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Meteor Devshop 10 talk

On Github glasser / oplog-talk

Making Mongo Realtime

Oplog tailing in Meteor

David Glasser

Meteor DevShop 10, 2013-Dec-05

Meteor makes realtime the default

When data changes in your database, everybody's web UI updates automatically without you having to write any custom code.

How the Meteor realtime stack works

  • The server runs its publish function, which typically returns a cursor
Meteor.publish("top-scores", function (gameId) {
  check(gameId, String);
  return Scores.find({game: gameId},
    {sort: {score: -1}, limit: 5, fields: {score: 1, user: 1}});
  • The server watches the query in the database and observes its changes
  • When changes happens, the server sends DDP data messages to the client
  • The client updates its local cache
  • Changes to the local cache cause Meteor UI to re-render templates
the alien technology that kicks all this off is how we got the change from the DB in the first place and how we can do this at scale. that's what i want to talk about. that thing is called observeChanges. you don't usually see it.

observeChanges makes Mongo a realtime database

observeChanges is a brand new API in Meteor's Mongo client interface.

handle = Messages.find({room: roomId}).observeChanges({
  added: function (id, fields) {...},
  changed: function (id, fields) {...},
  removed: function (id) {...}
  • observeChanges executes and calls the added callback for each matching document
  • It continues to watches the database and notices when the query's results change
  • When the results change, it calls the added, changed, and removed callbacks asynchronously
  • This continues until you call handle.stop()

observeChanges supports all Mongo queries

  • Meteor turns the full query API of a real database into a live query API
  • No more custom per-query code to monitor the database and see when it changes
  • It's our job to make observeChanges as efficient as possible for as many queries as possible


  • Run a query over and over, and compare the results each time
var results = {};
var pollAndDiff = function () {
  var oldResults = results;
  results = {};
  cursor.forEach(function (doc) {
    results[doc._id] = doc;
    if (_.has(oldResults, doc._id))
      callbacks.changed(doc._id, changedFieldsBetween(oldResults[doc._id], doc));
      callbacks.added(doc._id, doc);
  _.each(oldResults, function (doc, id) {
    if (!_.has(results, id))
setInterval(pollAndDiff, 10 * 1000);

When do we re-run the query?

  • Every time we think the query may have changed: specifically, any time that the current Meteor server process writes to the collection
  • Additionally, every 10 seconds, to catch writes from other processes

Benefits of poll-and-diff

  • Code is short and correct
  • Writes from the current process are reflected on clients immediately
  • Writes from other processes are reflected on clients eventually

Drawbacks of poll-and-diff

Cost proportional to poll frequency: number of polls grows with the frequency of data change Cost proportional to query result size: Mongo bandwidth, CPU to parse BSON and perform recursive diffs, etc Latency depends on whether a write originated from the same server (very low) or another process (10 seconds)

Optimizations to poll-and-diff

Infer that a write does not affect an observe, then skip the poll. (eg, when both the write and the query specify a specific _id.) Query de-duplication: if multiple connections want to subscribe to the same query, use the same poll-and-diff fiber for all of them.

Oplog tailing

The Mongo oplog

  • MongoDB replication uses an operation log describing exactly what has changed in the database
  • You can tail the oplog: follow along and find out about every change immediately

Using oplog tailing for observeChanges

We're going to let the database tell us what changed

Oplog tailing, conceptually

Scores.find({game: "carrom"}, {sort: {score: -1}, limit: 3, fields: {score: 1, user: 1}})

Run the query and cache:

{_id: "xxx", user: "avital", score: 150}
{_id: "yyy", user: "naomi", score: 140}
{_id: "zzz", user: "slava", score: 130}

Oplog says:

{op: "insert", id: "www", {game: "skee-ball", user: "glasser", score: 1000}}

Ignore it: does not match selector.

Oplog tailing, conceptually

Scores.find({game: "carrom"}, {sort: {score: -1}, limit: 3, fields: {score: 1, user: 1}})

Cache is:

{_id: "xxx", user: "avital", score: 150}
{_id: "yyy", user: "naomi", score: 140}
{_id: "zzz", user: "slava", score: 130}

Oplog says:

{op: "insert", id: "aaa", {game: "carrom", user: "glasser", score: 10}}

Ignore it: selector matches, but the score is not high enough.

Oplog tailing, conceptually

Scores.find({game: "carrom"}, {sort: {score: -1}, limit: 3, fields: {score: 1, user: 1}})

Cache is:

{_id: "xxx", user: "avital", score: 150}
{_id: "yyy", user: "naomi", score: 140}
{_id: "zzz", user: "slava", score: 130}

Oplog says:

{op: "remove", id: "ppp"}

Ignore it: removing something we aren't publishing can't affect us (unless skip option is set!)

