08. Dezember 2013 Falco Hirschenberger
Ok, alles klar? Fertig.
Also wie geschaffen für unsere Inspektionssysteme
Also nichts für unsere Algorithmiker
% read a file {ok, Data} = file:read_file("/home/masc/ofiProtokoll.rst"). % sum up the size of all PNG files in a directory recursively. filelib:fold_files("/home/masc/images", "*.png", true, fun(File, Acc) -> filelib:file_size(File) + Acc end, 0). % call function every second timer:apply_interval(1000, io, format, ["Hello World"]).
% send a message to another process in the same VM graph_runner ! {run_graph, [Img1, Img2]}, % send a message to a process on another computer {masc@worker1, graph_runner} ! {run_graph, [Img1, Img2]}, receive {result, ResultImg} -> ResultImg end.
-module(evaluate). -export([do_evaluate/4]). do_evaluate(Img, FromPid, No, Width) -> T1 = now(), Graph = load_graph(graph_file), case graph_runner:run_graph(Graph, [Img, Width, 1]) of {results, Res} -> % notify the collector of a new result FromPid ! {new_result, Res, No}, lager:info("Graph time: ~p", [timer:now_diff(now(), T1)/1000]); {error, R} -> lager:error("Evaluation error: ~p", [R]), % notify the collector of an evaluation error FromPid ! {error, R, No} end.
Eshell V5.10.3 (abort with ^G) 1> Txt = "Hallo" ++ " Welt". "Hallo Welt" 2> Txt = Txt ++ "!". ** exception error: no match of right hand side value "Hallo Welt!"
Eshell V5.10.3 (abort with ^G) 3> lists:foldl(fun(N, Acc) -> N + Acc end, 0, lists:seq(1,100)). 5050