, most of the features in ES6 can be implemented with a polyfill or with some clever code rewriting.
If you're creative/masochistic, you may already have some of these. Of course, it's probably very verbose.
Rest Parameters - Syntactic Sugar
function rest(a, ...b) { console.log(a,b); }; function unrest(a,b) { console.log(a,b); } function restEnd(primaryFunction) { return function() { var argSize = arguments.length; return primaryFunction.call(this, arguments[0], [].slice.call(arguments,1) ); } } restEnd(unrest)(1,2,3,4); rest(1,2,3,4);
Proxy - New Functionality
var a = Proxy({}, { get: function() { console.log("get arguments", arguments); }, set: function(obj, prop, newVal) { console.log("Calling set with ", arguments); obj[prop] = newVal; } }); a.eek = 'bam'; Returns: "Calling set with " Arguments {0: Object, 1: "eek", 2: "bam", 3: Object, 2 more…}
Generators - Borderline
var numberator = function*(base) { while(base < 4) { yield ++base; } return ++base; }; //Array comprehension var eek = [for ( x1 of numberator(-5)) if(x1%2 === 0 ) x1]; console.log(eek);
var numberator = $traceurRuntime.initGeneratorFunction(function $__22(base) { return $traceurRuntime.createGeneratorInstance(function($ctx) { while (true) switch ($ctx.state) { case 0: $ctx.state = (base < 4) ? 1 : 5; break; case 1: $ctx.state = 2; return ++base; case 2: $ctx.maybeThrow(); $ctx.state = 0; break; case 5: $ctx.returnValue = ++base; $ctx.state = -2; break; default: return $ctx.end(); } }, $__22, this); });
The One With the Kitchen Sink
//arrow + destructuring + default params var fibNext=({last=0,current})=>{ return last + current}; var gen = function *(...two ) { //generator + rest params var [last,current] = two; //destructuring var next = fibNext({last,current}); //shorthand object syntax while(next < 1000) { next = fibNext({last,current}); [last, current] = [current,next]; //destructuring yield next; //yield keyword (for generators) } } for(let z of gen(0,1)) { //generator + let var q = [ for (n of gen(...[0,1])) if (n=== z) n ] //iterators + array comprehension + spread operator console.log(\`Runtime complexity ${q}\`); //string templating } export gen //modules
The One with the Long Distance Relationship
class HttpResolver { //class constructor({url, method, data}) { this._xmlHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); this._promise = new Promise(this.resolve.bind(this)); //context is important here es5 this._xmlHttpRequest.open(method, url); this._xmlHttpRequest.send(data); } getData() { return this._xmlHttpRequest.responseText; } resolve(resolve,reject) { this._xmlHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = () => { if(this._xmlHttpRequest.readyState==4 && this._xmlHttpRequest.status==200) { resolve(this.getData()); } } this._xmlHttpRequest.ontimeout = () => { throw new Error('timeout'); } } get promise() { return this._promise; } //get modifier (Use .promise instead of .promise() es5 }
class JSONResolver extends HttpResolver { //extends getData() { return JSON.parse(super.getData()); } } var request = (options) => { //arrow function var {url, method, data, Resolver} = options; return new Resolver({url,method,data});//shorthand object creation }; //thanks to openstreetmap for the easily accessible cors api. var act = request({ url: 'http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/api/4/search/by_keyword?query=fire&page=1&rp=10', method:'get', Resolver: HttpResolver }); var act2 = request({ url:'http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/api/4/search/by_keyword?query=fire&page=1&rp=10', method:'get', Resolver: JSONResolver }); act.promise.then((data) => console.log(typeof data)); act2.promise.then((data) => console.log(typeof data));
The One Where Phoebe Forgets Something
var wm = new WeakMap(); var m = new Map(); var s = new Set(); (function() { var c = {'not':'me'}; m.set(c,{'o':'k'}); wm.set(c,{'o':'k'}); s.set(c); console.log(wm.get(c)); } )() wm.has(m.keys().next().value); s.has(m.keys().next().value); //ES6 Spec..an ECMAScript implementation must not provide any means to observe a key of a //WeakMap that does not require the observer to present the observed key.
class Parent { constructor(eek) { this.eek = eek; } height(h) { if(h) { this.h =h;} else { return this.h; } } }
class Child extends Parent { constructor() { super(10); } height(h) { super.height(h); this.h2=h; } static defaultKid() { var toBe = new Child(); toBe.height(32); toBe.name = 'Shakespeare'; return toBe; } }