On Github ghalley / CSSDevConf2015
by Gabriel Halley
Former star-liner cruise ship
Troop transport in WWII
Haunted Ship
Multiple museum-like exhibits
Best used for user controls, logos, icons, and illustrations.
(when devs and designers play nicely)
I've only used it for data viz (d3, highcharts)
Opening keynote focused on designers exporting clean code in SVG objects
Use simple shapes instead of paths (where practical)
Combine paths if not animating them seperately
But you can play with it here: www.cubic-bezier.com
Start them early, update them often
Provide devs scalable and accessible code early in the dev cycle to empower them.
Animations can be really, really effective.
Only when used in ways that make sense
Pay attention to some basic animation principles (from Disney animation)
Natural-looking animations are most effective
They model familiar things
Choreograph animations consistently
Turn them into a language that has meaning
(as soon as they're supported by a browser)
(any browser)
The new CSS spec is out and reviewable, though still being edited.
Have opinions, and state them as such:
"I think this is..." vs. "This is..."
Cuts down on heated discussions when preference is the perception
Be open to new information
It could change your mind!