Oplog tailing, conceptually

Scores.find({game: "carrom"}, {sort: {score: -1}, limit: 3, fields: {score: 1, user: 1}})

Cache is:

{_id: "xxx", user: "avital", score: 150}
{_id: "yyy", user: "naomi", score: 140}
{_id: "zzz", user: "slava", score: 130}

Oplog says:

{op: "update", id: "ccc", {$set: {color: "blue"}}}

This is a document not currently in the cursor. This change does not affect the selector or the sort criteria, so it can't affect the results. Ignore it!

Oplog tailing, conceptually

Scores.find({game: "carrom"}, {sort: {score: -1}, limit: 3, fields: {score: 1, user: 1}})

Cache is:

{_id: "xxx", user: "avital", score: 150}
{_id: "yyy", user: "naomi", score: 140}
{_id: "zzz", user: "slava", score: 130}

Oplog says:

{op: "update", id: "xxx", {$set: {color: "red"}}}

This is a document in the cursor, but it does not affect the selector, sort criteria, or any published fields. Ignore it!

Oplog tailing, conceptually

Scores.find({game: "carrom"}, {sort: {score: -1}, limit: 3, fields: {score: 1, user: 1}})

Cache is:

{_id: "xxx", user: "avital", score: 150}
{_id: "yyy", user: "naomi", score: 140}
{_id: "zzz", user: "slava", score: 130}

Oplog says:

{op: "update", id: "ddd", {$set: {game: "dominion"}}}

This is a document not currently in the cursor. This change is to a field from the selector, but it can't make it true. Ignore it!

Oplog tailing, conceptually

Scores.find({game: "carrom"}, {sort: {score: -1}, limit: 3, fields: {score: 1, user: 1}})

Cache is:

{_id: "xxx", user: "avital", score: 150}
{_id: "yyy", user: "naomi", score: 140}
{_id: "zzz", user: "slava", score: 130}

Oplog says:

{op: "update", id: "xxx", {$set: {user: "avi"}}}

Invoke changed("xxx", {user: "avi"}).

Cache is now:

{_id: "xxx", user: "avi", score: 150}
{_id: "yyy", user: "naomi", score: 140}
{_id: "zzz", user: "slava", score: 130}

Oplog tailing, conceptually

Scores.find({game: "carrom"}, {sort: {score: -1}, limit: 3, fields: {score: 1, user: 1}})

Cache is:

{_id: "xxx", user: "avi", score: 150}
{_id: "yyy", user: "naomi", score: 140}
{_id: "zzz", user: "slava", score: 130}

Oplog says:

{op: "insert", id: "bbb", {user: "glasser", game: "carrom", score: 200}}

Matches and sorts at the top!Invoke added("bbb", {user: "glasser", score: 200}) and removed("zzz").

Cache is now:

{_id: "bbb", user: "glasser", score: 200}
{_id: "xxx", user: "avi", score: 150}
{_id: "yyy", user: "naomi", score: 140}

Oplog tailing, conceptually

Scores.find({game: "carrom"}, {sort: {score: -1}, limit: 3, fields: {score: 1, user: 1}})

Cache is:

{_id: "bbb", user: "glasser", score: 200}
{_id: "xxx", user: "avi", score: 150}
{_id: "yyy", user: "naomi", score: 140}

Oplog says:

{op: "update", id: "eee", {$set: {score: 500}}}

This matches if "eee" has game: "carrom". We have to fetch doc "eee" from Mongo and check.If it does, invoke added("eee", {user: "emily", score: 500}) and removed("yyy"). Otherwise, do nothing.

Minimongo on the server

  • In order to process the oplog, we need to be able to interpret Mongo selectors, field specifiers, sort specifiers, etc
  • This was not the case for poll-and-diff
  • Fortunately, Meteor already can do this: minimongo, our client-side local database cache!
  • When moving minimongo to the server, we need to be very careful that we perfectly match Mongo's implementation, even in complex cases (nested arrays, nulls, etc)
  • Synchronizing between the "initial query" and the oplog tailing is very subtle


  • Running benchmarks with various high write loads
  • Benchmark with lots of inserts and few updates: 10x more connected clients
  • Benchmark with lots of updates: 2.5x more connected clients
  • Goal: Scale Meteor so that the DB is the limiting factor
  • Bottleneck: Mongo server CPU/bandwidth
    • Can fix by reading from Mongo replicas
    • More unimplemented heuristics

On devel today!

  • Oplog tailing for an initial class of Mongo queries in the next release
  • Other classes of queries will be supported by 1.0
  • Current implementation runs automatically for dev-mode meteor run and can be enabled in production with $MONGO_OPLOG_URL
  • Works with Galaxy!
Mention Arunoda.


Any questions?