On Github hybridgroup / preso-iotworld-2015
var Cylon = require("cylon"); Cylon.robot({ connections: { arduino: { adaptor: "firmata", port: "/dev/ttyACM0" } }, devices: { led: { driver: "led", pin: 13 } }, work: function(my) { every((1).second(), my.led.toggle); } }).start();
var Cylon = require("cylon"); Cylon.robot({ connections: { beaglebone: { adaptor: "beaglebone" } }, devices: { led: { driver: "led", pin: "P9_12" } }, work: function(my) { every((1).second(), my.led.toggle); } }).start();
var cylon = require('cylon'); cylon.robot({ name: "brewer", connections: { edison: { adaptor: 'intel-iot' }, mqtt: { adaptor: 'mqtt', host: 'tcp://' } }, devices: { lever: { driver: 'button', pin: 2, connection: 'edison' }, fault: { driver: 'button', pin: 4, connection: 'edison' }, pump: { driver: 'direct-pin', pin: 13, connection: 'edison' }, start_pump: { driver: 'mqtt', topic: 'start_pump', connection: 'mqtt' }, start_fault: { driver: 'mqtt', topic: 'start_fault', connection: 'mqtt' } }, work: function() { var that = this, pumping = false, served = 0, dgram = { name: "Four", event: "online", details: "dispenser", drink_id: 0, dispenser_id: 4 }; that.lever.on('push', function() { console.log('lever'); that.mqtt.publish('start_pump'); }); that.fault.on('push', function() { console.log('fault'); that.mqtt.publish('start_fault'); }); that.start_pump.on('message', function(data) { if (!pumping) { pumping = true; that.pump.digitalWrite(1) dgram.drink_id++ dgram.event = "online"; that.mqtt.publish('pumped', JSON.stringify(dgram)); setTimeout(function() { that.pump.digitalWrite(0); pumping = false; }, 2000); } }); that.start_fault.on('message', function(data) { dgram.event = 'error'; that.mqtt.publish('fault', JSON.stringify(dgram)); }); } }).start();
var cylon = require('cylon'), request = require('request'); cylon.api({ host: "", port: "8080", ssl: false }); cylon.robot({ name: 'hq', connections: { mqtt: { adaptor: 'mqtt', host: 'tcp://' }, pebble: { adaptor: 'pebble' } }, devices: { gcs: { driver: 'mqtt', topic: 'gcs', connection: 'mqtt' }, pump: { driver: 'mqtt', topic: 'pump', connection: 'mqtt' }, fault: { driver: 'mqtt', topic: 'fault', connection: 'mqtt' }, drone: { driver: 'mqtt', topic: 'drone', connection: 'mqtt' }, pumped: { driver: 'mqtt', topic: 'pumped', connection: 'mqtt' }, pebble: { driver: 'pebble', connection: 'pebble' } }, commands: function() { var that = this; return { pump: function() { that.mqtt.publish("start_pump"); }, fault: function() { that.mqtt.publish("start_fault"); } }; }, work: function() { var that = this, brewmachine = "https://brewmachine.herokuapp.com/drinks"; that.pump.on("message", function(data) { that.mqtt.publish("start_pump"); }); that.pumped.on("message", function(data) { request.post(brewmachine, { form: JSON.parse(data) }); that.pebble.send_notification("Customers served: " + JSON.parse(data).drink_id); console.log("Customers served: " + JSON.parse(data).drink_id); }); that.fault.on("message", function(data) { request.post(brewmachine, { form: JSON.parse(data) }); that.pebble.send_notification("There was a fault!"); console.log("There was a fault!"); }); that.drone.on("message", function(data) { request.post(brewmachine, { form: JSON.parse(data) }); that.pebble.send_notification("Message from drone: " + data.toString()); console.log("Message from drone: " + data.toString()); }); that.gcs.on("message", function(data) { request.post(brewmachine, { form: JSON.parse(data) }); console.log(data.toString()); }); } }).start();
... commands: function() { var that = this; return { pump: function() { that.mqtt.publish("start_pump"); }, fault: function() { that.mqtt.publish("start_fault"); } }; }, ...
var cylon = require("cylon"); cylon.robot({ name: "gcs", connections: { joystick: { adaptor: "joystick" }, ardrone: { adaptor: 'rolling-spider', uuid: '276ca7b527984c289e72c5f0daf9ddfa'}, mqtt: { adaptor: "mqtt", host: "tcp://" } }, devices: { controller: { driver: "dualshock-3", connection: "joystick" }, drone: { driver: "rolling-spider", connection: "ardrone" } }, work: function() { var that = this; rightStick = { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }, leftStick = { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }, dgram = { name: "gcs", dispenser_id: 34, drink_id: 0, event: "available", details: "drone", }; that.drone.trim(); that.mqtt.publish("gcs", JSON.stringify(dgram)); that.controller.on("circle:press", function() { that.drone.frontFlip(); dgram.event = "delivery complete"; console.log(dgram); that.mqtt.publish("gcs", JSON.stringify(dgram)); }); that.controller.on("square:press", function() { that.drone.takeOff(); dgram.event = "en route"; console.log(dgram); that.mqtt.publish("gcs", JSON.stringify(dgram)); }); that.controller.on("triangle:press", function() { that.drone.hover(); }); that.controller.on("x:press", function() { that.drone.land(); dgram.event = "available"; console.log(dgram); that.mqtt.publish("gcs", JSON.stringify(dgram)); }); that.controller.on("right_x:move", function(data) { rightStick.x = data; }); that.controller.on("right_y:move", function(data) { rightStick.y = data; }); that.controller.on("left_x:move", function(data) { leftStick.x = data; }); that.controller.on("left_y:move", function(data) { leftStick.y = data; }); setInterval(function() { var pair = leftStick; if (pair.y < 0) { that.drone.forward(validatePitch(pair.y)); } else if (pair.y > 0) { that.drone.backward(validatePitch(pair.y)); } if (pair.x > 0) { that.drone.right(validatePitch(pair.x)); } else if (pair.x < 0) { that.drone.left(validatePitch(pair.x)); } }, 0); setInterval(function() { var pair = rightStick; if (pair.y < 0) { that.drone.up(validatePitch(pair.y)); } else if (pair.y > 0) { that.drone.down(validatePitch(pair.y)); } if (pair.x > 0) { that.drone.clockwise(validatePitch(pair.x)); } else if (pair.x < 0) { that.drone.counterClockwise(validatePitch(pair.x)); } }, 0); setInterval(function() { that.drone.hover(); }, 10); } }).start(); function validatePitch(data) { var value = Math.abs(data); if (value >= 0.1) { if (value <= 1.0) { return (Math.round(value * 100.0) / 100.0) * 100; } else { return 1.0 * 100; } } else { return 0.0; } }